Home > Ten Broken Promises (Barrington Billionaire's Series Book 10)(11)

Ten Broken Promises (Barrington Billionaire's Series Book 10)(11)
Author: Jeannette Winters

It was funny how once a person worked in law enforcement, all friends seem to have similar things in common. It was a different type of understanding that they shared. He wondered if that was the case for OB/GYN’s.

He laughed softly to himself as he walked to his office. We talk about the bad guys over beer. What do they talk about, babies and vaginas over tea? Yeah. I’m okay with law enforcement.

Before he even got on the elevator, he heard Brice call out his name.

“Connor, do you have a minute?”

You never tell the boss you’re too busy for him. He turned around and noticed Brice wasn’t alone. No need for any introductions, as Connor already knew who Asher Barrington was. You couldn’t be in Boston and not know the Barrington name. Then again like the Hendersons and the Lawsons, the Barringtons had made the reputation well known throughout the world.

“Good morning Brice. Is there something you need?” Connor asked.

“I was not sure if you have been introduced to Asher Barrington. He’s a long-time friend as well as a business partner at B&H Advanced Engineering.”

It was hard looking at Brice and thinking of him working in a lab, but it probably explained why he and Asher could remain partners for so long. They each brought something different to the table. But like Brice, Asher did business with a lot of people. Since he wasn’t working for the Barringtons, he wasn’t all that concerned. His job was solely to protect the Hendersons, not monitor their business, or personal relationships.

Connor extended his hand. “Not officially. Nice to meet you. I’m Connor Falciano.”

While shaking hands, Asher said, “I hear you’re running things while Bennett is traveling.”

“Bennett has everything in order. I will be here in case I’m needed,” Connor said.

Asher chuckled. “Work for the Hendersons for a year and you will realize something always comes up.”

Brice shot Asher a look. “If only we could have everything run as…smoothly as the Barringtons do.”

Connor picked up on the sarcastic tone Brice used. As far as he was concerned, they were equally in that category. Not a race he wanted to get in. His job was to put an end to trouble. Somehow these families seem to attract it like a magnet.

“Was there something else you needed?” Connor asked.

“No. I just wanted to make sure you two met. You never know when or where you might be needed,” Brice stated.

“You have my cell phone number if anything arises,” Connor said. “Have a good day.”

He turned and continued to his office. This time when he got inside, he shut the door and locked it.

Connor may have wanted to wait until he heard back from Mikie, but now he had a name, and he wanted to talk to her. If it wasn’t for the fact that she was a doctor, it might have been a lot more difficult to obtain her phone number. But when he googled her, all her business information popped up. Even her reviews as a physician. Not surprising that she had all five-star reviews. The way Mikie talked, she was the best. Connor didn’t know anything about birthing a baby, but she had impressed him with the one he was at.

They can’t all be like that.

Pulling his cell phone out of his jacket pocket, he dialed the office number.

“Hello. Thank you for calling Doctor Chinto’s office. If you’re a reporter, don’t bother leaving your name or number. She’s not going to call you back. If you’re a patient, ring her personal cell. And if you dialed the wrong number, then you might want to schedule an appointment with your eye doctor. Have a great day and thank you for calling.”

Connor heard the beep and opted not to leave a voicemail. From the sounds of it, Krista wasn’t retrieving them herself. The voice on the machine wasn’t Krista’s either. She sounded…less business-like. Actually, she sounded way too casual for an office. But it wasn’t how she said it, but what the girl said that had Connor worried. Why were reporters calling her?

He really wanted to speak to her now and knew just how to get her cell. Connor called down to maintenance and asked if they could send Mikie up to his office for a spill.

It didn’t take long for Mikie to show and give Connor Krista’s number. He was tempted to lecture him on the reasons why he shouldn’t hand out numbers without asking the person first if it was okay. But right now, it was in his favor, so he’d let it pass.

He dialed the number and waited as it rang four times then went to voicemail. Maybe she was ignoring all her calls. Or maybe she feared the reporters had gotten hold of her personal line as well. All he could do was leave her a message and hope she would return his call. He wasn’t quite sure what to say, because she didn’t seem to know who he was. So he decided to leave it vague.

“Hello again. We never got a chance to introduce ourselves last Friday. We both seemed to be a little preoccupied. My name is Connor and I’d like it if you could give me a call. Based on your outgoing voicemail, I’m sure you can guess why.”

Hopefully she would call him back. If not Connor was not against using Mikie and Patty to get to her.

Oh hell. If she doesn’t call me back, I might be going for a drive.


Krista had no idea why that man was calling her. It was bad enough reporters we’re hounding her, so much so that she couldn’t even stay in the office today. At first she thought it was just going to be Darrell. She was wrong. Her phone had never rung so many times as it did today, and not once was it a patient of hers.

But maybe Connor was actually calling to update her regarding his new little girl. She really could use some uplifting news right now. Krista loved her quiet lifestyle, and today was anything but quiet. So she dialed his number, and hoped for the best.

“Hello, this is Connor,” he answered.

“Good evening. Sorry to be calling so late. I hope I’m not waking the baby.”

“There is no baby here to wake.”

Her heart raced. She hoped that didn’t mean something happened to the child. “What do you mean?”

“That I do not have a child. That was not my baby. It was only my vehicle. Technically, it was a rental vehicle.”

Krista felt foolish. She recalled yelling at him, and saying some pretty mean things, he was innocent of them all. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. The baby was cute, but I’m not looking to be a father,” he replied.

“I mean that I am sorry for the things I said to you. They were not very nice.” She didn’t need to apologize often, because she could not recall the last time she ever spoke to anyone that harshly. There was something about that situation that infuriated her. She can blame it on the conference but that wasn’t it entirely. And for the first time, she really wasn’t sure why she acted the way she did.

“I think we were both wrong with our assumptions. I would not have been so difficult if I had known you were a doctor.”

“You mean instead of some bossy pedestrian?” She asked.

She heard Connor laugh. “Maybe a little bossy. I wasn’t actually calling to talk about the baby. It seems you are getting bombarded with calls from reporters. May I assume it is in regard to the video of the delivery?”

“I don’t know what video you’re speaking about.” Krista hadn’t actually spoken to any of the reporters. She knew they were reaching out but she had been blowing them all off. “How do you know there is a video? Are reporters calling you as well? And may I ask how you got my personal number?” It wasn’t something that was public knowledge.

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