Home > The Broken One(91)

The Broken One(91)
Author: Brittney Sahin

He pointed to Jesse’s left hand, and Jesse lowered his focus to try and figure out what he was getting at.

“Your ring. It ain’t there,” A.J. remarked, his tone firm. “Why not?”



Chapter Forty



Ella removed her apron, the red one with white letters that spelled out Roll Tide, her alma mater, and sighed when her focus snagged on the bare ring finger of her left hand. She’d felt silly wearing the beautiful engagement ring and wedding band since they weren’t actually married. And since Jesse had never put his band back on . . .

“They’ll be okay.” Her mom approached from behind and gently gripped the sides of Ella’s arms.

Okay was a relative term, but as Ella looked out the window over the sink at Jesse and Beckett standing across from each other and talking, she hoped okay meant Beckett would forgive Jesse. But based on the way her brother just slapped his Stetson to his jeaned thigh and stabbed the air, she wasn’t so sure.

“I don’t know if Jesse’s parents will be okay though.”

“You know the whole story now? Jesse’s mom knows the other stuff that happened?” Ella turned, surprise ripping through her.

Jesse had talked to Rory last night and filled her in on the truth about their dad, but he’d opted not to tell his mom, deciding why ruin her happiness?

“Yeah, I know everything now. Donna kicked Sean out last night.”

What, the, what?

“Rory was pissed, as she should’ve been. And from what I learned from Donna, she barely stopped Rory from slugging Sean.” Ella’s mom shook her head. “Donna was understandably upset to discover she’d been unaware of how horrible Sean had been to Jesse all those years. She blames herself.”

Another reason why Jesse hadn’t wanted her to know. He didn’t want his mother to feel guilty.

“You forgive Jesse for everything that happened, right?” Ella swallowed the uncomfortable lump down her throat as she studied her mom.

“He worked for the government. It’s not like he was that John-something-or-other character.” She waved a dismissive hand in the air, and Ella grinned at the fact her mom knew about the famous movie, John Wick.

A movie I watched to learn more about Jesse. She wanted to face-palm herself for doing something so ridiculous.

“Your brother’s work is just as dangerous. Maybe more. A.J. thinks I’m a clueless fool who believes his BS story that he’s just a bodyguard.” Her mom faked a laugh. “Sure, sure.”

Well, damn.

“But let’s not tell your father. He doesn’t need the stress.” Her mom shrugged and then snatched two glasses and poured them some Riesling. “So.”

“So.” Ella smiled and took a sip of the fruity white wine, doing her best not to look out the window again, to not worry her brother would remain forever mad at Jesse.

“I’ve been doing some thinking,” her mom began, “and I believe, despite what happened with Rochella, you should pursue fashion. Even if it’s only a hobby, you have real talent, sweetheart. And your designs should be shared with the world.”

Oh, okay. Well, that wasn’t where she’d expected the conversation to go. “Funny you say that because . . .” Ella sidestepped her mom and grabbed her phone from the counter. “You’ll never believe who reached out today.” She opened her Instagram account and clicked on her latest follower, Elizabeth Rochella. “Henry’s mother learned what her son did, as well as the trouble he’d gotten himself into, and she’s decided not to step down in June as planned.”

“What are you saying?” Her mom grinned ear to ear as Ella set her phone back down.

“Elizabeth’s interested in my designs. Offered to hire me.”

“Wow.” She took a large gulp of wine.

Ella shrugged as if it were no big deal. “I told her no. And then she attempted to buy my silence, obviously worried I’d share what happened with her son to the media.”

Her mom’s eyes widened. “What’d you say?”

“I was about to say no to the bribe, but the kids really do need new tablets and a better playground.” Ella smirked. “She made a generous donation to the school after our call today.”

“Ella Mae, that’s my girl.” Her mom winked and took another sip of wine. “But what about fashion?”

Ella stole a quick look out the window before answering. “I may start taking it more seriously. Just in the summertime when school’s not in session,” she said as Savanna and Rory joined them in the kitchen.

“How are they doing?” Rory glanced toward the window over the sink, and Ella pivoted to the side to put eyes on her brother and Jesse. At least Beckett’s hat was back on his head, and no punches were being thrown.

“Beckett is growly and grumpy,” her mom began, “but beneath that tough exterior, he’s a softy.”

“Softy? Ha.” Savanna slapped a hand to her mouth. “Sorry, but I’m pretty sure he’s the male version of . . . well, Sydney, since they’re both parents.”

“Sydney?” Yeah, maybe, Ella decided. Both strong and protective of their kids. And if Ella hadn’t had a chance to have a little one-on-one time with Sydney on the train during which she’d surprisingly opened up a bit, Ella wouldn’t think there was a soft bone in that woman’s body. But like Beckett, there appeared to be more beneath the surface.

“Sydney is the pretty blonde from Falcon Falls? The one Beckett couldn’t take his eyes off at your fake wedding?”

Oh really? And, uh . . . to the fake part.

“That’s her,” Savanna answered for Ella while circling the large kitchen island to stand next to her as Ella’s mom began pouring glasses of wine for Rory and Savanna. “You and Jesse are officially together, right?”

As soon as they’d come home, her plate had been full of so many things to deal with that she hadn’t had a chance to catch up with Savanna and Rory and fill them in on the “Ella and Jesse” story.

Ella fixed her attention on her wineglass and swirled the light gold liquid around. “I think so.”

“Think so?” Rory whispered as if Ella had said something offensive.

“As long as you two don’t follow the pattern in romance books . . .” Savanna let her words trail off like Ella was supposed to know what she was talking about. “By that, I mean allow something or someone to come between y’all around the seventy-or-so percent point if you were characters in the book. Or fall into some drama of miscommunication. In other words, do something stupid that keeps you apart.”

Ella looked at Savanna to see her swiping a hand through the air.

“Roger that.”

The sound of Jesse’s deep voice, laced with a bit of amusement, made Ella’s heart skip wildly as she quickly turned to where he stood at the threshold of the open back door, his eyes set on her.

“I won’t do anything stupid, I can promise you that.” Jesse’s voice grew deeper as Ella studied her man.

He had on a gray sweater-coat, and the popped collar framed his jawline. His hair was much shorter now, though still sexy, but at that length, it almost looked brown, and she was digging the look.

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