Home > Lifeline(16)

Author: Michelle Heard

I take a sip of the beer, casually glancing at JJ. Most of the men in the bar have their eyes glued to her ass, covered in nothing more than a slip of denim, the skirt way too fucking short. Her tank top’s see-through, exposing the red bra she has on.

Fuck, she looks sexy.

JJ’s burrowed her way under my skin and deep into my heart.

So fucking deep.

I don’t even bother lying to myself anymore. I love her more than life itself. But I keep my feelings for her buried deep, not wanting to fuck with what we have.

My gaze turns back to Hoxha and Kurti. They’re celebrating something, four girls sitting at their sides. It takes another twenty minutes before the men are drunk as fuck.

“Now,” I mutter.

“Breaching,” the chief replies.

JJ and Rossi leave the dartboard and make their way toward the two Albanians. Feeling calm from years of doing this job, I get up, and reaching behind my back, I pull out my Glock.

Kurti locks eyes on me, and the next second he darts up, his weapon coming into view as the chief and Finch rush into the bar, yelling, “FBI.”

Patrons start to scream, and bodies move, causing a moment of chaos. I don’t have a clear view of the Albanians until some of the people move out of the way.

Seeing Kurti’s barrel trained on me, my hand flies up, but it’s too late. A body slams into my side, and I lose my footing as two shots ring through the establishment.

I get a face full of blond hair before JJ pushes away from me, her gun trained on the table where Hoxha and Kurti are.

My eyes dart toward Kurti, only to see him lying on the floor, sputtering through his last breath. Finch drops down beside the Albanian, starting CPR while Rossi and the chief subdue Hoxha, who’s shouting obscenities.

Slowly, I climb to my feet, taking in the scene.

Chief locks eyes with me then nods toward JJ. “Get JJ out of here.”

JJ’s face is pale as fuck as she glances back at me, her breaths exploding from her lips. Then I notice she’s looking past me. I follow her line of sight and see the hole in the wooden panel right where I was standing.

She just saved my life.

I’ve had close calls before, but they never lessen the shock – the bitter taste of almost meeting my maker.

JJ’s eyes are impossibly huge as she turns her head back to Kurti. Knowing what’s coming, I set my own shock aside and dart forward. I grab hold of JJ’s shoulders and drag her out of the bar.

The moment we’re outside, I take her weapon, and it’s just in time as she pivots to the side. Retching, her bare knees hit the pavement hard. I quickly tuck the guns behind my back, and crouching next to her, I gather her hair away from her face. She’s fucking shaking like a leaf in a shit storm.

Local cops flood the scene, emergency lights painting the walls of the building in blue and red.

Placing a hand on JJ’s back, I murmur, “You did the right thing. Okay?”

My words get through to her, and she nods. Her body shudders hard as she sits back, and the second a sob tears from her, I grab her to me, sitting flat on my ass and pulling her against my chest.

“You saved my life, JJ. You did what had to be done.” As her first kill rocks her to her core, I hold her tighter. It fucking guts me seeing her like this, and I wish I could turn back time and take the shot for her.

JJ reigns in her emotions with an iron fist, quickly calming down. Before I’m ready to let go of her, she pulls back, using her palms to wipe her face clean of the tears. “You have my gun?”

Reaching behind me, I take hold of the weapon and hand it back to her.

“You okay?” I ask, my eyes searching her pale face.

She nods, then finally meets my gaze. Instantly, her chin begins to tremble, and I lift a hand, gently cupping her cheek. A smile curves around my lips, because with her saving my life, it will take death to separate me from this woman. We’re linked by the love I feel for her, our partnership, and now her saving my life.

She fucking owns me.

The moment between us intensifies, our eyes locked. Every inch of my being wants to tell her I’ve fallen in love with her, but the words never leave my lips. Instead, I say, “You saved my life. Thanks.”

JJ nods again, struggling to keep from crying. “Of course. You’re my ride or die.” She lets out a chuckle, the sound in total contrast with the heartbreaking expression on her beautiful face. “Besides, I owed you for when you saved my ass on my first day.”

“We’re keeping count?” I ask, tilting my head to keep eye contact with her.

Her shoulders slump as a wave of emotion crashes over her. A breath shudders from her lips, her chin trembles, and it makes me want to tuck her so fucking deep into my heart that our job can’t touch her.

Moving my hand behind her neck, I pull her back against my chest. “Let’s get through our work. Okay? Can you hold it together for a couple of hours?”

JJ sucks in calming breaths. “Yeah.” She pulls back again, this time climbing to her feet. “I’m good.”

I get up from the hard ground. “Don’t leave my side.”





Walking into the house, I toss my keys on the kitchen counter.

“JJ?” Lindsay calls out. A moment later, she comes into the living space. “Oh hey, Daniel.”

Lindsay’s eyes lock on me, then a frown shoots to her forehead. “What happened?”

I never share anything work-related with Lindsay, wanting to protect her from the fucked up world we live in. “Just a bad day. How was your exam?”

“Good. All the studying paid off.” The look of concern doesn’t leave Lindsay’s face until I smile at her.

“You heading to bed?” I ask while I start making coffee. Knowing I won’t be able to stomach anything, I only take one cup from the cupboard.

“Yes. Night, guys.”

O’Brien moves closer to me, and placing his hand over the cup, he says, “G’night, Lindsay.”

When my sister walks back to her room, O’Brien’s hand leaves the cup and lifts to my face. I close my eyes when his fingers take hold of my chin, nudging my face up.

“Look at me,” he instructs, and not able to deny him a single damn thing, my eyes open. They lock on his dark ones, filled with a world of understanding.

Whatever he sees on my face has him wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me down the hallway to my bedroom. He shuts the door behind us, and not switching on the light, his arms engulf me.

The moment I’m tucked against his chest, the guilt overwhelms me.

I killed a man.

I press my face to his shirt, smothering the cry as it rips through me. Wrapping my arms around him, I grip fistfuls of his shirt and hold onto him as if he’s my lifeline.

He is.

I cling to the man I just killed for, and even though I know I’d do it again, it doesn’t lessen the guilt weighing a ton on my soul.

“I’ve got you,” O’Brien whispers before pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “It’s a bitch taking your first life. I’m sorry it had to happen.”

I nod, burrowing closer to him, just wanting his strength to envelop me.

Over the past seven months, my infatuation and admiration for O’Brien turned into a love so profound I’d die if I ever lost him. Every second I get to spend with him is a blessing I don’t take for granted.

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