Home > THE RESURRECTION (Unlawful Men #3)(91)

THE RESURRECTION (Unlawful Men #3)(91)
Author: Jodi Ellen Malpas

“Yes,” he all but laughs. “All the fucking time.”

“Then why won’t you let me?”

“Because I made a promise to myself that you will not be in the firing line, no matter what. Haven’t you suffered enough? Hurt enough?”


“There you are.”

Danny emerges from his office with Ringo and Brad, all with some form of alcohol in their hands. He looks between us, interested. “Everything okay?”

“Great.” I force a smile, returning my attention to James, giving him a look to suggest we’re not done. And he gives me one to suggest we are. We’ll see. Tomorrow, or today, might be the wedding day, I’ll give him that grace, but after that I want to know what’s going on. “I’ll leave you men to business,” I say, reaching up and pressing my lips to James’s cheek, keeping them there for a few seconds before heading to the kitchen. When I’m out of sight, I pause just shy of the door, listening.

“So I call in a favor from Adams to get you out of jail,” Danny says, almost amused, “and the first thing you do is blow up the Poles and go on a shooting spree in a bar.”

“News travels fast.”

“What the fuck are you thinking?”

“I saw an opportunity. I took it.”

I hear Danny huff. “We’re supposed to talk about this shit.”

“Are we?” James asks darkly. I find myself holding my breath, the atmosphere frosty. “So what were you three doing in there without me?”

“Just making some calls,” Danny replies, equally as dark.

“Hey, come on,” Brad pipes in. “We’re supposed to be celebrating.”

I quickly get my feet moving and enter the kitchen to find everyone congregated around the impressive island, drinks and snacks scattered across the space. I eye Goldie who, unusually, has a glass of wine in her hand. She rolls her eyes when she catches me staring. “Want one?” she asks, reaching for a clean glass and the bottle.

“Sure.” I hop on a stool beside her and hold the base of the glass while she pours, casting my gaze around the crowd as James, Danny, Brad, and Ringo enter, joining the masses. Danny’s and James’s expressions match. Moody.

Esther busies herself topping up the bowls of chips, checking everyone’s glasses are full, and then wiping down the countertops.

“Will you relax, Mum?” Danny sighs, plucking the cloth from her grip and tossing it in the sink. He takes her elbow and leads her to a stool, ignoring her protests. “Sit down and do as you’re told.” He pulls a wine glass across the island and places it in her hand. “Drink.”

She pouts through a smile as I catch Rose’s eye across the table. “Okay?” she mouths, and I nod.

“You?” I mouth back, getting a return nod. Then she jerks her head, looking toward the foyer. Naturally, my interest is piqued. Does she know something? I glance around the island, seeing everyone engrossed in conversation but, more importantly, James, Danny, and Brad are on the far side, talking quietly, engaged. Plotting.

I slip down from my stool, drink in hand, and round the island, stopping to check on Zinnea. She looks together, yet her sparkly outfits are a massive contributing factor to that. A disguise. But at least now she’s dry. “My goodness,” she breathes, squeezing my hand. “I know James was defending my honor, but I feel terrible for the upset it caused.”

“You mustn’t,” I say. “Ollie was there to arrest James before he was defending your honor.” Or venting his anger. Whichever, the loose-lipped idiot who insulted Zinnea was asking for it.

“Whatever for?” She pulls up, frowning. “Don’t answer that. I’m learning very quickly that the less I know, the better.”

“How are you?” I ask. Doc’s mentioned an improvement, but I’m still worried. I know better than anyone how to feign being okay.

Just the question makes her pull in air, and she looks around the room, almost in awe. “It’s like being a part of a family, isn’t it?’

I should laugh, but I don’t. She’s talking about acceptance, and Zinnea has never had that from her own family. But what happens when this is over? When James and I leave? Zinnea will have no one. Lawrence will have no one. I can’t allow that. “Just like family,” I muse, giving her a kiss on her cheek. “Don’t upstage the bride tomorrow, will you?”

She laughs, and it’s gruff, making her stop immediately and check to see if anyone caught her accidental slip from Zinnea to Lawrence. Clearing her throat, she tops up her glass and sips all very ladylike as Esther moves in and compliments her on her flamingo-pink nail polish.

I peek across to James and Danny, seeing their attention is on Brad, who’s talking with his hands. I find Rose and indicate toward the door, making my way there, Rose following.

“Hey,” I say when we’re out of the kitchen. She’s glowing. Smiling. Happy. She looks amazing. “I assume you and Danny have gotten over your quarrel.”

She laughs quietly. “For now, yes. What do you know?” she asks, coming in closer, keen for me to spill.

My shoulders drop. “Nothing. I thought you knew something.”

Her face twists. “I don’t know anything. What happened tonight? Why’d you call Danny?”

“My ex arrested James. Danny called in a favor from the mayor.”

“Perry Adams?” Rose balks and then her eyes narrow. “There’s definitely trouble afoot, Beau,” she says, and it’s fucking hilarious. “What’s so funny?”

“There’s always trouble afoot, you nut.”

“It’s something more. Danny said there’s a way out, but he’s being cagey. The last time he was cagey, I went through hell.”

I hum, thinking. A way out. How? And does James know about it? Surely not if he asked me if I wanted to leave tonight. What the hell is going on, and why are Danny and James suddenly so hostile toward each other? My thoughts are disturbed when my cell rings, and I stare at the screen, my heart picking up pace. It’s past midnight. I see Dad rubbing at his chest. I see his pale face.

“Dad,” I say, answering. “Are you okay?”

“Is this some kind of joke?” he asks, sounding outraged. I’m stumped, my mouth still hanging open to speak. “An invite to their wedding next week?”

I swing my stare to Rose, who backs up. “What?”

“An invite,” I murmur, waiting for her to catch on. “To the wedding.” Does Danny fucking hate me?

“What?” Rose blurts.

“It’s a damn insult,” Dad bellows. “I’m a respectable businessman and he’s a criminal!”

My whole being deflates. I am so done having this conversation. I was actually worried about him. “I’ll graciously accept your decline, Dad. Your absence is expected.” I stab at the screen with my thumb. “Why the hell would he invite my fath—” I pull up, thinking. And it clicks. “Distraction.”

“Huh?” Rose frowns.

“They’re trying to distract me.”

“Well, what about me? You’re not the only one smelling something iffy. I told you they were planning something.”

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