Home > The Best of Both Wolves (Red Wolf #2)(67)

The Best of Both Wolves (Red Wolf #2)(67)
Author: Terry Spear

   No more guessing how either would react.

   “I guess I’m lucky you weren’t relying on weeks of dates to help you make your decision,” he said.

   She laughed, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him back. “I didn’t need to date you to know I loved you.” She reached down and patted his bare butt. “We have to leave if we’re going to get to work on time.”

   He groaned, then let her up, and they both hurried to dress. He pulled on a pair of boxer briefs. “I can’t believe I don’t want to go to work.”

   She laughed. “You always know the right things to say.”

   He grabbed his trousers and pulled them on.

   She was dressing in a pantsuit but paused to pull him into her arms and kiss him. “I love you.”

   He kissed her like he wanted to take her right back to bed. “I love you too. Today will be entirely too long a workday.”

   She smiled up at him. “I agree. More later.” Then she released him and brushed out her hair.

   He pulled on his socks and shoes, then finished buttoning his shirt.

   “Don’t do any foot races with bad guys today. You’re going to need your strength for more bed play tonight.”

   He smiled at her, looking ready to take on the challenge. “I’ll be ready. Oh, and do you want to call the pack leaders about us mating, or should I?”

   She grabbed her phone, smiled at Adam, and pressed a contact’s name. “Hello, Cassie? Adam and I are officially mated.”



Chapter 26

   As soon as they were in Sierra’s car on the way to work, Adam got a call and said, “Okay, thanks.” He put his phone away. “Good news. My Hummer has been repaired. We could drop by there on the way to work and pick it up.”

   “Oh, that’s wonderful. Yeah, sure, that would be great. One less thing on our to-do list and then you can run in to work anytime you need to, and I can too, without having to ask others to drive us.”

   “I still want someone to watch over you, just in case.”

   She let out her breath in exasperation. Not because Adam was being protective of her but because he needed to be.

   They changed direction and drove to the auto body shop.

   They finally arrived at the car dealership, and he leaned over and kissed her. She kissed him right back, glad she’d finally made her desires known.

   He smiled at her. “I’m ready to call in sick. Just say the word.”

   She laughed. “Then we would put Tori in a lurch. Though the anticipation of being alone with you tonight after work will make the day seem even longer.”

   “I agree.” Adam gave her a hug. “I’ll be right back.” Then he left her car to go inside and pay for his vehicle.

   She texted Tori to tell her they were on their way into work, but Adam had to stop at the dealership to pick up his Hummer.

   Sierra looked up to watch for Adam coming out of the building and saw the woman who had kidnapped Melissa, just as she had described her, minus the wig, walking toward the customer service building. Sierra’s jaw dropped. Was it Dover’s girlfriend? Her heart racing, Sierra hurried to text Adam: Dover’s girlfriend, Phyllis Kenton, is headed into customer service! I’m pretty sure that was her.

   Adam didn’t respond to Sierra’s text, and she frowned and texted him again. Suddenly, Phyllis ran out of the building and headed straight for a red Fiat parked in the lot. Sierra hurried to back her vehicle out of the parking space and drove it behind the Fiat before Phyllis could start the engine and back out of her space. Sierra sufficiently blocked her in, and Phyllis couldn’t make a move. Sierra just hoped Phyllis wouldn’t ram her car into Sierra’s. But the Fiat was smaller than Sierra’s car so she thought Phyllis wouldn’t.

   The woman honked her horn at Sierra, angry that Sierra had blocked her vehicle.

   Adam came running out of the building, and Sierra honked at him to let him know where Phyllis was.

   The woman got out of her car, ran at Sierra’s car with a gun in hand, and pointed it at Sierra’s window.

   Her heart practically seizing and not wanting to get shot, Sierra drove the car out of the way. Immediately, the woman rushed back to the Fiat to jump into the driver’s seat, but Adam intercepted her and grabbed her arm, wresting the gun away from her, and cuffed her.

   “Yes!” Elated Adam had shown up in time and caught the woman, Sierra parked her car again. She didn’t know whether to leave her car and see if she could do anything for Adam or not, since it was police business and he didn’t appear to need her help. He was on his phone, probably calling in the arrest.

   Then Sierra opened her window and heard Adam reading the woman her rights. A couple of sirens sounded in the distance, and the police vehicles were headed in their direction.

   Good. Hopefully, they were coming to back up Adam. She knew the bureau had a warrant out for Phyllis’s arrest, so Sierra suspected the police would put her in the back of a squad car, take her in, and process her in at the jail. Sierra assumed Adam would question Phyllis after he picked up his Hummer and drove in to work.

   As soon as two patrol cars arrived, Adam handed Phyllis off to one of the officers and walked over to Sierra’s vehicle.

   “Good catch,” she said, getting out of her car and hugging Adam. “Where were you when I texted you?”

   “Disputing the charges for my vehicle when I got your text. They had the wrong account. Before I answered the text, I looked up and saw Phyllis entering the customer service lobby. I thought it was Dover’s girlfriend. She saw me and bolted, and then I knew it was her. I raced after her, and when I saw your car blocking her in, I was reminded what a great mate you are.” He kissed Sierra.

   “Until she pulled a gun on me.”

   “That’s where I came in.”

   “Good thing!”

   “Yeah, well, I’m glad she didn’t shoot you.”

   Adam didn’t tell Sierra that she shouldn’t have done even that much. It wouldn’t have done him any good if he had. They needed to get all the gang and put them in jail, and if it meant taking a chance to help catch them, Sierra was doing it.

   “Are you going to be all right?” Adam asked.

   “Yeah, I’m just glad we got another one of them. Now you and Tori can question her.”

   “We’ll sure do that. I’m going back inside to finish paying for my vehicle, and then I’ll be right out.”

   “Okay. I’ll watch for any more bad guys.”

   Adam smiled at her. “You do that.” He hugged her and kissed her again, then headed back inside the building.

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