Home > The Sweetheart Deal (Blossom Glen #1)(29)

The Sweetheart Deal (Blossom Glen #1)(29)
Author: Miranda Liasson

   “A last-minute decision,” Tessa said.

   Tessa’s mother scanned the room, noting her other daughters huddled together, then zeroed in on Tessa. “What’s going on here?”

   Tessa cringed. She opened her mouth to speak, but Leo’s father stepped up. “Leonides, what is the meaning of this?”

   Something made her step forward. Maybe it was the fact that Leo hadn’t let go of her hand, which reminded her that for better or for worse, they were in this together. “We got married,” she said, holding up her hand. She had to admit, the ring was stunning. It almost made her forget this horrible scene.

   Tessa’s mother clapped a hand to her mouth, and not in a good way. Leo’s father gutted his son with a look. Gia gasped. Tessa’s grandmother narrowed her eyes at Leo like she could practically see remnants of Ancestor Guido’s blood circulating in his veins.

   Leo put his arm around Tessa. He felt stiff as a corpse. “We were just about to tell you all the good news.”

   “You got married in secret without telling us?” Tessa’s mom said. She looked more hurt than angry.

   Leo started to speak, but Tessa beat him. “It was only because of the feud, Mom. We wanted to come to both of you already married so there would be no argument or discussion.” Why did she sound so calm when inside she was freaking out?

   Leo looped his arm in hers, making sure to squeeze her hand. “Exactly,” he confirmed. “We didn’t want the feud to stop us.”

   Leo’s dad looked at Tessa. “You’re a wonderful girl,” he said. “But you’re a Montgomery. And Montgomerys and Castorinis don’t mix.”

   “Exactly,” Joanna said, folding her arms across her apron, which she hadn’t taken off, probably because she’d barreled over here in a panic. She swung her gaze to Tessa. “Are you sure you’re not pregnant?”

   “Of course not,” Tessa said as if sex with Leo would be more distasteful than castor oil. But somehow, she didn’t think it would be.

   And why was she thinking of sex at a time like this?

   “It’s not sudden,” Leo said, looking lovingly at Tessa, “because when you know, you know.” He turned to his dad. “You and Mom knew.”

   “And you and Dad knew, too,” Tessa added to her mom. “You’ve always told me that when it’s right, it’s right.”

   “I can’t abide by this.” Her grandmother wrung her hands. “Any family but theirs, Tessa!”

   “What’s that feud about, anyway?” Gia asked, examining her nails. “It’s ridiculous.”

   “Gia, it’s not ridiculous,” Leo judiciously rushed to say. “It’s just…longstanding. And maybe we can resolve it over time. Because now we’re all family.” He fake-smiled. But no one smiled back.

   “Oh mon Dieu,” Tessa’s mom exclaimed.

   “Have you done it yet?” his dad asked.

   “Done what, Dad?” Leo asked. “Made it official? Yes.”

   “I think he means, is the marriage consummated yet?” her mom asked in a panicky voice as she clutched the edge of Jack’s desk. “Because maybe we can reverse it.”

   “Mom!” Tessa exclaimed.

   “What’s consummated?” Gia asked, crinkling her nose. “Isn’t that an entree?”

   “That’s consommé,” Vivienne answered. “It’s a French broth.”

   “Let me see that paper.” Leo’s dad accosted Jack, who had taken a seat behind his desk. But Jack suddenly gripped it with both hands.

   “It’s official, Mr. Castorini.” Jack tucked the marriage certificate efficiently under his desk pad and folded his hands over it. “The only thing that will take it back is divorce.”

   “Oh Dio mio,” Leo’s dad exclaimed, sitting down on one of the extra chairs against the wall and rubbing his forehead.

   “I feel faint.” Tessa’s mom collapsed beside him.

   “Does somebody have water?” Juliet asked. Jack reached into a mini fridge behind his desk and pulled out a few bottles for Juliet to pass around.

   “You wouldn’t happen to have anything stronger in there, would you?” Juliet asked.

   Tessa would have seconded that, except then Leo’s dad said to her mom, “I think very highly of your daughter. She’s a talented baker and a good person. It’s just her family I’m worried about.”

   Her mother crossed her arms. “I just hope your son will be more faithful than his great-great-grandfather.”

   “Guido Castorini was not unfaithful,” Leo’s dad said. “He simply chose not to marry your deceitful ancestor, who wanted him for his money.”

   “He went on to father twelve children with three different women,” Gram said.

   “Gram!” Tessa said. She caught Leo’s eye. And strangely, in the middle of all this confusion, he looked like he was holding back a laugh. Which had an odd effect of making her feel that he was seeing the ridiculousness of all of this, too.

   “I’m sorry, Tessa,” her grandmother said solemnly. “But it’s the truth.”

   What was true was that her wedding day had officially turned into a farce.

   “Well, everyone might need a little time to adjust,” Leo said in a level voice. “But in the meantime, we’ve had a long day, and we’re going home.”

   That made Leo’s father perk up. “Home? Where’s home?”

   “We bought a house,” Leo said. “In the Blossom District.”

   Gia jumped up and clapped her hands a little. “Oh, that’s so close.”

   “Hold on a second, people,” Jack said, standing and waving his hands. “I need Tessa and Leo back up here.”

   Too weary to do anything else, they obeyed his summons.

   “You may now kiss…each other,” Jack said.

   Leo looked at Tessa. She barely knew him, but she saw something in his eyes. A steady conviction. Determination.

   He was telling her silently, let’s make this convincing.

   She gave a silent nod.

   And then he went in for the kiss.

   His lips brushed hers lightly, tentatively, and she thought he was going to pull back and be done. But instead, he leaned in enthusiastically, his hands grasping her face in the way people kiss when it really means something.

   Their lips met full on. His were soft and warm, and his hands were strong and gentle, and she had to grasp onto him—yikes, the lean, hard muscle—for balance.

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