Home > The Sweetheart Deal (Blossom Glen #1)(64)

The Sweetheart Deal (Blossom Glen #1)(64)
Author: Miranda Liasson

   It was a home. Something both of them had made.

   It didn’t look like two people forced by desperation into a fake marriage lived here. It looked like two people lived here who had given the best parts of themselves to merge their lives with compromise and care.

   They’d both made it clear that their arrangement was strictly business, but somehow everything had gotten tangled up.

   But it was…wonderful.

   It had been so simple to fall for Leo. With his easygoing, charming personality. With his kindness. With his brilliant scheme to save both their businesses.

   Neither of them had uttered the L word. But they’d begun to use words like we and future. Words that she’d taken for granted meant that he’d be sticking around.

   Surely there had to be some explanation.

   Leo was honest. He’d seen her for who she really was. He’d seen past the walls she’d put up. And he’d somehow done what no other man had done—actually broken through them.

   Tessa put her elbows on the desk and dropped her head into her hands. She shuddered, a sinking sense of dread passing through her. What if Leo had gone behind her back to secure the bakery for his family? He certainly had the same competitive streak as always. What if Leo had used her? Or had intended to at some point?

   What if he’d somehow pressured her mother into selling? Would he do that? He’d certainly held the unpaid dues over her head to get her to agree to his scheme.

   Tessa hated herself for thinking those things. She ran through various other scenarios in which he would’ve known about the sale of the bakery and not said anything, and none of them were good, either.

   Her elbow accidentally—okay, maybe not so accidentally—hit the little knob on the top right drawer: the secret drawer that Leo’s grandfather had added long ago.

   It popped open just a hair. She went to close it—because she definitely shouldn’t snoop—but she saw a flash of something in there. A piece of paper. Cosette hopped up on the desk and sat right in front of her, staring at her with big green eyes.

   “It’s private, Cosette. Not my business. I’ve never read anyone’s diary or scrolled through anyone’s phone. Nope. Not me.”

   She got a big, warning meow for that.

   Was that a mind-your-own-business meow? A turn-back-before-it’s-too-late meow?

   If Leo had done this behind her back, she wanted to know. Her loyalty was to her family. She had to protect the bakery, first and foremost.

   But the truth was, she was really aiming to protect something far more personal.

   Her heart.


   “Hey, Dad,” Leo said early that evening as he stood at the old printer in the back office, waiting for it to crank out a document. His dad, who’d been running around the kitchen with his apron on, had popped his head in. “Everything okay?” Leo asked.

   Dinner hour had kicked in, and the dining room was already packed. The murmur of conversations, the sounds of clinking utensils, and occasional laughter spilled out pleasantly into the cramped little room.

   His dad smiled. “The patio and dining room are both full. I never thought I’d see the day when this place was…happy again. Full of people talking and eating and having a good time. Young people, old people, kids… Maybe that fancy degree of yours did us all some good.”

   “Well, Tessa and I might have brought in some business, but they keep coming for our family’s signature dishes.”

   “People like the organic,” his dad said in a conciliatory tone. “They like that we’re buying local. They like the takeout. And they like trying some old things new ways.” He placed a hand on Leo’s shoulder. “And I like having you for a partner. I learn new things.” His dad embraced him and slapped him heartily on the back. “That wife of yours is good for you. And she can bake. Make sure you treat her nice.”

   Leo chuckled and held up the paper he’d pulled off the printer. “I’m surprising her for her birthday with a trip to Chicago to see the Monet exhibit. Just printed the tickets. It’s still okay to take off that weekend we talked about?”

   “We’ve got you covered.” Leo’s dad looked at his watch. “It’s a beautiful evening, and you’ve been working day and night. Why don’t you head out of here early? I’ll close up.”

   Leo looked around at the bustling waitstaff and the customers lined up at the door.

   “Go on.” Marco made a sweeping motion. “Take off while you can. Go home to Tessa.”

   Leo never left when there was work to be done. But his dad was right—it was a warm, clear summer evening. And he’d just been given a rare opportunity to enjoy it.

   So he thanked his dad and walked out of the restaurant, checking his watch as he went. 7 p.m. The earliest time he’d left work since he came back to town. On the way home, he noticed that the florist, Cara Rayburn, was closing up. He waved to her from the street, then, on impulse, rapped on the glass door.

   “Why hello, Leo,” she said, pushing her horn-rimmed glasses up and smiling as he came through the door. “I just can’t get over how much more foot traffic we’ve had lately. Whatever magic you Castorinis are making over there across the street has helped all our businesses. What can I do for you?”

   “I know you’re about done for the day. But you wouldn’t by chance have any flowers that I can bring home to my wife, would you?”

   “Tessa’s favorite color is blue, isn’t it? Just like those pretty eyes of hers.”

   “I can confirm that.” Yes. He knew that now. And a bunch of other things, too. Like how to make her laugh. And how much she loved flowers.

   “I have just the thing. Give me a second.”

   Cara went to her refrigerator and pulled out some pretty blue flowers on long stems. He had no idea what they were, but since Tessa knew the names of every flower from here to Texas, he’d be okay.

   He was going to keep the Monet tickets a surprise for now. And the special hotel room overlooking Lake Michigan. It would be fun to explore Chicago in preparation for her move there.

   His dad was right. They’d both been working nonstop for weeks. Tonight would be a great break. A fun surprise.

   As Cara handed him over a pretty bouquet of beautiful blue and white flowers, he thanked her and placed some money on the counter.

   “Leo, you’ve overpaid me,” she said, holding up a bill.

   “Thanks for going out of your way, Cara.” He waved as he headed for the door.

   Tessa was going to love this. He couldn’t wait to see the happy expression on her face. She’d probably clap her hands and do a little dance, then jump into his arms.

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