Home > A Chance for Us (Willow Creek Valley #4)(60)

A Chance for Us (Willow Creek Valley #4)(60)
Author: Corinne Michaels

Tears fill my eyes as he glances at me and then keeps reading.

“Con: Blank.”

My lip trembles.

“See, I couldn’t think of one reason to sign it. Not one.” Oliver moves closer so we’re toe-to-toe. “I kept trying to convince myself that it would be better if I did, but I can’t. Give me a reason, Maren. Tell me why I should sign it, why did you want me to?”

Finally, he’s asking me. Finally, I’ll get to explain. “Because I want to choose you. I want you to know, always, that you’re the only man I want. Not because we were trapped or some sort of chivalry but because I want to choose you, Oliver Parkerson. Every day.”

He shakes his head. “I choose us.”

He leans down, kissing me tenderly, and I can taste the salty tears. My arms wrap around his neck, holding him where I need him—with me.

When he leans back, his hands frame my face. “I was a dick. I said things . . .”

“I screwed up. I never should’ve told you that way. There were a million better ways to handle it. I’m sorry that I hurt you.”

“We both did that.”

When I push up on my toes, I kiss him again. “I have been so miserable.”

His hands drop to mine, and he’s careful of my injured finger. “I have to tell you something.” There’s a slight tremble in his voice. “One that may change this whole entire mood.”


We sit on the couch, and his eyes don’t leave mine. “I’m sick, Maren. I got my test results the day we buried your father, and they said I have cancer.”

My heart stops. I can’t breathe or think or move. No, not him. Please not him.


“I’m stage IA, and the doctor assures me that we caught it early, but I start chemotherapy on Friday. I didn’t tell you sooner because you were dealing with everything and I didn’t know much. Just that the biopsy came back cancerous. I was going to tell you the weekend I was here, but . . .” He flinches, clearly not wanting to finish that sentence. “It’s only in the one lymph node, and they’re very optimistic that I’ll only need two rounds.” He sighs heavily. “If you don’t want to go through this, I understand. You just lost your—”

“We will fight, Oliver. We will stand together, and we will fight. I love you, and that doesn’t mean only when you’re healthy or happy. It means sickness and pain and everything between. I don’t choose you only when it’s convenient.”

As though I would ever let him do this alone. It will be hard, but it won’t be so unbearable if we do it together. I love him with everything inside me.

“You want to be there for me, even after just losing your dad?”

“I want to be there because you’re my heart. Now, tell me the plan and let’s prepare—together.”



“Stop being such a baby,” I tell him as I tuck him into his bed.

“You know I’m perfectly fine.”

“For now, but I am preparing in case that changes.”

Oliver grabs my wrist. “I may have no side effects or I may be miserable, but either way, we’ll be okay.”

My God, I love this man. Even after the first round of chemo, he’s worrying about me.

I thought this would be much harder to handle, but I’m actually okay. We spent a good amount of time with his doctor and delayed the start of his treatment by a week. Oliver and his doctor had discussed the possible complications of him having kids, but they never really planned to address it. So, after some consideration, Oliver opted to have a sample, er, frozen. In case we need it down the road, it’ll be there.

It also gave us—or me—time to come up with a very practical plan. I spoke with Mark and Jackson, explained the situation, and now have the ability to work from home. The only stipulations are that I will need to go to the office once a month for briefings, and they insisted on sending a team to Oliver’s cabin this week to install all kinds of security firewalls and satellite whatevers so our missions won’t be compromised.

For the rest of the month, though, I am on FMLA. Being married allowed me the opportunity to be here and care for him. More than that, it gives us some much-needed time to really see where this relationship stands.

My hand grazes his stubbly cheek. “Please rest.”

“I will.”

“Good. Now, I’m going to see your siblings, give them an update, and let you know what they say when I get back.”

He shakes his head. “Godspeed.”

I grin. “Go to sleep.”

This lake, the nature, peace, and silence does something to me. I feel more like myself when I’m here than I did the last time. It could also be that I’m with Oliver, but even when we were together at my house, it wasn’t the same as it is here.

The walk up to the resort takes about ten minutes, and I enjoy every second of it.

“Hey, Maren,” Jack says as he meets me on the trail.

“Hi.” Kinsley waves with a smile.

“Hey, you guys.”

“How’s Uncle Oliver?”

I smile. “He’s doing really well right now.”

She stares up at her father. “Can I go see him since he’s okay?”

Jack looks to me, and I nod.

It’s not as if he’s going to be asleep already, and it’ll give me a little peace that she’s there in case he needs help.

“I’ll keep watch!” she promises as she runs off.

“Those kids have always loved him the most.”

“He’s the fun one,” I say in agreement.

“He also spoils them beyond belief.”

Jack and I stay silent for a minute as we make our way up the path. “How is the custody agreement going?”

“It’s good. Samuel is a great guy, and ultimately, we all want what’s best for Kinsley, so there’s no fighting. We are just making it legal in case something happens to any of us.”

I know that all too well. “It’s smart. My mother died young, and I can remember worrying what would happen if I lost my dad too.”

“My mother died in a fire when I was a kid, and my dad might as well have died alongside her. It was the Parkersons who kept me afloat. I want Kinsley to have a family that will always be there for her. Much like you have.”

I nod with a smile. “They’re something.”

“You’ve had a really rough few months, Maren, and I hope you know this family is here for you as well. I know I’m the outsider, but trust me, my wife runs these guys.”

That’s very accurate. “I appreciate it. This family is really special, and I’m honored to be a part of it, especially after watching how everyone has stepped up to be there for Oliver if he needs help. I’m looking forward to spending this time with you all.”

All of it is working out the way I hoped it would. Finally, one plan is going right.

“We are all really happy you guys are happy. He’s one of the best men I know and deserves to have everything he wants. And this is none of my business, but what did you guys decide about the annulment?”

Ah, the stupid annulment. “We used it for the fire last night.”

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