Home > Bad Boy Bachelor Cupid(56)

Bad Boy Bachelor Cupid(56)
Author: Ali Parker

Storm shuddered.

He pulled out right before he lost it, and while he got himself under control in the cock department, he turned me over so that I was back on my hands and knees. He ran his hands up the backs of my thighs and over my ass. I wiggled my butt for him, daring him to spank me again, but he didn’t—not until he pressed back inside me. The pressure on this angle was incredible. I melted face first into the blankets as the pleasure consumed me. I couldn’t think straight. As he fucked me, I clawed at the blankets and fought to catch my breath. The bedroom spun in circles all around me.

Storm growled and grabbed my hips, fucking me harder and faster, keeping me in place, using me just as I’d asked.

I smiled and my eyes rolled back.

Yes. Yes. Yes!

Storm grabbed a fistful of my hair. He pulled my head back, the sharp pain contrasted by the gentle kiss he pressed to my lips while he slid in and out of me. I couldn’t hold it any longer. While he held me all twisted like a pretzel, I came.

As soon as I lost control, so did he. He broke behind me, released my hair, and pushed me down with a hand between my shoulder blades while he finished. When he was done, I stayed like that, half my face buried in the blankets, my eyes closed, a dopey smile lingering on my lips as my whole body tingled and hummed with glorious release.

Storm kissed my bare ass before trailing more kisses up my spine that immediately gave me goosebumps. He kissed my shoulders before rolling me onto my back and pinning me down for a make-out session that had his cock hard again within seconds. He whispered for me to wait for him, and he left the bed to go clean himself up.

While I waited, I snuggled under the blankets and nestled into one of the fluffiest pillows I’d ever felt. When he came out of the bathroom, he slid under the blankets with me and pulled me into him.

I sighed contently, releasing the remaining pent-up energy from the fashion show and last night’s chaos with Jennika’s post. All of that had been officially put to rest. I was proud of myself for how I’d handled things and how I hadn’t jumped down Storm’s throat the first chance I got.

The old Laila Hunt probably would have freaked out right away and sent him angry text messages, demanding he explain himself. She might not have believed said explanations, either. She’d have been insecure and intimidated, and she’d have let Jennika’s little stunt ruin the best thing that had ever happened to her.

But Storm had made me into a better woman. I knew my strength and my worth. In his arms, I felt like I could conquer the world. Here, with his heart beating against mine, I knew I was safe.

“What are you smiling at?”

I opened my eyes and blinked up at him. He’d been watching me. “I’m just feeling really lucky.”

He gave me a squeeze and kissed my forehead. “Me too.”









I opened my eyes.

My bedroom was silent save for the clock ticking out in the hallway.

Tick, tock. Tick, tock.

Lying on my back, I rubbed at my eyes and stretched, reaching my arms over my head. A groan escaped me as tight muscles woke up, and I rolled over to give Laila a good morning smooch and cuddle.

“Morning, baby,” I purred, hand reaching across the king bed in search of her.

When I found nothing but sheets, I opened my eyes and found her side of the bed empty. Frowning, I sat up and looked around, finding her clothes from last night still strewn about the bedroom floor.

The bathroom door was open and nobody was in there. I strained my ears and listened. Perhaps she’d gone down the hall to use the other bathroom? After a few moments, I realized she wasn’t down there.

Where had she gone?

Outside, a lawnmower started up. My landscaping company was here tending to the lawns and gardens.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood, indulging in one more stretch before I put on a pair of sweatpants and left the bedroom, padding barefoot down the long hall to the stairs. At the top, I stopped.

Down below, Laila stood in the open front door in my bathrobe talking to someone outside. He wore a brown uniform and a ball cap, and he handed a box over to Laila, who turned when she heard me coming down the stairs.

“Wait!” She held up her free hand, precariously balancing the box in the other. “Shoo! I need fifteen more minutes.”

I rubbed at my chest and looked around. “Did you just shoo me in my own house?”

She nodded. “I did, and you’re going to go back up to the bedroom and give me the fifteen minutes I asked for. Go.”

The delivery driver hid his smile under the visor of his ball cap.

Feeling like a scolded six-year-old, I dragged my feet back up the stairs and went to the bedroom, checking the time. It was already one o’clock in the afternoon! Laila and I had slept straight through the morning after our late night. Everything leading up to the fashion show this week had been draining and we both probably needed to catch up on our sleep, especially after our romp in the sheets. I, for one, had slept like a log.

I wondered how long Laila had been up and what she was planning.

What was in the box?

Why had I been banished to the bedroom?

Did she actually need fifteen more minutes, or would she leave me up here with a grumbling stomach for longer?

The minutes ticked by at a painfully slow pace, and the clock in the hallway taunted me.

Tick, tock.

Tick, tock.

I went into the bathroom and handled some business before splashing cold water on my face and freshening up with some deodorant. Maybe later I’d convince Laila to go for a swim with me in the heated outdoor pool. We’d wait until the landscaping crew was gone and the property was empty, and we could skinny dip. Just the thought made me hard.

“Storm! You can come down now!”

Oh, there will be no coming down after thinking about you naked in my swimming pool.

I left the bedroom in a hurry and passed the clock on the wall. The incessant ticking faded out of earshot as I descended the stairs. I hurried across the foyer and down the hall toward the kitchen, where Laila called my name when I passed her in the main living room.

She stood in front of the lit fire wearing one of my button-up shirts. My bathrobe had been discarded to one of the nearby chairs.

The sight made my erection harder.

Damn her. Did she have any idea what she was doing to me?

She smiled and spread her arms wide, gesturing to the coffee table. I hadn’t even noticed that it was full of goodies.

I moved into the living room. “What’s all this?”

“It’s everything we need for the rest of our Valentine’s Day. Come look.” She went down to her knees on the Turkish rug and began showing me everything she’d ordered. First, she lifted a bottle of champagne out of an ice bucket. “Champagne, obviously.”

“Obviously,” I echoed.

“And here we have a callback to our night at the hotel with some Getting Baked brownies.” She gave me a wink and a pump of her eyebrows before sifting through more boxes. “I also got us some blankets and post-brownie snacks for when the munchies inevitably kick in. Oh, and to start, I thought we might want to ease our way into it with some butter croissants. And this.” She sat back on her heels with a proud smile and handed me a card.

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