Home > The Shadows Between Us(25)

The Shadows Between Us(25)
Author: Tricia Levenseller

“And what do you intend to tell him when he arrives in a fury?” I rest my head on Rhouben’s shoulder as soon as I spot Melita glaring at the two of us.

“That I’m purchasing something spectacular for Melita, of course. But I needed something jarring to prompt his journey to the palace. Once he arrives, I think I can keep him here until Orrin is back from business.”

“Good. We need to be careful. Timing is everything.”

Another couple sidles up next to us. It’s Petros, dancing with a new man I don’t recognize. “Are you hogging the king’s beau?”

“I’m merely trying to escape mine,” Rhouben says.

“You’ve had Alessandra for two dances already. If it’s a third, people will talk. Here, let’s switch.”

Suddenly I’m pulled into Petros’s arms, and Rhouben finds himself holding Petros’s partner.

“Hi,” Rhouben says awkwardly.

“Would you rather dance with a man or dance with Melita?” Petros asks, as he sweeps me away.

The last thing I see is Rhouben enthusiastically engaging in the dance with Petros’s old partner.

Then my eyes are on Petros. I’m laughing at the whole exchange, heady with taking Melita’s dance partner, giddy with the relief that there are men still willing to dance with me. Drunk on the thought that Myron will be out of the picture soon enough.

Petros regales me with stories of his recent escapades. Lord Osias and Lord Banis apparently got into a fight over him. They’re both nursing mild wounds this evening, so he has had to find other partners to entertain himself with.

After a total of two dances, Petros twirls me outward, sending me into another man’s arms.

“Leandros,” I say. “Where have you been?”

“Important people never arrive on time to events, but it seems I’ve missed much of the fun.”

“No,” I say. “You’re just in time for it.”

Over his shoulder, I see Petros finding a lady to dance with. Meanwhile, Rhouben is literally walking away from Melita, trying to outdistance her. I suppose my advice to play the perfect fiancé was too much to ask of him.

Leandros is more than an accomplished dancer with the skill in which he lifts me off the floor and spins me in the air. As I feel his hands in mine, feel his arms come around me as we go through the steps of the dance, I can’t help but wonder if I will ever feel Kallias in this way.





It is the dead of night when we return from the ball and Rhouben and I swap money for letter in my rooms. Petros is with us, insisting he wouldn’t miss out on the fun. And he also proclaims to be an excellent forger.

Rhouben and I look over his shoulder as he finishes the letter.

Dearest Melita,

I have watched you from afar for too long. I can no longer keep my feelings to myself. Your beauty is like the light of the sun. It almost hurts to look at you, and you make it impossible for me to look at anyone else.

Please, I must speak with you alone. Will you meet me in your rooms at nine o’clock on the evening of the ___? Will you greet me with a kiss, so I may know if your feelings for me burn as brightly as mine do for you?

Your humble servant,

Orrin Galopas, Earl of Eliades


We compare his writing to the note Orrin sent me. Petros has managed the shape of Orrin’s letters perfectly. No one would know the difference. It’s unlikely that the note will fall into anyone’s hands but Melita’s, but better safe than sorry. If our plan to save Rhouben from this marriage is to work, it needs to be flawless.

“What now?” Rhouben asks.

“Now all that’s left,” I say, “is to wait for Orrin to arrive back at the palace. When he does, we add the date to the letter, and then I will seal it with Orrin’s crest. Then you must get this letter to Melita without her spotting you delivering it.”

“But how will you get his crest?”

Petros stands from his chair and cracks his back. “He’s in love with her, you dolt. How do you think she’ll gain access to his rooms and get his crest? She’ll play him.”

Rhouben grips me in a hug, smashing me against his bright red-and-yellow-brocade vest. “You really are the best, Alessandra. If this works, I owe you my life.”

“Don’t be so dramatic,” Petros says.

“Would you want a life with Melita?” Rhouben challenges.

“Fair point. Yes, you owe her your life. And I’ll take the fifty necos you promised for the use of my penmanship.”

“When did I promise you that?”

I leave the two of them to playfully bicker, my skirts heavily ladened with an envelope full of money.


* * *


I SPEND MY MORNING away from the palace, running a few necessary errands. I distribute Rhouben’s money carefully, wisely, and when I return to the palace, my smile is full and earnest.

Until I run into Lord Ikaros Vasco on the way back to my rooms.

“Ah, Lady Stathos, just who I was looking for.”

“Is everything all right?” I ask.

“Of course. Why shouldn’t everything be all right?”

“Because the head of the king’s council has sought me out. You practically threatened me during our last conversation.”

Vasco tilts his head to the side. “You and I remember that conversation very differently.”

I smile politely, but my teeth grind together behind my lips.

“No, I merely wanted to ask how your courtship with the king is coming along. Kallias is so private. The young king won’t say a word about it.”

“And neither will I.”

Vasco nods to himself, as though expecting this answer. “I wonder if that is perhaps because the courtship isn’t happening at all?”

I blink. “I beg your pardon?”

“He sends you gifts, and you enjoy each other’s company during mealtimes, but what else? To my knowledge, you spend no other time with each other. He does not accompany you to any events. Has he even kissed you yet?”

I round on the man. “That is none of your business. And you know perfectly well just how busy the king is. He doesn’t attend events with me because he’s in meetings with you and the council.”

“To be sure, I know exactly what Kallias spends his time doing. But he has a council to take care of things until he is of age. Now is the perfect opportunity to rely on us to run the kingdom for him while he spends his time with a beautiful young lady such as yourself.”

I can’t think of a single thing to say to the man in return.

“Unless of course the courtship isn’t real. In which case, the council will start arranging for more ladies to meet with the king, and we will have no use for you.”

And with that, Vasco leaves.


* * *


I HATE NOT HAVING the last word in a conversation. Absolutely loathe it. What’s worse, the council isn’t falling for our ruse. And if there’s no ruse, then Kallias has no need to keep me around. How am I to win him for real, then?

I let myself into my rooms, Vasco’s threats ripe within my mind.


I jump a foot into the air. How the blazes do people keep getting into my rooms?

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