Home > Bonded by Two : Kindred Tales 41(10)

Bonded by Two : Kindred Tales 41(10)
Author: Evangeline Anderson

“I…I’m just fine,” Lexi said breathlessly. “And I asked you not to call me that.”

“My apologies, Alexa,” he murmured. “I was just…concerned that maybe we’d taken too much blood.”

“I feel fine,” Lexi insisted. And in fact, she was beginning to feel better—if better was the word for it. At any rate, she felt less of the strange tingling and pulling sensations at the tips of her breasts and between her legs now that only Bound was drinking from her.

“Still, you’ve given enough.” Gaze reached over and shook his brother’s shoulder. “Bound, stop—you’ve taken enough. Stop now!” he said sternly.

Bound’s forest green eyes fluttered open again and he finally seemed to understand. He stopped sucking and swiped his tongue over the underside of Lexi’s right wrist, which seemed to heal the small wounds from his fangs immediately. It must be some compound in his saliva that did it, she thought distractedly.

“Are…are you feeling better?” she asked the big Kindred. His face had more color now, she thought. As did Gaze’s. Before the two of them had been white as chalk—now their natural tan color had returned and there was even some pinkness in their cheeks.

“Much…better,” Bound growled in a deep, rumbling voice that seemed to shake her whole body. “Thank you…Angel.”

“I’m not—” Lexi began but his eyes had already shut again and it was clear he was either sleeping or resting so deeply he couldn’t hear her.

“Thank you.” Gaze echoed his brother’s words. “I don’t know why you’re so kind to us—I know that your people think males are beneath you and there’s no reason for you to be so generous. But thank you for saving our lives.” He looked at Lexi earnestly. “I don’t know how, but some day…some way, we will repay you.”

Lexi wanted to protest that she hadn’t done any of what she’d done for them in any expectation of payment. But just then the hovercoach began to rise silently upward and, before she knew it, they were flying into the private entrance of the penthouse her Great Aunt had left her.

Somehow, without meaning to, she had brought both the big Kindred warriors home with her.






Bound didn’t know where he was, but he thought it must be some form of paradise. There were golden, glittering walls all around and beautiful flowers arranged in vases everywhere he looked. The air was filled with the musical tinkle of water and he saw that there was a delicate golden fountain in the center of the room with pale purple water flowing from its bejeweled spout.

But what really convinced him that he must have crossed over to the afterlife was the beautiful angel with the dark eyes that had saved him. With her creamy brown skin and luscious full curves, she was so fucking gorgeous it hurt to look at her and yet Bound couldn’t tear his eyes away.

Not that he had to—she and Gaze were helping him to walk, since he was still so damn weak with blood loss. The Angel had saved him from the Blood Thirst but it was going to take his body some time to recover from the wounds it had been forced to heal.

“This way,” the Angel was saying.

Bound followed where she led without question. Gods, he could still taste her blood on his lips! It was salty and sweet and different from any donor blood he’d ever had. Fucking delicious—maybe even addictive. And her scent was still in his nose—sweet and warm and fresh and feminine—it was enough to make a male want to get between her thighs and stay there for hours, learning if she tasted as good as she smelled…

“But this looks like the Master suite,” Gaze said, which made Bound look away from the Angel for a moment to admire the elaborate bedchamber they were now in. “It’s your room,” Gaze said to the Angel. “We can’t take your room!”

“This is the only room where there’s a bed that’s big enough for the two of you,” the Angel said, frowning stubbornly. “Come on—help me get him lying down.”

“I c’n get onna bed myself,” Bound muttered—and then nearly fell when he tried. Damn it, he was still so weak! He looked at the bed balefully--it was a vast floating feather-light mattress covered in silky caress fibers of the kind he’d only heard of and it hovered above the richly carpeted floor teasingly, at about waist-height to him.

“Here—let me lower it,” the Angel said. She pressed a series of buttons on the wall and the floating mattress lowered itself obligingly until it was even with Bound’s knees.

“Easy, Brother!” Gaze helped him lie down on the bed, which cradled him in comfort even as the tiny fibers stroked his skin. But though it was comfortable—luxurious even—it wasn’t what Bound wanted.

Reaching out, he caught the Angel’s small, delicate hand in his own much larger one.

“Stay with me,” he growled, tugging her gently to him so that he could wrap and arm around her waist. Gods, he loved the way her curves felt—so soft and yielding! “Stay with us, Angel,” he begged her.

Suddenly, he had the urge to hold the beautiful female between himself and his brother, to take turns pleasuring her… It was something he had been taught was wrong, almost from his birth, but somehow with the Angel it seemed like the most natural thing in the world.

“Stay between us,” he told her. “We’ll take care of you, my brother and me. Give you pleasure all night long.”

“No, no, Bound!” Gaze exclaimed. “You can’t do that—Alexa is our hostess—you can’t just grab her like that!”

He reached for the Angel’s other arm, as though to pull her away, and then the three of them gasped.

For the moment all three of them were touching skin-to-skin a warm current ran through them. A current of sensation…a current of desire.

Bound felt his shaft growing hard in his flight leathers and a low groan broke from his lips. At the same time, he could hear Gaze and the beautiful Angel also moaning in tandem. Something was getting to all three of them…but what?

“Stop—we have to stop now!” the Angel gasped and tore herself away from both of them.

Immediately the warm current of desire cut off, leaving Bound feeling cold and alone in his own skin again.

“Gods,” he muttered hoarsely, missing the intense sensation already. “Angel, what was that?”

“I told you my name is Alexa—Lexi! Not Mistress and not ‘Angel!’” the Angel panted. She seemed upset for some reason, though Bound couldn’t imagine why. The feeling when the three of them had been touching each other had been amazing and he said so.

“Fuckin’ amazing,” he growled hoarsely. “Come back, Angel—let’s try that again.”

“I’m not…oh forget it, call me whatever you want—I don’t care!” the Angel exclaimed. Her creamy cheeks were dark with a blush and she was panting.

Then, turning on her heel, she left the bedroom in a flustered huff.






What in the hell was going on with her, Lexi wondered desperately as she left the bedroom and went back to the vast living area in the center of the penthouse apartment. She wanted to forget what had just happened—or pretend to herself that she’d been imagining it. But her nerves were still tingling, her nipples were stiff, and the place between her legs felt molten with desire.

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