Home > Bonded by Two : Kindred Tales 41(33)

Bonded by Two : Kindred Tales 41(33)
Author: Evangeline Anderson

“I’m going to visit the Ladies Relief Area,” she told Gaze and Bound as they left the sorrow Dream Gas fountain. “I think I saw a sign for it over there. You guys wait for me—I’ll be right back.”

Bound frowned.

“You really think you should go alone, Angel?”

“I’ll be fine,” Lexi told him. “I’ll be sure to avoid sniffing any stray gas bubbles on the way.”

She gave them both a smile and headed across the glowing green dance floor to the place where she’d seen a sign labeled “Ladies Relief” earlier. Sure enough, she found the sign, but there was no door under it. Instead, there was an arrow that blinked on and off and pointed to a hallway to one side of the sign.

Exploring a little further, Lexi saw that the hallway was carved right into the rock of the mine wall. It looked like a dark crevasse full of shadows—which gave her an uneasy chill. But as she watched, a young Mistress in a bright pink dress with hair to match came strutting out of the shadowy hall.

“Is the Ladies Relief Area very far down the hallway?” Lexi asked her.

“Not far. Just a few steps down and to the left,” the other woman answered carelessly. “Excuse me—I just can’t get enough of that lust gas! Bernardo!” she called and a strapping young bodyslave came over to her side at once with a big grin on his face.

“Yes, Mistress?”

“I think I want a few more sips of that lust gas—what do you say?” his Mistress asked, giggling so that her large, mostly bare breasts jiggled fetchingly.

“I say my Mistress should have whatever she wants,” her bodyslave growled and Lexi noted that his shaft, which was poking prominently out of his trousers, was quite hard.

“Come on then—let’s suck lust bubbles and do what comes naturally! And if that big, hard shaft of yours just happens to slip in my soft little slit, well, we can’t help that, can we? I mean, we were under the influence at the time and totally not responsible for our actions!” The pink-haired Mistress caught her bodyslave’s hand and they ran in the direction of the Lust Dream Gas fountain without another look in Lexi’s direction.

Lexi watched them go with a mixture of emotions. She wondered how the young woman could so easily let herself be penetrated when male/female relations were considered as wrong on Yonnite Six as they were on Zetta Prime. Was it different for the younger generation? Were they loosening restrictions here because the party venue was on the outskirts of Opulex? Also, hadn’t the girl been taught how wrong what she was doing was?

But is it wrong? What would happen if you and Gaze and Bound happened to suck in some lust gas? Would you be terribly upset of the two of them ended up penetrating you?

Lexi felt a shiver of desire run through her…and then a stern little voice spoke up in her head.

You can’t do that, Alexa, and you know it. You know how wrong it is! It goes against everything you’ve ever been taught! Shame on you for even considering it!

The voice sounded suspiciously like her mother’s and though she had been dead for over five years now, it still had the power to send a bolt of shame through Lexi.

Stop thinking all these crazy things for now and just use the Ladies Area, she told herself. She could worry about her conflicting emotions for the two big Kindred later—for now she really had to pee!

She went carefully down the dark hallway, keeping one hand on the rough stone wall until she reached a smooth place that must be the door. Written on it in glowing green script were the words, “Ladies Relief. Mistresses Only.”

“Well, this must be it,” Lexi muttered and pushed open the door.

The area was finished in rose-gold quartz and had innumerable stalls to choose from. There was a dainty hand sanitation fountain in the middle of the room with golden spouts pouring warm water into multiple golden basins. Situated above the spouts were shiny silver heat screens which emitted rays of gentle, conditioning heat that would dry a lady’s hands without drying out her skin at the same time.

This casual opulence reinforced Lexi’s notion that whoever had redesigned the abandoned mine as a party venue definitely had their finger on the pulse of Yonnite High Society. It was certainly much nicer than the dark, cave-like hallway that led to it would suggest. Surprisingly, the room was deserted so she chose a stall in the middle of the long room to do her business.

Feeling much relieved when she was finished, she went to wash her hands and was just drying them off under one of the conditioning heat screens when the door opened and Mistress Crueltongue came in followed by her bodyslave.

“Hello again, you little bitch,” she purred at Lexi, her crimson painted mouth twisted into an angry grin. “I was hoping you’d come in here so we could have a nice private conversation.”

Lexi felt a cold quiver in her stomach but she kept her face and voice calm as she answered.

“If you really want to keep things private, hadn’t you better send your bodyslave out? This area is marked ‘Mistresses Only’ or can’t you read?”

“It might have said that before, but now it says ‘out of order’.” Mistress Crueltongue smirked at her. “I wanted us to have time alone, you see, so I put up a little sign of my own.”

“Whatever you have to say, you can say it outside around other people.”

Lexi turned and headed for the door but Mistress Crueltongue’s bodyslave was suddenly in her way. He looked at Lexi with that strange, blank face that seemed to show no emotion at all but when she tried to dodge around him, he moved to block her every time.

“Do you know why they had to close this particular Dream Gas mine?” Mistress Crueltongue asked, coming to stand beside her bodyslave. “It wasn’t because all the Dream Gas veins were played out—oh, no—as you can tell, there is still plenty of gas left here. No, the reason they had to close this mine, my dear Mistress Alexa, was because of the Vore worms.”

“Vore worms? What are you talking about?” Lexi demanded. Her stomach felt tight and she was fighting to keep calm. Clearly Mistress Crueltongue was up to no good and Lexi was trapped in here with her.

“Vore worms are ravenous creatures about a meter long that live near Dream Gas deposits,” Crueltongue explained. “Their hides are pitch black—which makes them impossible to spot in the dark—and they have no faces. No eyes or ears or nose—just a round, gaping hole lined all the way around with long, jagged teeth. They’re quite ravenous, you know—they ate so many miners in this particular mine that it became financially impossible to keep the mines open.”

“How do you know all this?” Lexi asked, frowning.

“I know, because I was one of the partners, of course!” the other woman exclaimed. “We bought up so many used bodyslaves to work here but the damn worms ate them almost as fast as we could send them down the lift.” She sighed as though it was a great inconvenience. “I eventually sold my stake in the mine and it was bought by an investor who had the bright idea to seal up all but the smallest cracks to let the Dream Gas in while keep the worms out and turn it into a party venue.”

Lexi shook her head.

“I really don’t understand why you’re telling me all this.”

“Why, because my dear, Mistress Alexa—before we gave up mining here, we tried some rather interesting solutions to the Vore worm problem. You see, one of my colleagues came up with the bright idea of inserting some Vore DNA into a bodyslave—because the Vore worms won’t attack their own, you see. Sadly, that approach turned out to be cost prohibitive but it did result in some rather interesting specimens.” She put a hand on her bodyslave’s shoulder and squeezed lightly, her sharp, crimson nails pricking his bare skin. “Show her what I mean, Karnivore.”

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