Home > Mr. Donahue's Total Surrender(31)

Mr. Donahue's Total Surrender(31)
Author: Sophie Barnes

“We feared for you, Calista,” Papa said. “You risked your own safety in order to save us all from Thorkilson. When we received no other word from you, instinct compelled us to come and find you. Took us nearly a week after getting here, during which we must have shown your portrait to half of London. Eventually one of the women who works here recognized your likeness and pointed us in the right direction.”

“I’m sorry.” Calista pulled away from her mother and went to give her father a hug. “I only wanted to help, but when I showed up Mr. Westchester was already dead and his family turned me away. I lost the funds I brought with me, so getting back to New York has taken longer than it should have.”

“Additional letters would have been welcome,” Papa murmured gently against the top of Calista’s head.

“I know, but I had no wish to lie to you, nor could I bear telling the truth. And since I believed I’d soon be on my way back, writing seemed unnecessary. But unexpected delays arose and the situation grew harder. Everything, including writing to you, became more difficult. Until my luck changed.” Closing her eyes, she savored the comforting feel of her father’s embrace. “When you return home you’ll find a letter waiting, explaining what happened.”

Papa eased her away and gave her a smile. “The important thing is that you’re safe. I understand Mr. Donahue here has been helpful in that regard?”

Calista glanced at Steven for the first time since arriving in his office. Heat stole into her cheeks. “He has been extremely helpful and kind. When he realized I didn’t belong to the working class and that I was stranded far from home without funds, he put me up in his hotel and arranged for two of his guests, a Mr. and Mrs. Kernoff, to escort me back to New York. We’re meant to depart tomorrow.

“I daresay we owe you a huge debt of gratitude, Mr. Donahue.” Papa released Calista and turned to face the man who’d stolen her heart. “Thank you for keeping our daughter safe.”

“She’s an impressive woman,” Mr. Donahue said warmly. “Getting to know her has been a true pleasure. So much so, I meant to accompany her myself on tomorrow’s journey, so I might discover if she and I are well suited with regard to a longer attachment.”

“You wish to court her?” Mama asked while Calista did her best to remain upright.

First her parents showed up and within a few moments of her reunion with them, Mr. Donahue chose to address his intentions toward her. She loved him all the more for it even though her head felt like it was spinning.

“I do,” Steven said with conviction.

Papa frowned. “Has she mentioned Mr. Thorkilson to you?”

“She has, and whether or not she and I choose to marry, I will see to it that the money you owe him is returned with interest.”

Calista gasped. Steven would save her, no matter what.

Papa’s eyes widened. “I cannot possibly—”

“It is the most practical solution,” Steven said, denying Papa’s protest. He offered Calista a smile that instantly weakened her knees, before returning his attention to her parents. “If you agree, we shall travel to New York the day after tomorrow as planned. I’ll send someone to the harbor right away to secure your passage on the same ship. Once we arrive, you’ll have my decision.”



“I’m starting to think your father might not be well suited to politics,” Steven told Calista nearly two weeks later while they strolled the deck of the Destiny. A rippling blanket of blue stretched out before them. The peachy glow from the afternoon sun danced upon each wave, producing a pretty shimmer. “Do you suppose he might be willing to consider a different career?”

“I’m not sure. Why do you ask?”

He drew her against his side in a far more public show of affection than he’d permitted thus far. “Because I’m thinking you might enjoy having your parents nearby once you settle in England. If you’ll have me, that is.”

“If I’ll—”

“Calista.” He turned her in his arms so she faced him more fully and pushed the wind-blown locks from her eyes. “You are a prize among women and I the most fortunate man in the world if you will agree to be my wife. I love you, Calista. Have done so longer than I was aware – since you showed me how to skip stones in the park, I believe. But I had to be sure.”

“I know, and I understand.” She reached up, cupping his cheek with the palm of her hand while holding his gaze. Hope and yearning stared back, prompting her heart to beat with endless happiness. “You are more to me than the means to escape an unwanted situation, Steven. It’s important to me that you know that – that you realize how deeply I admire and love you in equal measure and how I’ll continue to do so as long as I live.”

“Is that a yes?”

She gave a swift nod. “Yes.”

His mouth captured hers, kissing her with abandon while ocean spray mixed with the wind for a slightly salty flavor. Strong arms held her, promising endless support and the chance of a happily ever after she’d not yet allowed herself to believe in.

“My plan is to ask your father if he would like part ownership in the hotel I’m building in Bath,” Steven told her when a reprieve from kissing presented itself. She rested her head against his shoulder and savored the wonder of life’s twists and turns. “It would be his to run and as a former military man and lawyer, I think he’d be excellent at maintaining the Imperial’s high standards.”

A smile curved her lips. “I’m sure you’re correct. Especially since he has mentioned a wish to retire from his political life once the situation with Thorkilson has been settled. I believe the entire debacle has left a bitter taste in his mouth.” She glanced up at Steven, now her fiancé. “Let’s go tell him and Mama our news and then we can ask him.”

“In a moment,” Steven murmured, upon which he sought her lips once more and kissed her until she felt boneless.



Eight months later.

Steven woke as he’d grown accustomed to in recent months, with a satisfied smile on his face and joy in his heart. Rolling onto his side, he gathered his wife closer and started kissing her shoulder. She murmured something in her sleep, which he chose to take as an invitation to kiss her some more.

Somehow, as bleak as her prospects must have seemed on that long ago day when Mr. Greene had hired her on Steven’s order, she’d found a future in which she was loved. Lord help him, how he adored her. The conversations they shared were intriguing, her constant help and support invaluable, and the desire that brightened her eyes whenever their gazes met, impossible to resist.

In addition, she had offered endless advice on how to deal with Nigel. Steven chuckled against her warm skin while marveling at her ability to make him realize what that reprobate brother of his wanted from life. A degree in chemistry, as it turned out. Much to Steven’s amazement. Determined to do right by his brother, he’d encouraged him to pursue this dream. So far, Nigel was sticking with it, which showed promise.

As for Calista’s parents, they’d settled in Bath where her father presently oversaw the completion of the new Imperial Hotel as majority shareholder. With Thorkilson’s debts paid off, a solid income, and no demand for hosting large events or paying for a home he could not afford, Mr. Faulkner and his wife were able to live a comfortable life within their means.

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