Home > The CEO (Silver Spoon MC)(2)

The CEO (Silver Spoon MC)(2)
Author: Loni Ree

“That’s Karma for giving me shit about my age,” I tell him. I’m a huge believer in Karma.

“Don’t I fucking know it. I better order flowers, chocolates,” he rambles on as he rushes from my office.

Resting my head against the chair, I stare at the ceiling wondering how my life got this crazy. Oh, that’s right. I moved to Silver Spoon Falls, took a stressful job, then co-founded a motorcycle club.









“Love Bug, Mommy might have made a mistake.” I glance into the rearview mirror and sigh. My tiny, tan Pekingese raises her eyebrow before lifting her paw to her mouth. As she slowly licks her foot pad, I turn my attention back to the road ahead wondering how I managed to screw up Mr. Davis’ instructions. Surely, the Silver Spoon MC clubhouse isn’t too far away.

Rain pelts my windshield, and I shiver. It’s been a typical Monday. The shop I co-own with my sister, Petal Pushers, was busy all morning, and I was looking forward to a long soak and a little television to relax. Right before close, we had an emergency order come in from a frantic man begging me to make a last-minute delivery to save his life. He explained that he forgot his anniversary and needed us to deliver a groveling apology flower arrangement asap. Because the afternoon had been so slow, Kyra sent Rachel, one of our part-time employees, home early and told the delivery guy to take the evening off. Wanting to show my overprotective twin sister that I can hold up my end of our business, I ignored her offer to handle the delivery and decided to do it myself. After grabbing the flowers and Luv Bug, I set out in the blinding storm.

My cell phone rings, and I hit the button on my steering wheel to answer the call over Bluetooth. “Where are you?” Kyra’s concerned voice blares through my tiny car.

“Lost,” I admit. There’s no use lying to my twin. My lousy sense of direction isn’t a secret.

“Okay.” My level-headed twin sighs. “I’ll pull up your location and give you directions.” Thank God for modern technology. “You missed the turn a mile or so back.” That doesn’t surprise me at all. “Can you find some place to turn around?” Her voice cracks as the reception cuts in and out.

The call drops and I realize I’m on my own. Surely, I can find my way.

Since we moved to Silver Spoon Falls four months ago, Kyra has always handled the deliveries that our driver can’t do. I mean, I’m kind of known for my horrible sense of direction. As the only florist within forty-five miles, Petal Pushers does a booming business. Actually, we advertise our blooming business. Aunty Poppy chose the small Texas town to open her flower shop over forty years ago for its convenient location and friendly, wealthy residents.

When Kyra and I were in grade school, our grandparents died in a plane crash, and Aunty Poppy became our surrogate grandmother. We spent summers working alongside her in the floral shop in Silver Spoon Falls, Texas. Our hippy parents retired to Alaska when we graduated from high school, and we decided to attend college in Houston to stay close to our great-aunt. Six months ago, our beloved Aunty Poppy passed away after battling cancer for several years.

I hear Kyra’s, I told you so echoing through my mind as I bite my thumb nail and debate my options.

A loud popping noise sounds in my tiny car before the steering wheel jerks hard to the right. Oh, no. “Don’t worry, Luv Bug,” I reassure my furry baby as I look for a safe place to pull over.

Between the foggy windows and driving rain, I can’t make out anything in the darkness surrounding me. Glancing down, I see zero bars on the top line of my cellphone and groan. I’m in trouble.

Beginning to panic, I take a deep breath and tell myself to calm down. It’s dark, chilly, and rainy. Thankfully, I’m in a safe area, but that doesn’t help the fact I’m broke down with my defenseless little fur ball and have no idea if my sister has sent someone to look for me. Oof.

A few minutes later, I’m about to give into the tears teasing the back of my eyes when I see a flash in my rearview mirror. As the oversized SUV drives past me, I blink my lights hoping to catch the driver’s attention.

I breathe a sigh of relief when the vehicle stops and reverses. A huge figure hops out into the rainy night and walks toward my car, causing fear to strike me. Either this person will help me or murder me and hide the body.

The stranger knocks on my window, causing my little dog to growl. I roll down the window a couple of inches and gasp when I get a good look at my hero. He’s hot. Like not even normal makes-my-heart-race hot. Oh, no. This giant is melt-your-panties-right-off-your-body-and-turn-to-a-puddle-of-goo gorgeous. His soaking wet white dress shirt is molded to his wide, muscular chest. His sleeves are rolled up enough to give me a peek at a stunning black tattoo running up his arm. Holy cow. One look at him and my brain shuts down.

Swallowing, I give him a forced smile. “Hi. I’m, uh, lost and I think my car has a flat tire,” I manage to stutter out as his deep brown eyes stare down into mine. Luv Bug continues barking, and I start to wonder if I just found a smoking hot ax murderer.

“What in the hell are you doing out here by yourself?” he roars, and my hackles rise. “Are you nuts? It isn’t safe to run around in a thunderstorm. Did you try to call for help?” When I continue to stare silently at him, he snaps, “Answer me.” The hot jerk glares down at me, and I squirm in the seat. Then my outrage takes over. How dare he?

“I’m not a moron,” I snap. “My phone doesn’t have a signal.” I hold up the useless device for him to see. “No good deed goes unpunished.” He blinks down at me as my story comes spilling out. “I was being nice, taking a last-minute order for flowers to save a man’s marriage, and now I have a flat tire in the middle of nowhere and you’re being mean to me. You big jerk,” I wail as my mouth forgets my predicament and takes off without consulting my brain. The tears are imminent now.

Mr. Hottie Jerk blinks several times before running a hand over his soaking wet face. As I watch a raindrop slide down his chiseled jaw, the urge to lick the water from his warm skin overtakes my fear and anger. My eyes automatically move down his massive body, and I notice a huge bulge tenting the front of his gray dress pants. I thought men shrunk in their southern regions when cold and wet. What in the world? Get yourself together!

Luv Bug barks loudly, showing her tiny white teeth to our would-be savior. The hottie blinks several times and gives his head a shake before growling, “Grab the noisemaker and come sit in my SUV where it’s warm while I look at your tire.”

“Uh.” I still don’t know if he’s an ax murderer, but I do know he’s a jerk. “I’m fine here.”

“Look, lady.” Even in the darkness, I can make out the red stain moving over his cheeks. “I’m getting fucking soaked here trying to help you.” He steps back and opens my door. “Stop being a pain in my ass.”

“Stop being a big jerk.” I pull the car door shut and lock it. “If you don’t want to help me, just drive away.” Luv Bug whimpers in the backseat from my brave words. If the hottie leaves me out here all alone, I’m not sure what we’ll do.

My heart drops when he storms back to his SUV. Fudge muffin. I really screwed up this time. I quickly debate my options. Maybe I should swallow my pride and jump out of the car to chase him down. The thought of apologizing and begging for help doesn’t appeal. Luckily, the hot jerk isn’t leaving me. He grabs something from his vehicle and heads back to my car. I’m unable to make out what he’s holding, and fear hits me. Is that a gun? Is he going to kill or kidnap me?

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