Home > Bonded by Two : Kindred Tales 41(47)

Bonded by Two : Kindred Tales 41(47)
Author: Evangeline Anderson

“You’re sick!” Lexi’s voice was trembling and she still had the burning incandescent gripped tightly in one fist, but Mistress Crueltongue’s elegant silver blaster was pointed directly at her, so she couldn’t use it.

“Take a step towards him,” was the other woman’s response. “I want to see how well the two of you get along.”

“No!” Lexi said, lifting her chin.

Suddenly the blaster was shoved right between her shoulder blades.

“I said move towards him,” Crueltongue hissed in her ear. “Do it now or I’ll blow a hole in you big enough to watch a viewscreen through!”

Feeling trapped, Lexi took a single, halting step towards the hideous monster. Karnivore Two loomed over her, its clawed hands hanging at its sides.

“It’s a pity you don’t have your two Kindred bodyslaves with you right now, don’t you think?” Mistress Crueltongue remarked from behind her. “They might come in handy in a situation like this. But I suppose you did the noble thing and set them free. Goody-goodies like you can never resist being noble.” She prodded Lexi in the back with the barrel of the blaster again. “Go on, take another step. I want you and Karnivore Two to be really good friends.”

Lexi held back but the other woman gave her a hard push and she stumbled and fell forward. Suddenly she found herself on her knees, looking directly up at the shambling monster.

“Perfect!” Mistress Crueltongue crowed. “Now Karnivore, give Lady Alexa a nice, big hug.”

At its Mistress’s command, the monster’s arms came up and the clawed hands began to reach for Lexi.

Oh Goddess, what am I going to do?

She felt as though her heart might drum its way right out of her chest. Everything seemed to slow down and she watched with horror as the long black claws reached to grab her. She couldn’t run—there was a blaster at her back. But if she went forward, she was basically throwing herself into the monster’s arms.

Wasn’t she?

Lexi eyed the creature looming over her. Since she was on her knees, her face was directly across from the long, hose-like shaft and enormous ball sack. In her head, she heard Bound saying, “Be careful with my balls—that’s a fuckin’ delicate area!”

This creature was male, so it must have the same weakness all males had—right?

Lexi certainly hoped so. Taking a deep breath, she lunged forward and grabbed the massive, flaccid shaft in one hand. Yanking it ruthlessly out of the way, she thrust the still flaming incandescent right up against the creature’s huge sac.

To her surprise, the colossal sac caught fire at once. Lexi wondered if the chemicals the creature had been grown in were extra flammable but she didn’t have long to wonder because at that point, everything seemed to happen at once.

Karnivore Two gave a bawling roar and began to lumber and hop from one massive foot to the other. At the same time, it started swatting at its burning assets, but this only meant it was ripping at its own sensitive flesh with its long, curving claws.

Lexi dived nimbly between its legs and scrambled around the far side of her sleeping platform, where she peered over the edge of the mattress, wide-eyed as the situation continued to deteriorate.

“My bodyslave!” Mistress Carnivore was screaming. “What have you done to my bodyslave, you little bitch!”

Karnivore Two, for its part, was burning like a bonfire by now. The flames that had started at its balls were now consuming its shaft as well, which was crisping up nicely, rather like a long sausage, Lexi thought, feeling sick. Its attempts to beat out the flames had resulted in its claws catching on fire and so the flames were spreading up its freakishly long arms as well.

The fire seemed to drive the huge creature mad with pain. Roaring, it stumbled forward and grabbed the only thing in its path—Mistress Crueltongue.

“No, you fool! Put me down! Put me down!” she shrieked at the three-headed thing.

But the flaming claws only squeezed her tighter. And then, as Lexi watched in horror, the middle head leaned down and its gaping maw enclosed Mistress Crueltongue’s entire head.

For a moment, Lexi could still hear the other woman screaming—though her voice was muffled since it was coming from inside the drooling black hole of a mouth. Then, with a snarling, crunching sound, Karnivore Two bit its Mistress’s head clean off her neck. Blood spurted everywhere, jetting straight up to the ceiling, and the screaming stopped abruptly.

Still maddened by pain, the flaming monster blundered around Lexi’s bedroom. She did her best to keep out of its sight—if it could even see any more—and was relieved when it didn’t seem to notice her crouching behind the bed. Finally, it blundered towards the door and fell, twitching as the flames completely consumed it.

But now Lexi had another problem. The enormous carcass of Karnivore Two was blocking her doorway and the flames were catching, licking across the carpet and up the walls. She needed to get out but the doorway was totally blocked by its enormous, burning bulk.

There was a window over her bed, but it was a long, narrow horizontal slit, which had been the fashion when the house was built. There was no way she was getting out of that, Lexi thought, as she pulled a fold of the bedcover over her mouth and nose, to avoid breathing the choking smoke that was rising all around her.

How had this happened so quickly? Barely two or three minutes before she’d heard a scratching at the closet door and now her entire house was burning down and she was trapped inside! Was it her fate to be burned alive with the corpses of her nemesis and her monster? Was she really going to die this way?

Oh please! she prayed, though she hardly knew who she was praying to. Please, I don’t want to be burned alive. Please, somebody help me!

“Courage, daughter—help is on the way!”

Lexi looked around, confused. Was she hearing things? Who was talking to her?

“I am the Mother of All Life—the Kindred Goddess whom all Kindred warriors worship. And I say to you now, that you will not die here. I have other plans for your life, daughter.”

Lexi wasn’t sure what to say but a peace filled her heart despite the flames. There was a presence surrounding her that came with the voice—a presence that flowed over her like calm, cooling water.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

She didn’t know how she would be saved or who would rescue her but she had hope now, though the flames were dancing higher and higher—hope that she might be saved.

But who would do the saving?

Lexi didn’t know.







The deep, familiar voice make Lexi yank her head up.

The soothing presence was gone but standing in the doorway, which was blocked by the flaming bulk of the monster, she saw Bound. And right behind him was Gaze.

“What in the Seven Hells happened here? Are you all right?” the Light Twin called to Lexi.

“I won’t be if you can’t get to me!” Lexi shouted, over the growing roar of the fire. “My window’s too narrow and the door is blocked! There’s no other way out!”

The twins gave each other a look that seemed to speak volumes.

“Oh yes there is, Angel,” Bound growled.

And Gaze shouted,

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