Home > Ruthless Rookie (Cocky Hero Club)(15)

Ruthless Rookie (Cocky Hero Club)(15)
Author: Rachel Leigh

I drop my face in my hands and tell him the rest, not wanting to see his expression. “He showed up at Glasson a couple days ago and I told him I was a temporary assistant.”

“You what?” he spits out, finally saying something.

I uncover my face and shriek as I look at him. “Yeah. I did. He works there and I’ve run into him every day since. I also think I have a small crush on him. Even if he is this mysterious guy who wants nothing to do with me.”

Robby calls the bartender over and orders up another drink for him and a shot for me then turns all of his attention back to me. “Only you, Mira. Only you. How? Why? What?”

“The morning after our...night, I was sneaking out and he asked my name. I didn’t think I’d ever see him again, so I just gave him a name and left. How was I supposed to know he’d show up at my dad’s office as a new hire?”

Robby digs his fingertips into his eyeballs. “Ok, so is this guy still staying here? I need details. Is he hot?”

“Excuse me, sir. You have a boyfriend.”

“Not for me! For you! It’s about time you get yourself back into the dating game.”

My head shakes. “Never gonna happen. Everything I’ve ever said to this guy is a lie. Besides, he hates the Glasson name. He’s only working there because it was his first job offer in the area. Eventually, he’ll be gone. And yes, he’s still staying in the hotel.” My eyes sweep the room, body tensing at the possibility of seeing him at any given moment.

“Well, I’m a little pissed that you ditched me for a guy the other night, but I’m even more pissed that I don’t get to have a look at him to slap my stamp of approval.”

I chuckle. “There will be no need for a stamp of approval. There is nothing between us. Every time I see him, I feel like he can’t get away from me fast enough. And did you not hear me when I said that he hates the Glasson name?”

Robby thanks the bartender and slides her a twenty when she brings his drink. “Keep the change, sweetheart.” He takes a drink. “Mmm, that’s good. Luke and I have been on a health kick and he’d shit his pants if he saw me drinking all this sugar.” He sets his drink down and wipes his damp hands on his blue jeans. “Who cares what he thinks about the Glasson name? It’s only because he doesn’t know your family, yet. Once he does, he’ll love you all as much as anyone else who knows you. Come on, he can’t be dumb enough to believe everything he reads in the papers.”

I take the other shot that Robby ordered for me and then decide to go with something lighter. “Could I get a glass of white wine, please?” I ask the bartender.

I’m looking over Robby’s shoulder when I see him. I nudge Robby’s leg with my knee, a little too hard. Being that oblivious person that he is, he squeals. “Hey, what’d you do that for?”

“Shh,” I whisper. “Behind you.” He goes to turn, but I grab him. Sawyer hasn’t spotted me and I’m not so sure I want him to now. The tequila has my head in a fog and I’m not sure I’d be able to refrain from saying or doing something I might regret. “Subtly, Robby, subtly.”

Robby yawns, stretches his arms up and turns, as if he’s cracking his back. He spins back around to me quickly with his mouth agape. “No fucking way! Girl, he is smoking hot. Look at those legs. Mmm! And, that jawline.” He bites the corner of his lip and leans forward, invading my space. “If I were single and he were gay, I’d be pouncing like a tiger.” He draws his hands up and mimics a cat with claws.

I laugh. “Shh. He’s going to hear us and look this way.”

“Wait. What’s your name? What did you tell him? If he comes over here, I need to be able to go along with it. Unless, of course, you’re ready to be upfront and honest. I highly recommend honesty. Don’t need a repeat of the past.”

“No!” I huff, “I’m not telling him the truth. He’d never forgive me and he’d definitely hate me. He wasn’t so kind when it came to Mira Glasson.” I’m still watching him as he stands by the bathrooms, talking on his cellphone, wearing his jogging attire again. Although it looks like a different pair of shorts and this time, it’s a solid grey t-shirt that hugs even tighter to his delicious arms.

Robby snaps his fingers in my face, stealing my attention. “Name. Hurry.”

“Oh, right. It’s Mia.” My cheeks blush pink. “Mia Bluff.” I grab my glass of wine and down half of it. The warmth pools in my belly.

Robby throws his head back and laughs, very loudly. He’s bypassed buzzed and is headed straight for drunk. I’m not sure how many drinks he had before I got here, but it’s enough for the all-too-familiar Robby high-pitched laugh to unleash.

I want to reach over and pinch his leg to make it stop, but it’s too late. One glance at Sawyer and ours eyes meet. Something sizzles in the space between us. He eats up said space and comes toward us. I can feel the heat in each step. My heart races and my palms begin to sweat.

“I’d say I’m surprised, but I’m not really. You really are a regular here, aren’t you?” He smiles, baring his all-white teeth. I want to lick the tip of my tongue across them before seducing his mouth with my own.

Oh, shit. I think I’m drunk, too.

“Robby, this is Sawyer. Sawyer, Robby.” The guys exchange a handshake and Robby starts talking about Glasson. Now, I don’t only want to pinch him, I want to slap him. Or even knock him out. Because Sawyer will know I was talking about him to Robby. How else would Robby know that Sawyer is a new hire at Glasson? Fuck.

I have to interrupt this conversation before Robby ruins everything. “Going for a jog?” I ask Sawyer before taking another drink of my wine. This time, not gulping but appearing a little more ladylike with my booze. I’m not sure why I feel like I need to impress this guy all of sudden.

“Yeah. Then I was thinking about going to watch the fireworks show at the pier later. They any good here?”

“The best,” Robby emphasizes. “In fact, Mir…Mia and I were planning to go watch them, too. You’re welcome to join us.” His knee nudges mine as my jaw pops from grinding my teeth so hard. Now, I don’t only want to pinch him, I feel the sudden urge to murder him.

“Um, sure. Why not?” Sawyer responds with a shrug of his shoulders. He seems less than thrilled and it only makes me feel all the more humiliated.

I guess it won’t be too bad. At least, Robby will be there. “Looks like we’ve got a plan then.”

“Oh, darn.” Robby picks his phone up off the bar and looks at it. “I forgot Luke and I have dinner plans. He’s actually picking me up in about five minutes. Time sure does fly when you’re having fun. But, you two go, and enjoy.”

Yep. I’m going to kill him.

Sawyer looks at me. “I guess it’s just me and you.”

Does that make this a date? I’m definitely drunk.

“Perfect. If you want to meet down here in say, an hour, we can just walk over,” I tell him while giving Robby a death glare.

Sawyer gives Robby a wave before taking a few steps backward. “Nice to meet you.”

Robby checks him with a snap of his finger. “You, too, man.”

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