Home > Oath of Fidelity (Deviant Doms #3)(34)

Oath of Fidelity (Deviant Doms #3)(34)
Author: Jane Henry

She simmers down a bit, a cold, calculating look in her eyes. Goddamn it, why can’t my wife have one good parent? I saw her father lose his life in this very room. But Anna won’t, not today anyway. Not here. Not on my watch.

“Please,” I say, gesturing to a chair. “Let her sit down.”

The guards look to Romeo, who nods his consent. They release her as she yanks her arms from their grip and sits angrily on the edge of a chair.

“I demand to see my daughter.”

I sit across from her, and tally the weapons I have on my person. Gun in a holster at my waist, knife in my pocket, two hands that will do anything to anyone who tries to threaten my wife.

You can’t trust these people.

“I’m afraid I can’t allow that. Not yet, anyway.”

I’m not surprised when she bares her teeth at me. “Is that right?”

I nod and sit forward, my forearms resting on my legs. “That’s right. Tell me, Anna. Your daughter’s been here now for a little while, and you chose today as the day you show up on our doorstep? Why haven’t you tried to contact us before now?”

“My husband,” she says tearfully, wringing her hands. I don’t buy it for a second. Elise has been clear about her parents’ marriage, and I know Anna didn’t care about her husband in the least.

“He forbade me from coming to see her. But it was kept quiet that he died, and I didn’t know.” She wipes at her eyes, but I see no tears. “Not until I heard about Piero.”

My blood runs cold. Piero. If she was estranged from Elise, how did she know him? And why do I hate that she did?

“Ah. I see. And what can we help you with?”

“What can you help me with?” Her face grows serious again, and her eyes flash at me. “I want to see my daughter.”

This is nothing about her daughter and everything to do with her claiming something that may or may not belong to her. I’ll get to the bottom of this. I always do. I get to the bottom of everything.

“I want to know why, Anna. This is a happy day for Elise. I’d rather not make things any harder than they need to be.”

In a flash, she drops any semblance of playing nice. “Sure you would. Right. As if I believe that for a minute.”

Romeo clears his throat and signals to one of our guards. “You got a car ready to escort her off this property?”

She looks wildly to him. He shrugs. “Elise is my sister-in-law now. And I take care of my own, too.”

“I’m not going,” she says, shaking her head wildly from side to side. “No. I came here for a reason, and I’m not leaving until I see my daughter.”

“I don’t think so.” I’ve had enough of this bullshit. “What you’re gonna do is give us your contact information, and I’ll talk to Elise by myself. Privately. Alone. I’ll see what she has to say, for her wishes are the only ones that matter to me. And then if she feels up to seeing you, we’ll be in touch.”

I expect her to scream or rail against me, but she only laughs. “Oh, that’s cute.” She rolls her eyes. “I love how you think you’ve got all the answers. High and mighty, are you?”

“Careful, Anna,” Orlando warns, his eyes snapping.

“Oh, I should be scared,” she says with mock fear. “Such a big, strong man like you threatening me?”

Orlando uncrosses his arms. He’s beaten the shit out of men for less than this.

“Tavi,” Romeo says, warning me. She’s overstayed her welcome.

“Go,” I order, pointing to the guards. “Car’s ready.” I turn my back to her. I need to get back to Elise. I do not want word getting to her before I have a chance to tell her anything. “We’ll talk after you’ve followed our protocol.”

“Wait!” Anna screams, her voice shaking with anger. “Go get Santo. Get Santo! You all think he’s one of you, don’t you?” She laughs. “You don’t know a thing. Go get him and see what he tells you.”



I look to Romeo and Romeo looks back to me. We suspected Elise’s father had an insider here at The Castle, but we never found them. Romeo got rid of all our staff and started from scratch. But Santo? No way. I don’t believe for a minute Santo’s capable of betraying any of us. He’s cold and some might even say heartless, but he’s loyal to the core.


“Where is Santo?” I ask.

Romeo scowls, his eyes still on Anna Regazza. “Stepped outside with Leo.”

I call Leo, who answers on the first ring.

“Yeah, Tavi?”

“Leo, we’ve got a situation here in the Great Hall.”

“So I’ve heard.” Leo’s voice is slurred. He’s been partying hearty today after all he’s been through. “What can I do for you?”

“I need Santo.”


“Yeah, Santo.” I’m running out of patience. Rome’s gone very, very still.

“He ain’t here, Tav. I think he left. And where’s Elise? I don’t see her either…”

My blood runs cold.








“Elise? Elise, it’s time to cut the cake.” Marialena, who fancies herself my personal wedding coordinator, waves from where she stands. “Where’s Tavi?”

I glance back to the door he left through. He didn’t tell me I couldn’t follow him, though it was implied.

I’m a Rossi now. The concept both thrills and terrifies me.

Rossis get shit done.

I want to see my husband.

“I’ll find him,” I tell her with a smile. “Distract the crowd with your stunning good looks, will you?”

When Marialena grins, her whole face lights up. She looks like a model, and something tells me she’s very aware of the effect she has. “You got it, baby.” With a wink, she tugs the little sleeves of her dress down her arms, baring her shoulders, then shakes her mane of long, long hair and gestures to the DJ.

“Time for a game!”

I enter The Castle amidst groans and cheers and Marialena’s charismatic laugh.

A member of staff greets me in the kitchen, an older man with a balding head. “Need something, miss?”

“No, I’m just looking for my husband.” Husband. It feels funny calling him that, like I’m trying on a new pair of shoes that fit well but haven’t been broken in yet. I need to use his name, though. I need some clout. “Have you seen him?”

“I saw him a moment ago. Not sure where he went, though?” He frowns. “He headed toward the office, I think. Or thereabouts anyway.” He gestures in the general direction of the secretive rooms at the back of The Castle.

The office… I’ve been in every room in this house and can’t recall a room they referred to as the office. Upstairs, maybe?

“Ottavio!” I shout, but this place is huge. Though everyone but staff seems to be outside right now, quieting the usually bustling home, my voice is still swallowed by the sheer size of the place. “Tavi!”

Of course today of all days I don’t have my phone on me. Normally, I’d call or text him.

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