Home > Mr. Donahue's Total Surrender(22)

Mr. Donahue's Total Surrender(22)
Author: Sophie Barnes

“I thought we’d start with a plate of sweetmeats,” he said once they’d claimed a table in an available supper box. “It’s a specialty, so while it’s not exactly food, you ought to try it while your appetite’s still intact.”


“My dear Mr. Donahue,” a woman’s voice interrupted. Calista turned and was instantly struck mute by the beauty of the lady who’d approached them. It was like seeing Helen of Troy in the flesh, complete with a perfect complexion, harmonious features, lustrous hair in shades of gleaming copper, and a curvaceous body Calista was certain would make any virile man’s mouth water. She was accompanied by a handsome gentleman whose hair was of a slightly darker shade. “It’s been an age. You remember my brother?”

“Indeed,” Mr. Donahue said as he stood, his voice a touch dry and his overall expression much like the severe one he’d worn when Calista had met him for the first time. He gestured toward her. “May I present Miss Jane Smith. Miss Smith, allow me the honor of introducing you to Lady Katherine and her brother, Viscount Grafton.”

Calista nearly gulped, but managed a smile instead. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Ah,” Lady Katherine said. “An American. How positively charming.”

The way she spoke convinced Calista the compliment was meant as an insult. She stiffened her spine and glanced at Mr. Donahue to gauge his reaction. He did not look the least bit amused or pleased by the prospect of having their outing interrupted.

“I say,” Grafton murmured, surprising Calista when he suddenly pulled up a chair and sat, so close to her their knees bumped together. Lady Katherine sat as well so Mr. Donahue returned to his seat. “I’m shocked to have never seen you before. Wherever have you been hiding?”

“In New York,” Calista deadpanned, not liking the way the man leaned in while speaking. There was an unnerving gleam in his eyes, of a predatory nature.

Mr. Donahue snorted in a manner suggestive of a choked back laugh while Grafton responded with a placid smile. “Of course.”

“How long will you be staying?” Lady Katherine inquired in a silky voice draped in hints of venom. Clearly she was intent on snagging a certain hotelier and wanted Calista gone.

She prepared to respond, but then the sweetmeats arrived, distracting her long enough for Mr. Donahue to say, “Indefinitely.”

Calista’s mouth dropped open while Grafton edged closer.

“How delightful,” the viscount murmured. He lowered his gaze to the edge of Calista’s bodice. “We’ll have plenty of time to become properly acquainted then.”

“Actually,” Mr. Donahue began, only to be cut off by Lady Katherine who swiftly said, “You ought to take my brother up on his offer, Miss Smith. Having a viscount as your friend will only improve your prospects.”

Calista glared at the woman. Did she think her a fool who’d be easily led astray on account of a title? Some brainless simpleton who couldn’t see past the pretty façades these two wore to the conniving nature beneath? Lady Katherine clearly wanted to sink her claws into Mr. Donahue while her brother ran off with Calista’s virtue. They might be nobility and above her in station, but they were reprehensible people.

“Thank you,” Calista informed the woman with a tight smile. “But my prospects are perfectly fine since I am already engaged to be married.”



Steven instinctively stiffened. On one hand, he applauded Miss Faulkner’s valiant display of backbone while on the other hand loathing Mr. Thorkilson’s intrusion on their evening. It was as unwanted as Lady Katherine’s and her brother’s.

Lord, how he wanted to tell the pair to bugger off so he could have the lady of his dreams to himself. He did not for one second appreciate Grafton’s interest in her, nor did he welcome the simpering smiles and doe-eyed looks his sister was sending his way.

“To whom?” Lady Katherine inquired while serving Miss Faulkner a look intended to cut his delightful companion to ribbons. She popped a sweetmeat into her mouth.


“Me,” Steven said, cutting Miss Faulkner off and saving them both from these people’s unwanted interest while he still had the chance.






The comment came out of nowhere, taking Calista by so much surprise she failed to hide her dismay before Lady Katherine’s perceptive gaze took notice. She gave Calista a knowing smile as if to say, I shall not be fooled, and turned to her brother. “Henry, be a dear and order a bottle of champagne so we can help Mr. Donahue and his fiancée celebrate.”

“There’s really no need,” Mr. Donahue said. He had a trapped look about him now, whether because he’d just gotten himself engaged or because his ploy to rid himself of their unwelcome companions had backfired, Calista wasn’t sure.

Grafton signaled a waiter who took the order for champagne.

“And please bring a few plates filled with various hams and cheeses,” Lady Katherine added. “Lord knows I cannot afford to eat myself full on sugary treats. Will you not try one, Miss Smith?”

Calista forced back a groan and selected a sweetmeat. Not because Lady Katherine suggested she do so, but because Mr. Donahue ordered them for her to try. She sent him a capitulating look which he answered with an apologetic smile. Apparently, there was no way out of this situation without being rude, and since the viscount likely possessed the power to harm Mr. Donahue’s reputation and his business, there was little for them to do but accept defeat for the moment.

Calista chewed the gooey, fruit-flavored treat which offered a welcome reprieve from answering unwelcome questions.

Alas, as soon as her mouth was once again empty Lady Katherine asked, “So where did the two of you meet and how did this romance between you begin? I cannot wait to hear all about it.”

“As it happens,” Calista said with slow deliberation, “Mr. Donahue came to my rescue.”

This was true and since it was one of the things she appreciated about him, she thought it important to make a point of it. Plus, it was easier than having to fabricate a story on the spot since creativity had never been her strong suit.

“Did he really?” Grafton asked, looking far more convinced than his sister. “In what way?”

“Um…” Calista stared across the table at Mr. Donahue, willing him to say something, but the poor man appeared to be equally unsure of how to respond to this last question. In fact, if Calista didn’t know any better, she’d think he was in the process of getting strangled by his cravat.

“Yes?” Lady Katherine inquired, her sharp gaze no doubt taking stock of Calista’s floundering.

Calista popped another sweetmeat into her mouth. The champagne arrived next, offering further delay while glasses were filled. Grafton made a toast and everyone drank. Then the platter containing hams and cheeses was placed in the center of the table and each person given a small plate on which to place their food.

“I was robbed and since this prevented me from paying my rent or returning home, I was in a bind – stranded, if you will. When Mr. Donahue learned of my situation, he instantly offered assistance.”

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