Home > Gorgeous Misery (Creeping Beautiful #3)(40)

Gorgeous Misery (Creeping Beautiful #3)(40)
Author: JA Huss

Nick. He wants Nick.

“That’s right. You know what I want.”

And now the whole mental delusion disappears. The shitty farmhouse is gone and everything around me is just black. “Wake me up. Wake me up now!”

“I don’t think so. I like you… still. I watched you for about a week, Wendy. You’re kinda dangerous.”

“Says the asshole who’s inside my mind.”

“It’s pretty good, right? I guess that’s why this Adam guy wants me. Do you know Donovan?”

I don’t answer him. Instead my mind flips back through time to training sessions with Chek when I was a kid. He told me about what these Company PSYOPS men could do, but it was all theoretical. There were no more PSYOPS agents in the Company to do defensive training with when I was growing up. Nonetheless, Chek was pretty thorough with his lessons. At least I thought he was. But this mental prison Merc has locked me in? Yeah. No one told me about this shit. I don’t know what to do.

“All you have to do is answer me, Wendy. Don’t bother fighting it. You’re talking, sweetheart. None of your thoughts are private right now. You just said all of that out loud. You’ve been saying everything out loud. I heard your whole story. All those touching moments with Nick and Lauren. Christmases and birthdays—

Fuck. He’s good.

“I’m very good. The best there is. And not just because I’m the last one left, either. Why do you think I’m still alive and the rest of them are dead?”

Well. If I were in charge of defunding the Company PSYOPS program, I’d have taken this asshole out first.

Merc laughs. “You’re kinda fun, Wendy. It’s been a long time since I fucked with someone like this. Looooong time. But I’m in a serious mood at the moment. People are popping back up in my life and I’m quite pissed off about that. I had a deal when I left. Kinda. I mean, no one really knew about this deal except for me, but there was an understanding, you see. They leave me the fuck alone, I leave them the fuck alone. But then I’m just kicking back at the pool last week and all of a sudden, names start spillin’ out a friend’s mouth. I don’t know any of these names, but you do, right? You know who Adam is, right? So we’re gonna start with him, because I give no fucks about that guy. He wants to get a hold of me, fine. I’ve got nothing against introductions. Who is Adam, Wendy?”

I don’t wanna answer.

“I know you don’t, sweetie. But you’re already answering. And I’m not interested in hearing your complete internal monologue. We’ve been stuck on your relationship issues for two days now. Let’s get past that shall we? Focus, please. Who is Adam?”

“He runs the Company.”

“OK. But how did this happen? Last I heard, the Company fell almost a decade ago.”

I snort-laugh.

“That’s funny?”

“That’s very funny.”


“Well, I don’t know you, but I’ve heard of you. So I know you were an ancillary part to that whole FBI black ops takedown in Kansas. I wasn’t in Kansas, I was part of the Florida operation with Johnny Boston.”

“OK. What’s this all about?”

“The Bostons? They handled the Company money-laundering.”

“Not the Bostons. I know who the Bostons are. What’s that got to do with Kansas, Wendy?”

“It all went down at the same time. When Sasha was killing…”

“You can say it. I already know he’s alive. We really are at his house right now.”


“Focus. While Sasha was killing whoever the fuck that guy was out in Kansas, you were…?”

“I was hooking up hidden cameras inside an estate crawling with Company elite so we could keep an eye on the kids we had to leave behind.”

He pauses here, maybe thinking about that. What I just said isn’t a lot of information and if he has no context, it doesn’t make much sense to him.

“You’re right. I don’t know what you’re talking about. Do I need to understand this part of the story?”

“Depends, I guess.”

“On what?”

“Whether or not those girls of yours need a cure.”






“You’ve got her at my house?”

I am a little bit impressed at this revelation. Also, Indie. That girl is either in on this—and I don’t think she is because there is no point in that—or she’s got a scary sense of intuition.

I need to keep her in mind should there be any backlash about what’s happening right now.

Merc raises his hand. “Back up a minute. You said Carter Couture and I need to have a conversation or one day I might wake up to something very unexpected. What the fuck does that mean?”

I scrub my hands down my face and think about shaving when I get home. Then I think about home and how Wendy is already there. I’m slightly concerned about her condition right now, but it’s no longer a nagging urgency like it was before Merc showed up. Also, I like that she’s at my house. It’s familiar. And it’s not just my house anymore, is it? It’s our house. Same way that her cabin is ours now too. This is kind of a best-case scenario in my opinion.

“Nick.” Merc’s voice is tense. He might even be a little scared. He should be scared. He thinks he got out. But it’s really hard to get out. And if you’ve got skills the way he has skills, you’re never really out, are you? And don’t even get me started about those girls.

Merc is just about to walk over and grab me by the throat when I finally answer him. “Have you ever heard of something called the cure? And when I say ‘cure,’ imagine quotes around that word.”

“Cure for what?” Harrison asks.

I need to be careful here. I don’t want to say too much, but I can’t afford to say too little, either.

Merc is clearly running out of patience because his next words are forced out through clenched teeth. “You heard him. Cure for what?”

“Have you heard of it?” I ask.


“OK. I’m gonna take that as a yes. Did you drag it out of Wendy? Or did it pop up before you took her?”

“It came from her.”

I nod. “All right. What did she say?”

“Never mind what she said. What do you have to say about it?”

“Ya know, I’m not gonna take it personal that you’re getting all edgy with me, because I get it. When you hear the word ‘cure’ you think ‘disease’ and then ‘death,’ right? So I get it. I’d feel the same way if someone were talking about my daughter in conjunction with that word too.”

“Nick. I swear to fucking God, I am not playing games here. Tell me what the fucking cure is.”

“What it is? Well, that’s a hard one. Let’s start with the disease. Because we’re all familiar with the disease. It’s called the Zero Program, right? Babies are born, they grow into kids, and these kids turn into little killers. Now, do you remember, way back in the day when we were planning Santa Barbara, there was a discussion or two about Sasha and triggers?”

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