Home > Say It Like You Mane It(66)

Say It Like You Mane It(66)
Author: Erin Nicholas

Do you know what this is? She attached a photo of the first page of the list.

His reply came back surprisingly quickly. Where did you get that?

Caroline: I found it in my suitcase.

Christopher: It's Brantley's. You should get that back to him.

Caroline: I don't want to talk to Brantley. What is it? Is it important?

Christopher: Business contacts. Yes, important.

Can I give it to you to give to him? She really wanted to know how much her brother had to do with this.

She held her breath as the little dots popped up as Christopher typed back.

No, I'm done with that project.

You were working on it with him though? she asked

For a little bit. But it's his baby. I'm done.

Well, that was something of a relief. I guess I'll let him know I have it then.

She waited for a moment to see if her brother would ask how she was, or even where she was. Nothing more came from Christopher, however. She tamped down the disappointment and sadness. She was glad that he wasn't involved with whatever this was. If he and Brantley had had a falling out, that could only be good for Christopher. But she was sad that she and her brother had grown apart, that they didn’t really know each other anymore, that they didn’t confide in one another.

She took a deep breath and then dialed the number she'd been avoiding for days.

Brantley answered on the third ring. “Caroline.”

“Hi. I was wondering…can we meet?”

“You want to get together?”

She took a deep breath and pulled together all of her best acting talents. “Yes. I think I made a mistake. Can we get together and talk?”

There was a long pause on his end. Then, “Sure. There’s something in your suitcase that I need you to bring to me too.”

Caroline thought about how to handle the moment. Finally, she said, “Is it a list of names and phone numbers?”

“Yes. You found it?”

“Yes. I had no idea what it was. It's yours?”

“Yeah. Chris gave it to me the morning of the wedding and I stuck it in your bag at the last minute so I wouldn't lose it. I need it for a project I'm working on.”

“Okay, I can get it back to you. Can you meet me at Octavia’s? Tonight?”

“Tonight? Yeah. Why don’t you just come over here?”

Well, shit…because she wanted it not only to be someplace public, but because she wanted to put him face to face with the men at Octavia’s. And have Spencer witness him interacting with them.

“I have some apologizing to do. And…I just wanted it to be special.” Caroline wrinkled her brow. That probably sounded stupid. Why would this need to be special? This was going to sound so fake to him.

But the next moment, he said, “Okay, sure. Octavia’s is fine. How about twenty minutes?”

“That's perfect. I'll see you there.”

“See you there.”

Caroline disconnected and blew out a breath. Okay, she'd started this, now there was no going back.

She opened a text to Max and typed quickly. We need to find out if Brantley knows those guys. Best way is to get them face to face. Brantley and I are meeting there in twenty minutes. Keep Spencer and Zander there.

Max replied quickly, Great idea. No problem.

Caroline pressed a hand to her stomach and took one more deep, fortifying breath. Well, she wanted to be more involved with the good work that needed to be done. This was a good first step.

She returned to the table in Trahan’s and gave the guys a big smile. “Hey, so my friend really needs a shoulder to cry on. This guy is giving her fits. I'm going to head over to meet her.”

Matt frowned. “Zander made it sound like he wanted you to hang out here till he got back.”

She laughed. “I live in New Orleans, Matt. I know my way around. I’m going to take an Uber over to her place and sit on her couch with her and a tub of ice cream.” She felt a little bad about that lie, but she was heading to where Zander was. He wouldn’t have to wonder where she’d disappeared to. “I'll text Zander and let him know where I am. If he shows up here before he gets my message, tell him I'm with Max.”

Matt didn't look pleased, but he nodded. There really wasn't much he could do. She was a grown woman and he couldn't physically restrain her.

He could, however, text Zander that she was leaving and meeting Max. Still, by the time she was in an Uber and headed for Octavia’s, Zander would figure out that she was coming his direction.

“Thanks for babysitting me, guys. It was great to meet you.”

“Standing invitation to book club,” Logan told her.

“I might just take you up on that.” These guys were great. Just like all the other people in Zander's life. She understood why he felt protective of them all.

She made her way out to the curb just as her Uber was pulling up. She settled into the back and thought about what her next steps were. Getting Brantley face to face with the men from the list was a good start. Doing it in front of Spencer, since the FBI agent couldn’t legally make Brantley come in and talk for any reason, was also good. But then what? She was going to have to wing it.

Brantley was already waiting in front of Octavia’s when the car pulled up at the curb. Butterflies kicked up in Caroline's stomach as she got out of the car and pasted on a bright smile for him.

“Hi, Brantley,” she greeted.

He leaned in to kiss her cheek. “You look gorgeous.”

“Thanks. And thanks for meeting me. I feel like there are a lot of things we need to say.”

“After you,” he said, holding the door open for her and gesturing for her to precede him into the restaurant.

They had just crossed the marble floor of the entryway when Max met them at the hostess stand with a bright smile. “Welcome to Octavia’s.”

Caroline worked to not react. “Evening. Table for Brantley Anderson,” Brantley told her. A name like his would get a table quickly and easily.

“Of course, Mr. Anderson, so nice to see you this evening.”

There were no other hostesses in the vicinity and Caroline wondered how Max had finagled that. No doubt she'd made up some emergency or managed to spill something the hostess had needed to attend to when Max had seen Caroline and Brantley through the big front windows.

Max led them through the restaurant and Caroline had to stifle a small gasp when she spotted Zander and Spencer sitting at the table in the far corner.

She and Zander locked eyes and she could feel his shock, then anger as he recognized her and the man she was with. He started to get up, but Spencer put a hand on his arm and Zander sank back into his chair. His expression eased only slightly. Into disappointment.

Her stomach sank. But she had a job to do here.

She pasted on a fake smile. That, at least, was something she was really good at.






Max led them to a table across the room from Spencer and Zander, but easily in their line of sight. Caroline looked around and immediately recognized the four men sitting at a round table next to theirs. How convenient. She gave her friend a little smile. Max winked at her when Brantley wasn’t looking.

“I hope this will do, Mr. Anderson,” Max said, raising her voice slightly on his name.

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