Home > Ten Broken Promises (Barrington Billionaire's Series Book 10)(30)

Ten Broken Promises (Barrington Billionaire's Series Book 10)(30)
Author: Jeannette Winters

“But then she’d end up…”

“In the system. Yes,” he replied.

Krista wasn’t prepared to be a mother. She had nothing at her home to even care for a newborn. But this was Miss Twanda’s dying wish and honestly, Krista couldn’t imagine letting Nia go to a foster home. Not when she had plenty of room at her house.

She looked down at Nia, who was sound asleep in her arms. There was no way could she hand her over to someone else. Like Miss Twanda had needed her, and now, so does Nia.

“I don’t know what to do. I mean, paperwork. So this is all legal.”

Mr. Clearborn said, “I have it all drawn up. All you need to do is sign for the temporary custody and you and I can work on the adoption paperwork on a later date.”

“And I’m able to take Nia back to Montpelier with me? I mean, no issue leaving the state?” she asked.

“Because this was the wish of Miss Twanda, then no. You are free to travel with Nia as you wish. And I understand that it might be easier for me to come to you going forward with any more paperwork. Of course the final adoption would be handled here in New York.”

“Okay. I understand.”

Mr. Clearborn slid the papers in front of her again and showed her all the spots she needed to sign. Then provided her a copy.

“Is there anything else I can do for you while you’re here,” he asked.

“I know this is going to seem like a silly question, but I don’t have anything to care for Nia. I need clothes and a car seat and formula and diapers. If I gave you a list, do you think your secretary would be able to pick up these things for me? I mean, I don’t want to be running all over New York with a newborn, especially when I have no idea where to go.”

Mr. Clearborn smiled. “I have a better idea. My wife and I have a one-year old baby girl. She will know everything you will need. I’d prefer to have her handle this, as Ms. Watson, my secretary, is almost sixty. It might have been a few years since she’s done that sort of shopping.”

“Thank you. I appreciate that.” Krista prided herself on never needing help. But that changed with one call. Now her entire life flipped upside down. Not in a bad way, just in a way that she sure in hell wasn’t ready for.

“And if I’m not overstepping, you’d be welcome to spend the night at our home as well, so you’re not traveling back in the dark.”

“Mr. Clearborn, I don’t think I’m the only angel who walked into Miss Twanda’s life. From what I understand, you did all this pro bono.”

“I just wished there was something more I could’ve done.”

You and me both.

“I guess we are doing what we’re meant to do,” she said. “And yes, I’ll be happy to take you up on your offer, as long as it’s no imposition.”

“Not at all. And my wife will welcome the company. She said hearing about my work all night gets old. Now you two can talk…women stuff.”

It was more likely they would be talking baby stuff, but she knew what he meant. You don’t know how lucky you are to have someone to listen to. It’s just me, Donnie and now, Nia.

Krista wasn’t sure what this would be like if Connor actually had accompanied her. It probably would’ve ended with some argument over why she shouldn’t be doing this. But Krista was thirty-four and set in her career. She owned her home, and had no addictions that could be considered harmful for a child. The only thing not in her favor was the fact she was a single parent. But even that didn’t hold up as a valid reason. Many people raise children on their own, either by choice or by necessity.

And I’m doing it out of both.

That didn’t mean she didn’t miss Connor. It just meant that this development was the proof she needed that they didn’t fit in each other’s lives. Everything felt so right, but those feelings couldn’t have been right.

If they were, he’d be here now.

She hoped wherever he was, whatever he was doing, he was happy. Because that’s what you want for someone you love. You want them happy, even if it means, they’re not with you.

It was a chilling revelation, but it was accurate. She loved him. How? Why? None if it made any more sense than Patty telling her they belonged together based off a photo. But since when did anything make sense when the heart was involved?

Looking down at Nia who was sleeping soundly in her arms, she knew there was no time to cry over Connor. Because this little one needed all the love she could get. And Krista was going to ensure that Nia felt loved every day of her life.



Chapter 10



Connor fell right into the roll that the Hendersons had wanted and more importantly, what Tabiq needed. It wasn’t security that he handled, but they didn’t have a drug enforcement division there either. The police department was still being trained, or better yet, re-trained to do things by the book.

It had been almost three months since he arrived in Tabiq and they weren’t any closer to having a force up and running. He agreed with the Hendersons, it shouldn’t be run by outsiders, but it was going to take time to weed out who could be bought and who couldn’t.

With the resort up and running, that meant tourists were starting to come more frequently. Actually, since he’s been there, the resort has been full. Good for business. Great for the staff working there, but it also meant a heightened alert regarding contraband as well. The Tabiqian people had enough hurdles to overcome. They didn’t need to add drugs to the list.

“I should only be gone a week, maybe two,” Connor said to Alex.

“You’re about to be an uncle. Take the time you need. Who knows, maybe you’ll learn to like it,” Alex said.

“Why does everyone think I don’t like kids?” he asked.

“I’m going to go with the face you make every time one runs up to you.”

“Damn. Is it that bad?” he asked. Alex nodded. “I don’t dislike them. I’m…just not good with them.”

“And you know this how?” Alex asked.

“Do you know you’re as bad as your brother Shaun? What is it with all the questions?”

Alex laughed. “Wow, I’m that bad? I’m going to have to work on that. But that doesn’t mean you can avoid the question. I mean, you say you’re not good with them, so I’m just looking for proof.”

Connor didn’t want to say. It was ridiculous. But also it was traumatizing for him. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

“Since your flight doesn’t leave for an hour, I guess you have time to tell me.”

“In high school do you remember having to take a parenting class?”

“I’m not sure we went to the same school. But no, I don’t remember one of those.”

“Well they made everyone take the class. It was supposed to prepare you to be a parent someday.”

Alex said, “Nothing prepares you for that.”

“Well I failed the class. The only class I’ve ever failed,” Connor stated.

“Is that like failing gym or art? Because who fails those?” he asked.


“Okay, spill it. What did you do to fail?” Alex asked.

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