Home > Hangman Untamed (Untamed MC Book 1)(18)

Hangman Untamed (Untamed MC Book 1)(18)
Author: Dawn Martens



Chapter Twenty-six




I’m watching out the front window when I see Carson’s truck pull into my driveway. Grabbing my purse, I head to the door and wait. Yesterday when we went out, he was so pissed that I came out to his bike without waiting for him. He said to always wait for him to come get me. Bossy, alpha male.

“Babe.” He shakes his head when he sees me inside the screen door waiting.

“What? I hate waiting, I could have easily met you at the truck.”

“Kiss me,” he demands, and I throw my arms around his neck and do as I’m told.



WE PULL UP TO THE HOUSE, which is only a few streets away, which I could have easily just walked to and get out of the truck.

“We didn’t need to drive, ya know,” I point out. And Hangman just tugs me close to him.

“It’s getting cold, don’t need my woman walking in the cold.”

The front door opens, and a short, blonde woman comes out, holding a kid on her hip. “You must be Justine Reid, I’m a huge fan.”

I smile at her and hold out a hand...we shake. “Nice to meet you. Carson, here, hasn’t told me much about you, but tonight, I’m sure that will change.”

She gives her dad a playful glare and smiles at me. “Absolutely.” She has a round bump on her stomach, showing she’s pregnant.

“How far along are you?” I ask.

“About seven months, I feel huge.” She groans as she sets the kid she was holding down and rubs at her back.

“What have I told you about picking her up?” a man demands, coming around the corner and looking at Melissa.

“Oh stop, Caden. Meet Justine, dad’s woman.”

“Call me Slammer, only Melissa calls me Caden,” he says, taking my hand and giving it a shake.

“Oh, stop that, he rarely goes by ‘Slammer’ anymore, but it’s like he’s itching for everyone to call him that again,” Melissa giggles.

“Jason, Rachel, Mikayla,” Carson calls out and a gaggle of kids comes running to the front door, practically tackling him over. The little girl that was just put down by Melissa goes to her father and gets lifted up and puts her head down on his shoulder. How sweet. She’s a daddy’s girl.

Melissa looks at what I’m looking at and her face just lights up at the sight. I would, too, if that was my view every day.



MEETING CARSON’S FAMILY is different than I thought it would be, but they are all so perfect. He’s got so many grandkids that it makes me wonder why he’s even with me. Will the age difference suddenly make this weird between us?

Melissa seems okay with me and my age, but it’s still weird knowing we’re just about the same age as each other. For someone almost thirty, she sure has a lot of kids. And Emily is just a doll, she didn’t even bat an eye when I was introduced as her father’s woman.

“Ready to head home?” Carson asks me as I finish up my wine. The kids all went down to bed an hour ago and we’ve just been sitting around talking about my latest book release. Carson hung on my every word, only once in a while interrupting.

“Yeah, I’m getting tired,” I tell him, knowing it’s probably past my bedtime. Being with Carson has me up late lately, and my body isn’t used to it.

“It was so nice meeting you; we’ll have to get together at some point without the men and kids,” Melissa tells me.

“I’d like that.” I really would, having friends my age would be amazing. Although, I don’t know if it would be awkward since my boyfriend is her dad.

We get out to Carson’s truck, and I climb in.

Once he’s in, we back out of the driveway and head home. “I’d stay with you tonight but shit is happening at the clubhouse, so I need to head over there.”

“No problem, I’m exhausted anyway. Be nice to have a quiet night,” I tell him.


He drops me off and kisses me deeply, I almost am tempted to invite him in.

“I’ll call you tomorrow, we’ll get together again soon.”

“Mmmhmm, later.”

I head inside, shut the door, and walk to my room. I don’t even bother changing as I just flop onto my bed and sleep quickly finds me.



Chapter Twenty-seven




I get to the clubhouse early, knowing that in about ten minutes, the cops will be pounding on the doors and raiding the place. “Everything cleaned up?” I ask Gunner who’s seated at the bar, pounding coffee shots.

“Yep. Women are at the apartment, too. Nothing unordinary here,” he says, smirking.

We fist bump and I grab a cup of coffee. I wasn’t out too late last night, having spent it all with my kids and woman. Having everyone together was fucking great; everyone got along, it’s the perfect life. Seeing Justine with my grandkids had me adjusting my crotch more times than I care to admit.

Justine might not have ever had plans to become a mother, but she’s going to be one, that’s for damn sure. I want her filled with my kid. She’s young enough she can give me a handful of them. Won’t tell her that yet, though, it will just freak her out. She just needs to know she’s mine and she’ll give me what I want after that.

“Where’s Rage?”

“At home, he trapped Big Tits last night at the party and hasn’t let her come up for air. Fucker got her stoned out of her mind and was fucking within minutes after.” I laugh, what a fucker. Jennifer is gonna shit a brick when she wakes up sober and realizes what happened. Bitch has been avoiding any and all things Rage for months now.

Banging on the door interrupts our convo and I go to open it as it’s rammed down. “Police, against the wall, now!” is bellowed, fucking shit-stains. Brothers come out of their rooms, not even bothering to hide the fact they weren’t actually sleeping, and we line up against the wall.

Three cops are charged with guarding us as the rest tear the clubhouse apart. If I could spit in these fuckers’ faces I would. “Where is it?” another cop storms out from my office shouting.

“Where’s what?” I drawl.

“The body, I know what I saw yesterday, it’s here somewhere.”

“No idea what you’re talking about, man, I haven’t been here.”

He gets in my face, spit flying as he talks. “You may have an in with the Chief but not with me. I will nail your balls to the fucking wall if I so much as see you thinking about doing some illegal shit.”

No, if anything, his boss will be getting a call the minute he leaves here, and the fucker will be out of a job.

“We do have surveillance if you want to look,” Wiz offers up. Smart thinking.

Officer dick gives an ugly snort, “Like I don’t know that you can easily manipulate that shit.” He whistles. “Anything?”

“Nope, not even a trace of anything illegal,” another cop tells him, looking just as pissed off.

“There is something here, but you’re hiding it well. We’ll be back, and I swear I will be looking forward to the day that you’re locked up for good.”

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