Home > Not Happening Again (Navarro Triplets #2)(20)

Not Happening Again (Navarro Triplets #2)(20)
Author: A.M. Madden

“You should get that tattooed across your tits, Jersey.”

I growled at him… legit growled like a psychopath.

And he laughed at me.


We freakin’ did it again… on my couch!

All it took was a strategic kiss on my neck and a whispered offer against the shell of my ear to have me fold like a cheap lawn chair.

And then, for good measure, he ate my pussy one more time before he left, bragging on the way out that he was one up on me in the orgasm count. If that weren’t enough, when my door buzzed not ten minutes later and I assumed it was him, a huge bouquet of red roses arrived for my birthday. A tiny card tucked into the arrangement caught my eye, and I pulled it out of its sleeve to read:


This bastard continued to send confusion rumbling through me no different from an earthquake, leaving my emotions in shambles.

What game was he playing?

I truly didn’t get it. The sweet gesture of making me breakfast or even sending me flowers didn’t jibe with his reputation. No way was Nate Navarro a romantic at heart, and if this was just a way to manipulate me to his advantage, why go through the trouble?

Having said all that, I’d never had better sex in my entire life. So much so, the legitimate fear I had of selling my soul to the devil made me want to shrug and say, “Meh… who cares.”

I searched my phone for the most recent call and saved his contact. I then purposely waited an hour to text him, eliminating the chance he’d about-face it back to my place.

The flowers are beautiful, but you didn’t need to do that. Thank you. x

Dots bounced on my screen before his reply came:

It was my pleasure, Jersey… as was pleasuring you.

That comment caused me to glance at the island, and an intense tingle erupted between my legs.

“Grrr,” I said in frustration, stalking toward my bedroom to rectify the situation. There I was, in the middle of the day, using my BOB while remembering Nate. It took no more than three minutes to climax, and afterward I yearned for him even more.

Nonetheless, writing wasn’t going to happen. Except for daydreaming about him like a starstruck teenager, I got nothing done. That was when I left my apartment in search of some good female therapy, which only my bestie could provide. I didn’t bother calling first, and showing up on a Sunday afternoon, knowing Max was home, may have been insensitive, but this was an emergency.

When I stepped out of the elevator, she stood in wait. “What happened?”

“I can’t stop having sex with him!” I said in a harsh whisper. Pushing past her, I threw my bag on the table and rambled, “I’m such an idiot. The first time I was all like, ‘It’s not happening again.’ And then I let it happen again, and again, and again, and—”

“Please spare me the details.” Jade raised a hand. “I get the point.”

“No. You need to hear it, because I need someone to talk me off this ledge.” My attention caught on the faint cry coming from down the hall. “Can Max hear us? I don’t want him to know this.”

“Doubtful, and I doubt Nate won’t be telling him anyway.” A huff of air as an argument earned me a grin, which earned her a growl. Grabbing my hand, she dragged me out onto the spectacular balcony and slammed the door behind us. “Okay, tell me.” She folded her arms, amusement on her pretty face.

“This is freaking me out, Jade. I can’t get involved with a man like Nate Navarro. I simply can’t. Having said that, I can’t stop screwing him! His presence is like an anesthetic that numbs my logic, and his sexual skills keep me anesthetized for hours afterward. He sent me flowers for my birthday! Red roses!”

“Hmm… as I recall, when Max did that for me the day after we met, you came to his defense.”

“Because it had nothing to do with me,” I droned on with little emotion. “This is messing me up. I haven’t written anything of substance since that damn auction. Janis is not happy and not meeting my deadlines is only part of it.”

I filled Jade in on the lunch date when we ran into Nate. With Jade in Miami last week, I hadn’t had a chance to until now. It was only then I finally got a different reaction from that smug smile she’d been sporting. “Noooo.”

“Yes! I’m having sex with my agent’s soon-to-be-ex-husband’s lawyer!”

“Oh boy… okay, don’t panic. You said he’s fine with it.”

“But am I?” I shook my head in defeat. “I’ve made a mess of things… but it’s also your fault.”

“How exactly is it my fault?” she yelped.

“You must stop leaving me alone in New York. Clearly, I’m not capable of making rational decisions. Please tell me what to do.” I wasn’t sure if it was the desperation in my voice, the shimmer of emotion in my eyes, or that it finally hit my friend that this situation was truly messing me up, but she finally realized the gravity.

After taking my hand in hers, she said, “Okay. Here’s the deal: it’s just sex, Aim. You are the most unapologetic woman I know. Combined with the fact that Nate Navarro isn’t the forever type, there’s nothing wrong with a consensual adult relationship. And although I truly believe you will find the love of your life someday, until then there is nothing wrong with you enjoying yourself, provided you keep your heart out of it.”

“You’re right. I’m not looking for a long-term relationship. It’s nothing but sex… the best sex ever, but still only sex.”

“Exactly.” She regarded me for a pause. “Look, he’s my brother-in-law. Aside from being a lawyer, I have nothing in common with Nate. What I will say is that he’s generous and supportive. He’s an amazing uncle to my son—” She nodded at my incredulous expression. I had never really seen Nate interact with his nephew. “I’m telling you, seeing him with Michael will have your ovaries combust… but I digress. Nate may be a complicated man when it comes to emotions, but he’s also very up front with everything he does in life. He tells it like it is. Ask him what he wants out of this and have that be your decision maker.”

“It’s obvious what he wants.”

“Is that what you want?”

“Not if it screws up my life in the process. For every happy relationship you throw in my face, I can throw two back at you that became a mess. Look at my mother. Granted, it wasn’t deceit or an emotional about-face that created her heartbreak, but I consider death no differently than if a man purposely sets out to break my heart. Actually, it’s worse. You make your life all about the man you love more than anything in the world, only to lose him without warning. I’m perfectly content avoiding it all.”

“Yeah, I don’t believe you,” she said. I went to open my mouth, but she raised a hand. “Hold on. I stand behind all I said about Nate, and I do really want to warn you off him. Yes, he can be a prick, and you know I don’t want you getting hurt. But he can also be very kind, and sincere, and even sensitive. He’s a lot like you.” I felt as though Jade had raised a metaphorical mirror to my face as she added, “I love you two enough to hope maybe you would change for each other in the best of ways. You both deserve to find an epic love, especially since you’re equally hell-bent on avoiding it.”

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