Home > Ruthless Rookie (Cocky Hero Club)(3)

Ruthless Rookie (Cocky Hero Club)(3)
Author: Rachel Leigh

The bartender smiles with her palms pressed to the bar. “Actually, it’s already been taken care of.”

“Darn Robby,” I mutter as I stuff my wallet back into my bag. “I knew he’d pay for it.”

“Actually, it wasn't your friend. It was the other gentleman.”

I look around, wondering who she is talking about. The lounge is completely empty now, aside from me, and Robby, who’s still in the bathroom.

The bartender goes into the back and just as I grab my phone to drop it in my bag, a brush of air hits the lobe of my ear, bringing strands of hair in front of my face. I sweep them away, but I freeze when I sense the presence of someone behind me. I don’t turn around as the smooth, yet gruff sound of a man’s voice infiltrates my senses. “You’re welcome.”

I spin around on the stool, bumping the stranger’s legs with my knees. I tip my chin to get a better look at his face in the dim light of the room. His eyes are just as dark as they were while watching me from across the bar. There’s a small stubble of black hair on his cheeks. The scent of bourbon and cedarwood roll off him and it makes me dizzy, in a good way. “Thanks.” I prop my elbows on the bar behind me.

He bites the corner of his lip with a crooked smile and just stands there like I’m expected to drop to my knees in gratitude. Oh, my god. That’s it. My cheeks begin to feel hot and I’m not sure if it’s the alcohol or the fact that my blood has reached its boiling point. “You have me pegged wrong, Mister. I’m not a prostitute.” I brush him to the side and stand up, ready to take flight and get as far away from this creep as possible.

“Woah, woah, woah, never said you were. Never even thought it,” he retorts, though I don’t look back. I just keep walking toward the hall to the bathrooms at the back of the lounge. “It was simply a kind gesture to a beautiful girl.”

I bite the corner of my lip, fighting back a smile.

Is he following me?

He is. I can smell him. Seductively sweet and tempting. My thighs clench together, feeling a bit of a thrill in the chase. It’s been so long since I’ve been lusted after, and maybe it’s the booze, but the warmth coursing through my entire body is pleasing. I smile inwardly and as soon as we reach the ladies’ bathroom, I turn around to face him, then slap my hand to the door, pushing it open. Once I’m inside, I take a step back, watching it slowly close before flying open again. My hair sweeps with the wind. I bunch it to one side, wearing a flirtatious grin on my face. My insides sizzle with desire as his eyes pierce mine. Something about his gaze is unsettling in the best way possible.

In a matter of seconds, strong hands are gripping my ass and scooping me up. My legs wrap around his torso as my back crashes into the wall. I draw in a fulfilling breath of the masculine air surrounding me. My god, he feels so good between my legs.

My panties dampen in response to the closeness as our mouths crash together, two complete strangers tearing into each other piece by piece. His palm presses to the far wall as he holds me up with his other hand.

We make out like horny teenagers for what feels like several minutes, until he pulls back slightly, yet still close enough to share my breath. My feet hit the ground and his fingers sweep gently across my cheek, pushing my hair out of my face. His touch ignites something inside of me, something more than the kiss elicited. It’s a feeling I haven’t felt in so long -- one I want to consume me.

“Come back to my room,” he mutters into my mouth, his lips ghosting mine.

“I…” My words trail off, bringing his lips back to mine. I shouldn’t. I can’t let my guard down again. Last time, it almost destroyed me. Then there’s Robby. He’s probably out there waiting for me.

I went to France with the intention of turning over a new leaf. But, my god, this man tastes so good, like the sweetest sin. It’s just one night and I’ll never see him again.

“Ok,” I choke out as my response. I’ve made so many bad choices, what’s one more?

Bracing myself on the stranger in front me, I straighten out my navy-blue t-shirt dress. “Are you staying in the adjoined hotel?”

“I am,” he responds point-blankly. A crescent smirk parts his lips. He takes my hand in his and leads me out the door.

When I don’t see Robby, I crouch low at the stranger’s side, hiding myself beside his tall and muscular frame to avoid being seen. We walk to the end of the hallway where there’s an exit that leads into the connected hotel.

Robby will assume I called for a ride and left. I’ll get a hold of him tomorrow and apologize.

Holding his hand, I’m led through the lobby of the hotel to an elevator. I don’t say a word, just stare straight ahead at the doors as we wait for them to open. Once they do, we step inside simultaneously. I rack my brain, trying to think of something to say to start a conversation, but just as I go to speak, his hands are around me again and I’m back up against a wall—only this time, it’s one in an elevator.

Our mouths collide, his tongue tangling with mine in a sloppy, yet satisfying kiss. I can feel his hard cock hit my hipbone and it sends a wake of shivers mixed with excitement down my spine. Bending my head back, I look up at the reflection of us in the mirrored ceiling of the cubical-sized elevator. Warmth coats my belly as tingles part my thighs, begging for his touch between them.

I’m not even aware that he’s walking us backward until the elevator doors close behind us. He continues to suck on the thin skin of my neck, moving down my collarbone and hitting nerves that turn me on even more. My dress rides up to my waist as my ass is put on display for anyone who might pass us—yet I couldn’t care less.

All I can focus on are these strong arms around me and the way this guy makes me feel. A guy I don’t even know. That’s the beauty of it—no strings attached, no past coming back to haunt me. It’s been so long since anyone has made me feel this desirable. I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve and fall far too easily for any man with a beating heart. But not this time. This time, it’s simply about satisfying sexual needs.

Still holding me up with one hand while cupping my ass with his back pressed to the door, he reaches into his pocket and retrieves a key card. There’s a beep before he stretches his arm behind him and turns the handle. The door comes open and we step inside. It slams shut behind us and reality sets in. This is happening.

I’m pretty sure he just kicked off his shoes, but I can’t be certain. Either way, I rid myself of mine.

There’s a sliver of moonlight shining through the parted blinds, but it’s the only light offered to us. My feet hit the floor and the stranger’s fingertips glide up my dress, bunching the bottom as his hands sweep upward, pulling the dress over my head. I take it upon myself to rid him of his shirt in the same manner. My fingers flow featherlike down his rigid and toned chest coated in black hair.

I draw in a breath when he pops the button of his pants and the weight of them falls to his feet. My eyes dip downward and I bite my lip when I see his cock sticking straight out. It’s not disappointing in the least. My thighs clench together in anticipation of it entering me. God, it’s been so long and I need this. No relationship, no friendship. Just one night and I’ll never see this guy again.

The man of few words finally speaks with a raspy and lust-filled voice. “You’re so fucking sexy.” His fingers slide gently down either side of me, leaving behind a trail of goosebumps. Moving to my back, I arch as he unclasps my bra, letting it slide freely down my arms until I shake it off. I’m not sure where it went, and I have no interest in finding out—not now at least.

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