Home > THE RESURRECTION (Unlawful Men #3)(23)

THE RESURRECTION (Unlawful Men #3)(23)
Author: Jodi Ellen Malpas

“I’ve got to beat Mister on the water before I’m fifteen or I’ll lose the bet.”

I laugh. “You’ll never beat Mister.” Danny’s been jet skiing most days for eighteen years. If he wasn’t a mafia boss, he’d be a pro. “Tell me about school,” I order.

“Really, Mo—” a beat. “Rose.”

“Really. I want to hear if you’re destined to be top of this class too.” He’s athletic, a total brain box and, of course, fucking beautiful. I dread to think of all the hearts he’ll crush when he starts dating. If he starts dating. I don’t want him to start dating.

“It’s too early to tell,” he says, blasé. “But I aced the soccer team tryouts and—”

I hear Hilary in the background calling him. “Okay?” I ask.

“Yeah, Dad’s home. I’ve got to go.” He sighs, definitely stroking my ego by sounding regretful. “I’ll FaceTime you next week, okay?”

“Okay,” I squeak, cringing. FaceTime. He’ll see I’m not on the beach, or around the villa, or by the pool. “Love you, boy.”

“Yeah, you too. Tell Mister I’ve asked if I can have some jet ski lessons down the beach at the weekends.”

I laugh. “He’ll be quaking in his wetsuit.”

“He should be.” He lowers his voice. “See ya, Mom.”

My tattered heart repairs. “See ya,” I whisper back.


* * *


After unpacking both of our clothes and calling Father McMahon, I head to the kitchen and find Esther stirring a big pot of something on the stove. “Stew?” I ask as I perch on a stool.

She turns around and smiles, dusting off her hands. “You look significantly calmer than when you got home.”

I give Danny’s mom a sorry look, reaching for the hand cream that’s in the middle of the island next to her purse. “I didn’t think we’d ever come back. It’s a hard pill to swallow.” I squeeze some of the cream into my hand and start massaging it in.

“He’ll have it sorted soon enough.” She comes over and leans on her forearms opposite me, a happy twinkle in her eye. I don’t understand it. I don’t understand anything. “In the meantime, I believe we have a wedding to organize.”

“He’s trying to distract me.” I’m not dumb.

“So you don’t want to be married to my son in the eyes of God?”

I look at her tiredly. “Of course I do.”

She claps her hands, and I jump. “Then let’s get cracking.” Esther magics a laptop from nowhere and takes a seat next to me, opening Google. “When?”

“Three weeks on Saturday.”

“Wow. You mean business. Wedding planner.”

“I’m not allowed a wedding planner,” I reply, bored.

“Oh. Well, I’ll be the wedding planner. Venues,” she declares.



“It’ll be here.” I just know it. There’s no way in hell Danny will risk having a big affair outside the boundaries of this house. No. Way. In. Hell.

Esther’s lips purse. “Okay, guests?”

I prop my chin on my hands. “Danny, his army of killers, me, you, my boy, and Beau.” That was easy.

She looks at me, cautious, and I raise my eyebrows. “Right, then.” She goes back to the laptop. “Invitations.”

“Esther, I could yell the time and date right now and everyone who can come would hear.”

“What’s the color theme?”

“I don’t know.”

“Then let’s decide on that.”

“Decide on what?”

We both look over our shoulders and find Beau at the kitchen doorway. I force a friendly smile, but only because she needs some friendliness. “The color theme of my wedding, which, at the moment, isn’t worth having.” I wince when Esther slaps my arm.

“She’s overreacting,” she says to Beau. “Come join us.”

“Yeah, it’s nothing.” I wave a hand flippantly, and Beau gives me a side smile as she comes over, taking a seat at the island with us. “Where’s James?” I ask, noting her stroking her arm, the cast gone.

She shrugs, giving me opens hands, as if to say, “You tell me.” “Where’s Danny?”

My nose wrinkles immediately. This is something we should get used to. Their absence. Just each other for company while our men are out doing hell knows what.

“Okay,” Esther chirps, going back to her laptop. “The bachelorette party?”

“You’d better ask Danny.” I smile sweetly. “We don’t want it to clash with a murder.”

Esther narrows impatient eyes on me. “Entertainment for the wedding.”

“Probably prohibited.” I sigh. “Is it too early for wine?” This is depressing. I don’t wait for an answer, jumping up and going to the fridge. I pull down a bottle of New Zealand Sauvignon and twist off the cap. “Joining me?”

Beau raises her hand, Esther rolls her eyes, and I grin, taking down two glasses. I pour in plenty and hand them out, retaking my seat. “I have interviews for housekeepers to arrange,” Esther says, snapping the laptop shut. “Enjoy.” She leaves the room, and I turn my attention to Beau. She looks rested. It’s good to see. “Will you be my bridesmaid?”

She blinks rapidly, and I hold my breath, surprisingly nervous of her answer. Does she think we’re not close enough? “You serious?”

I shrug, like it’s nothing, when it’s everything. I’m grateful for her in my life, and not only because of the circumstances and timing. I hope she’s grateful for me too. “Deadly.”

She laughs. “Of course I will.”

My body deflates, releasing air I didn’t realize I was holding. Relief. “Good.” That’s one thing I’m in control of. “We’ll go dress shopping.” If we’re allowed. “How are you settling in at Casa Black?”

“I want to say it’s unnecessary.” She grimaces and takes a sip of wine. “But I can’t. It’s a mess, Rose. The whole thing is a mess. My uncle is still in shock, we can’t find his husband, James is on the warpath, and I’m here being useless.”

I smile sympathetically. “I’m sorry for everything you’ve been through.” It feels a bit lame, but what else can I say? “Danny told me that the man who wants him dead wants James dead too. He told me what happened to your mom. To James’s family.” Beau really has been through a lot. And James too. They’re yet to conquer their demons and find their out. It’s hard to accept that Danny and I can help them do that when our stabilized world is being rocked.

“And I’m sorry you’ve been dragged into the middle of it all.” She pushes a hand toward me, and I take it, squeezing lightly. I don’t want her to feel bad. Adding guilt to her mountain of woes would be unfair.

“Don’t be sorry.” I wave it off. “When you marry a man like my husband, I suppose you have to expect the unexpected.” I chink her glass and drink some wine. “Tell me how you met.”

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