Home > Fury of Isolation(14)

Fury of Isolation(14)
Author: Coreene Callahan

A good one. With an excellent chance of succeeding.

Now, all he needed to do was retain control of Cate and hope Rannock managed to do what his Triad couldn’t—enter the Witch’s Cauldron to take back and return what belonged to him.







Wrapped around a man she’d never met, but knew by heart, Cate held on tight. Holding her secure against his solid frame, Rannock strode away from the three men watching him retreat. No hesitation. Zero worry about pissing off the trio who held all the cards. All his focus centered solely on her.

A stunning realization. One Cate knew she shouldn’t know.

Somehow, though, she did with a surety that shocked, even as relief pounded through her. The certainty came from Rannock, not her. She could read him, was tapped in somehow, experiencing his relief, feeling his shock, burning with the same need he felt deep in his bones.

One thought, however, trumped it all.

He was here, and she was safe.

The refrain echoed inside her head, making her curl in tighter. Rannock murmured, soothing her with quiet tones. Pressing her face into his throat, she kept her legs locked around his waist. Her hands flexed in the back of his jacket. Cate took a choppy breath, inhaling him, trying to calm down as he carried her across the hall.

His scent curled through her, bringing warm comfort.

Tears pricked the backs of her eyes. “You came. You came for me.”

Cradling her closer, he turned his head. His mouth touched her cheek. A zip of static electricity jumped from him into her, ghosting against her skin, enlivening her senses, making her shift against him.


“Thank you,” she whispered, lips brushing his skin. “Thank you, Ran. Thank you for getting here so fast.”

“Bellmia,” he murmured, hands drifting down her back. “Are you all right?”

“I’m in your arms, so yes, but…”


“I don’t like those guys.”

“Rathbone and his brothers arenae so bad. None of the bastards touched you. Could’ve been bad, lass. They could’ve damaged you in ways I cannae fix.”


Her unfinished protest made him chuckle.

She drew in a full breath. The first one since the jerks grabbed her. “They’re dangerous, Ran. I don’t know what it is about them, but… something’s off. I don’t think they’re normal.”

“By your standards, they arenae, lass.”

“You feel it too?”

He nodded.

“So… what now?”


She quieted.

He kept walking, and Cate absorbed the feel of him. Strong arms around her. Hard muscles flexing, long legs working, big hands holding her secure against him. She sighed, relaxing a little more, allowing him to carry her away. And why not? After a month of phone calls, she trusted him. He was the voice she woke to every day. The guy she talked to about problems in the shop, how much she missed her sister and… all the trouble her dad caused.

She’d never held back with Rannock. He was the steadiness in a life that was anything but stable.

And now that she laid eyes on him? Cate released a shaky breath. All she wanted to do was explore, get closer, and learn more about him.

Releasing her stranglehold on his jacket, she stroked over his shoulder and… wow. Just wow. He was something. A walking, talking dream with rich brown hair and hazel-orange eyes. So big, bold, and beautiful, she marveled at his size. Though why his height surprised her, she didn’t know. His voice communicated a lot—his strength, his confidence, the beauty of the soul buried deep inside the man.

Being in his arms, though, was a revelation.

He was much bigger than she’d expected. Tall. Strong. Built for brutality, even as he handled her with care. Breathing him in, she sent her other hand searching. She needed to know. Wanted to explore. Craved the satisfaction of touching him the way she’d dreamed of over the last month.

Shifting her hips, she perfected their fit. He growled low. A soft sigh escaped as she cupped the nape of his neck. Her nails grazed his skin. His steady strides faltered, slowing as she set her lips against his pulse point.

Allowing instinct to lead, she stroked him with the tip of her tongue. A quick flick. A soft touch. Gorgeous taste. So beautiful, she sucked lightly, drawing more of him into her mouth.

A low groan escaped him.

Emboldened by the sound, Cate stripped the leather tie from his hair and slid her fingers into the dark, shoulder-length strands. Thick, soft, and wavy, as incredible as the rest of him. Fingers playing, she traced his ears with the pads of her thumbs, then stroked over the sensitive spots behind.

He made a rough sound.

She sighed. “You smell amazing and feel even better.”

“Catie,” he said, the yearning in his voice tempered by caution.

Intuition sparked, and she knew—just knew—he was going to shut her down, deny her what she needed. Try to tell her it was too soon—that he’d left too much unsaid and the secrets he held must be brought into the light, spoken aloud before he took her any further.

No doubt all true.

Cate didn’t care.

She’d spent a month fantasizing about him. Talking to him on the phone. Sleeping alone in her bed. Waiting for her trip to Scotland. For the moment she saw him for the first time and her dream became a reality. The one she lived now while wrapped around him, his arms holding her tight, his heat all around her.

Unwilling to go let of the fantasy, she set her mouth against his ear. “It isn’t too soon. It’s been over a month.”


“I don’t want to wait.”

“Got lots more tae say, lass. We should talk first.”

And there it was—the reasonableness she dreaded and didn’t want.

Scraping his scalp gently with her nails, she pressed a kiss to his pulse point. “After.”

He shook his head.

“Later, Ran,” she whispered, sliding her cheek along his.

Day-old stubble pricked her.

A shiver of delight stroked her, inside and out. Raising her head, she brushed her mouth over the corner of his. A fierce light in his eyes, he met her gaze. Already burning bright, desire flared into an inferno. She whispered his name. His nostrils flared as he took a fortifying breath. Determined to convince him, she dipped her head and grazed him with her teeth.

His taste came to her.

With a low moan, she rolled her hips against him.

His arms flexed around her. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous.”

“You think so?”


“Then show me how much,” she said, nipping his bottom lip.

“Bloody hell.”

“Please, Ran.”

“I shouldnae, but—”


“Have it your way, lass,” he growled, the vicious sound making her hum with desire. “I’m going tae take you. Claim what yer offering. Forget where I am while I make you mine.”

She hummed.

His hands moved. One slid into her short blond hair, the other travelled down to cup her ass. Holding her secure, he crossed the hallway. A door opened and closed. Darkness descended for a second before the light came on. Her mind took a snapshot. More beautiful wallpaper. Dark antique vanity with pale marble countertop. Black-and-white vintage floor tile. Perfect. A powder room with more than enough space to spare.

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