Home > The Broken One(54)

The Broken One(54)
Author: Brittney Sahin

And now, here they were in front of a magnificent place that looked like something straight from Beauty and the Beast. But the alarming events that had transpired earlier that night were still playing out in her mind despite the fairy-tale setting.

She had to admit it was charming, made even more so by the patches of pristine white snow clinging to the shrubbery and coating the ground. Ella guessed the place was several hundred years old and had maybe been a small chateau in its prime before it’d been restored and modernized here and there over the years.

“It’s beautiful, even in the dark. I can’t wait to see it in the morning,” Savanna said wistfully as Griffin reached across the console for her hand. “They’re still watching us, though, right? We ditched the tracked SUVs, but someone has eyes in the sky, don’t they?”

“More than likely.” Griffin looked back at Jesse, who didn’t make eye contact, so he focused on Savanna. “Hard to ditch a drone, but swapping vehicles and taking a longer route to get here was more about losing a possible tail from the, well, bad guys.”

Oh, true. Ella hadn’t considered that possibility. She also wasn’t overly concerned that French Intelligence probably had eyes on them right now, even if they had used her as bait, luring her straight into danger for whatever reason.

But the French and CIA wouldn’t just let them get slaughtered by this Chechen, whom she still knew nothing about, would they? If he tried to attack them again, she had to believe the intelligence agencies would surely swoop in with air support or something. “So, you think if this, um, Chechen was having us tailed, you were able to throw them off?” And what about Zoran? Where was he, and did he still fit into the picture of problems?

“We did our best to shake off anyone on the ground,” was all Griffin said, which prompted Ella to lean closer to the window and scan the starry sky.

“At what point are you going to fill us in on what’s going on, and who this scary-sounding Chechen is?” Ella asked, probably for the fifth time since they’d left the Rochella estate.

“I think it’s best we all talk when we’re together in the same room.” Griffin twisted in his seat and peered at Ella. “Gray updated his dad and A.J. on the situation before we left Paris though.”

“Oh. Well, at least someone knows what’s going on,” Ella said when Griffin gave her an apologetic look. “Sorry, I’m a ball of nerves. I didn’t mean to be pissy.” But then she couldn’t help but ask, “Did A.J. lose his mind when you told him what happened tonight? Is he okay?”

Had A.J., or well, maybe Beckett, hit a few walls at the news of this new problem? The Chechen?

She’d love to talk to her brother, but the guys had taken her phone and powered it off in Paris to prevent it from being used to track their location. Savanna’s as well.

“I imagine A.J. handled the news as any brother would,” Griffin replied. “But the Hawkinses need to beef up security in light of the additional threat. Rory and Chris as well.”

“You said Zoran most likely wouldn’t come after my family since that’s not his style, but this, um . . . Chechen might?” Ella asked, noticing Jesse shift on the seat, obviously uncomfortable by the fact that his best friend and sister were going to need more protection because of what was happening.

“According to Carter, anyone is fair game when it comes to that man, so we’ll need to bring additional support to Alabama to watch over everyone there,” Griffin responded, still keeping his comments vague-ish about this “man” that the guys clearly feared more than Zoran. “Jack’s motioning for us to come,” Griffin tossed out a moment later.

“Wait,” Jesse said, and Ella startled at his sudden command. “Let me get the door for you. I want to have your six as we walk in.”

Have my six? Her eyes locked on to him as he exited the vehicle and prowled around the front of the SUV with the grace of a panther. Upon opening her door and helping her step out, he quickly escorted her toward the side door where Jack waited for the four of them.

“You okay?” Savanna whispered to Ella as she came up beside her. “I am, but I’m not, if that makes any sense. Just trying to keep as calm as you were back in the safe room. You know, be optimistic that everything will work out.”

Savanna really was an optimist, especially since she’d met Griffin because, with his help, everything had worked out when she’d found herself embroiled in trouble. She’d even found love again because of that danger. Ella wasn’t so sure things would work out the same for her. It was hard to maintain any level of optimism when there was a man out there gunning for them, especially a man that even Carter seemed to fear.

“I’m feeling a bit broken, to be honest,” Ella quietly confessed. “Just last week, I was opening Christmas presents with my family, and today I’m in France being chased by psychopaths.” When Jesse momentarily stopped walking, she realized he’d overheard her.

From her peripheral view, she spied Jesse’s focus fall to the rifle held securely in his grip before clearing his throat and moving forward again.

The broken one. That’s how Jesse thought of himself, and she hadn’t meant for her words just now to hurt him or for him to think he’d “rubbed” off on her.

“I have to believe we’ll be okay. We’re strong, Southern women, remember?” Savanna’s confidence had definitely been renewed with Griffin back at her side, that was for sure.

“Right.” Ella managed a quick smile, then followed Jack into the common living space.

Some of their bags were already in the room, and Ella spotted one of her suitcases. Carter and his teammates had inspected their luggage for tracking devices while still in the trunks of the three SUVs before they’d even left Rochella’s and ditched those vehicles.

She removed the jacket Jesse had placed over her shoulders back at Henry’s estate and set it on one of the loveseats by the fireplace. Maybe she had time for a shower and clean clothes? Of course, answers were all she really wanted right now.

Carter was balancing a laptop on his palm when he strode toward her and Jesse. “I know you want answers. But why don’t you wash up first. We have some more calls to make.” A mind reader as well as mysterious, huh?

“I think that’s a good idea,” Griffin said, looking at Savanna and placing a hand on her back. “Come on, you too. I’ll take you to one of the rooms.”

“You’re not leaving my sight.” Jesse’s deep, authoritative tone stopped Ella in her tracks just as she was about to reach for her suitcase. He set down his rifle and removed his vest, then unstrapped a metal-looking plate he’d had on over his shirt. “Let’s go.” He didn’t take off the sidearm strapped to his thigh or the one holstered at his hip. And where was that knife he’d been so handy with? Would he have used that on Henry had she given him that “one minute”?

But he didn’t hurt him. He did that for me, she reminded herself.

Jesse grabbed one of the suitcases Ella had packed back in Bama, then directed her toward the staircase with a tilt of his chin.

Ella was about to follow orders, but at the sight of Sydney kneeling and searching a bag, she paused. “I didn’t get a chance to thank you, Sydney.” She waited for Sydney to look up at her. “You risked your neck for us.”

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