Home > Pivot (Desire #3)(71)

Pivot (Desire #3)(71)
Author: Ariana Rose

 “I just needed a minute or two…to take care of a few things.”

 “I see. May I join you now?”

 “I’d be mad if you didn’t.”

 He opens his tuxedo jacket and sets his half-empty cocktail on the table next to him. “Have I told you how beautiful you look today?”

 “I don’t know. Maybe once or twice.” I smile. “If there weren’t a hundred or so people outside right now, I’d keep you here for a while.”

 “I recall how you like formal attire and sex. We could always leave your wedding dress on later and consider it a challenge.”

 “God, I can’t wait to get you alone on a beach,” Wes tells me as he leans in to kiss my hand.

 “I have to say I like that idea, Mr. Taylor.” Something dawns on me that should have before now, but honestly hasn’t. “I’m a Taylor. I’m officially a Taylor. You, Mikey, and I are a real family now.”

 “Baby, we always have been. I think Hannah and Mikey are going to have to leave soon. He’s bordering on being done with today. Did you want to say goodbye? It’s going to be hard not to see him for a couple of weeks.”

 “I know. We will video chat and call him on the phone, then we get him for a week when we get back. Remember all the things we have planned? Children’s museum, the zoo, the park, seeing your parents, my parents. He’ll think he’s on vacation.”

 “Are you all packed? The red-eye pumpkin leaves at midnight.”

 “I’m beyond ready. My first thank-you is to the owner of the Tacoma Thunder for letting us use his jet to wing to our undisclosed location. When will you tell me where we’re going?”

 “Just as we land.” He winks.

 “You’re not the only one who can keep a secret, you know?”

 “Uh oh. What is it?” Wes smiles. “Come on, you can tell me.”

 He pretends as if he’s going to tickle me, but kisses the soft spot on my neck instead. I melt into a puddle at his feet when he does that. However, this time, he won’t get any information. “I can’t tell you. I gave my best pinky swear. You know that saying chicks before dicks?”

 He laughs gently before kissing me again. “Okay, have your fun.”

 “Oh I intend to, Mav. Just you wait.”




 I’ve caught myself so many times today simply watching things happen. The loving look Eli gave me when he saw me in my dress. The shape and cut of it is so similar to the white dress I wore the night we met. The thin straps rest light on my shoulders, the deep V to the jeweled empire waist, the way the long skirt flows to my mid-calf. It’s perfect. I even love the shade of pink. The pink is so Hayley.

 We stood on opposite sides of our brother, sister…best friends, yet I never felt more connected to him. We could go from watching the ceremony unfold before us to watching each other. I could feel the magic from beginning to now and there is no end in sight, especially if I have anything to say about it.

 I love dancing at weddings. There is no pressure to have choreography or the perfect steps. It’s all about being free and having a good time. Eli is taking Evie for a spin so instead of sitting this one out, I ask Hannah for Mikey and snuggle up for a dance with the co-best man.

 His little fingers wrap around mine as we whirl around the dance floor to some of the best fifties and sixties hits in a mashup that was made to be played specifically for Evie and Pops. They are both so happy out here with the soundtrack to their lives being broadcast for the entire reception to join in.

 Mikey has the biggest smile on his face as we whirl and twirl around the entire dance floor. He goes from wanting to be in my arms until the word down is uttered and I place him on my sneaker tops, and we keep grooving. He smiles just like Wes. There’s a bit of a devil in his eye. I love it and fear it a little at the same time.

 As the song transitions again, I feel a pair of hands first at my waist from behind then Eli comes around in front of me to take little Michael into his arms for a hug to end all hugs. Mikey lays his head on Eli’s shoulder and pops his thumb in his mouth, as Eli somehow manages to ask me to dance in hold with them as well.

 “He’s done so well today. I can’t believe he hasn’t crashed before now.”

 “I heard Hannah was saying a few goodbyes then she was going to take him back to the hotel. You ready to go night-night buddy?”

 He shakes his head slowly and says one word that melts my heart. “Mommmmmm.”

 Eli and I bring him over where Wes, Hayley, and Hannah have now congregated together waiting for the guest of honor in his arms. We quietly hand him over after saying our own goodnights.

 “Care to dance solo with me this time?” I give a signal to the DJ.

 “What was that?” he asks.

 “Just a little something for you.”

 A beautiful acoustic version of “All I Want Is You” begins to play. Much of the dance floor clears away. So much so that we’re almost looking like the bride and groom in the spotlight.

 “This is stunning. Where did you locate it?”

 “It’s amazing what you can find when you scour the internet. I’m glad you like it.”

 “I wanted to make sure I had one special dance with you,” I tell him.

 “Every dance with you is special, Viper. You should know that by now.”

 “I do, but I feel like we’ve taken a while and gone through a lot to get here.”

 “It’s been the hardest and best journey of my life so far. I’m just glad I get to do it with you, Dylan.”

 Eli leans in pressing his soft, warm lips to mine. Everything about him makes me feel weak. The way he speaks, the way he moves, the way he thinks, and especially, the way he loves. “Elijah…”

 “Mmmm. You said my full name. Am I in trouble?”

 “It depends on what you define as trouble. I talked to Jill a couple of days ago. I asked to change a few things, scale back.”

 “Okay. What does that mean?”

 His hands anchor at my lower back and near the base of my neck as we sway. I know my face will give everything away in a flash, so I stare at his chest and start to play with the flowers pinned to the lapel of his tuxedo. “It means I’m doing my last performance show for a while. I’m going to work more behind the scenes.”

 “Okay. Wow. Um. You were so happy. Rehearsals were the right amount, ALITE fit perfectly, even Skye was thinking about upping your profile. What happened?” I can’t contain my smile. It grows wider with each passing second. Also, the tears soon follow. “Hey. Look, if this isn’t what you want, we change it. All I want is for you to be happy.”

 “I couldn’t be happier. I’m pregnant. Eli, you’re going to be a father.”




 What did Dylan say?

 This can’t be real. This can’t be happening.

 Our song is still filling the world around us. A gentle breeze from the shore just beyond the tree line washes in and coats this moment with its cool touch.

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