Home > Hunter : VII Knights MC(10)

Hunter : VII Knights MC(10)
Author: Sapphire Knight

Moving along in my perusal, I take note of the books on his nightstand. I have no idea what the titles say, but I’m sure they’re full of action. Would it be weird if I laid in his bed? Rather than dwell on the heavy question, I let myself lay down in his spot. I know it belongs to him because the indention in the pillow gives him away.

Turning on my side, I press my face into the soft black material and breathe deeply. I’m hit with the scent I’ve grown to associate as Hunter’s. The smell is outdoorsy yet clean. It’s entirely his own, and I find myself not wanting to move. This is exactly what I was searching for. I know I can’t stay here forever, so I stand, and with a final glance toward his spot, I head for the door.

Eventually, I discover a note with small scratchy writing that I assume belongs to Hunter. I’m grateful he attempted to let me know where he was going, if only I knew how to read. He could leave notes all over the place, but none of it would do me any good. Rather than allow myself to freak out, I decide to head to the one place that gives me peace—the outdoors. The house is completely locked up, and much to my surprise, a shrill alarm alerts the moment I open the door leading out to the back patio.

The piercing sound scares me badly enough I want to fall to my knees, curl up in a small ball, and wait for it to stop. I begin to do just that, but the noise never wavers. With the door wide open, I do the one thing I can to stop the chaotic noise. I run. My feet pound against the dense forest floor, and with each step, the haze clouding my vision eases.

After a while, I stop. I’m far enough away to hear the annoying alert, but not for it to frazzle me like before. Unsure of what to do next, I lean back against a huge tree, tuck my legs into the oversized shirt, and wait. Hunter will come for me eventually.





“Fuck!” I hiss as the text alert comes through, letting me know my house alarm has been activated. There’s no way for me to contact Aura. I haven’t gotten another cell for her nor showed her how to use one.

My cell rings as the alarm company calls. “Yeah?”

“Sir, we’ve had an alert coming from your home. Do I need to send assistance?”

“Tell me which sensor?” I have a very elaborate system, and this guy should be able to tell me details.

“Your passcode, sir?”


“Thank you for confirming. The alert seems to be the back door. Shall I send the police?”

“No. I’ll handle it.”

“Do you want me to shut the alert off inside the home?”

“No. If someone has entered unwelcome, I want them to feel the pressure of the noise and lights.”

“All right. Please let us know if we can be of assistance.”

I hastily hang up, shoving my cell in my cut’s pocket, and take off in the direction of my house. I wasn’t too far away, having stopped to fill up with gas before saying goodbye to my brothers after our last job for Radge. It was a quick, bloody trip, but satisfying, nonetheless. My thoughts drown out the roar from my pipes as I press the bike’s engine harder to get back to Aura. If anyone came for her while I was gone, I’ll bleed them out.

I’m hoping it’s my little beauty who unknowingly set off the alarm, rather than someone there after her or me. I’m to blame if I’ve left her there in the path of danger. My gut churns with a new dose of guilt, and I swallow, choking the sensation down, putting it away for another time. I should’ve prepared her better for my time away or had someone from the club stick close by if she needed help. A prospect could’ve kept an eye on her.

The thought of anyone else protecting or touching her for any reason sends ice spiraling through my veins. I’d fucking murder them, brother or not. There’s something deeply rooted in my chest when it comes to that woman. It’s the craziest shit I’ve ever experienced, this insatiable need to protect and own another human being, and I have merely just begun when it comes to her.

I’ve heard bullshit before about love at first sight and soulmates, and it’s all the talk of foolishness. This isn’t love or something as trivial as such. This is lust and primal need taking over every rational part of my being, not to mention we have a history that’s been twisted together since we were children. She was always meant to be mine, but she doesn’t know that yet. She will, though.

Pulling into my driveway, I notice the lack of disturbance. The alarm’s still blaring its piercing siren, and the lights around the outside perimeter are all flashing. Leaving my motorcycle behind, I quickly head in the front door on a mission. Storming through the house, I check every room over for Aura, but she’s nowhere in sight. This could be good or bad—either she’s the reason for the alarm or someone has taken her.

I deactivate the alarm and carefully step out the back, being as quiet as possible. I yank my gun from the holster as I flick my gaze over the backyard. Most of my property is surrounded by trees and nature, creating a natural camouflage for anyone with an untrained eye.

With light steps, I track the footprints leading into the foliage. Thankfully, there’s only one set and knowing as much, has my heart rate beginning to calm the fuck down. Aura is a smart girl, that much is certain. Was she running from someone? Or was she running to get free of me? Either way, I’ll find her or them, whichever, and dole out punishment as needed.

She’s intelligent in survival, and she’s not dangerous or stupid. I place my weapon back in the holster since I won’t need it when it comes to her. If she were running from somebody else, they haven’t come this way, that much I’m certain of. They’d have to be a fucking ninja not to leave a twig unturned in their haste, and either way, I can pull my knife in a heartbeat. The path I’m following was created by someone small and in a rush. It was Aura, I’d know her presence anywhere at this point. I’m not sure what makes her so different from others, but there’s something special there.

I catch a glimpse of her form hiding behind a large tree. She’s tucked into herself, making her appear tiny with hands over her ears, silently rocking.

This explains everything. She must’ve triggered the alarm, and the noise freaked her out. No longer hiding my steps, a large stick cracks under my boot, the sound practically echoing amongst the quiet shield of nature. Aura’s spine straightens ramrod straight, and in the next breath, she’s sprinting from her spot. She’s fast, I’ll give her that.

My poor woman is spooked—scared of the world and its sounds she’s been kept away from. Seeing her run has my primal instinct to pursue and conquer, consuming my rational thoughts, and I give chase. She may be tiny and quick, but I’ve been tracking people my entire life. Whether it be for a beatdown when I was younger or now hunting down a runner to collect the hefty bounty on his head.

I get close enough to nearly touch her back as she runs, and I leap for her. My arm hooks around her waist, locking her to me, and I fall backward, her on top of me, so she’s not hurt in the process. Her limbs flail, her adorable fierce tiger kitten side coming out to fight me off. I have her flipped over and on her back, pinned underneath me before she can get her first bit of my flesh in her grip. Fuck, she’s beautiful.

I’m breathing hard, panting, as my nose lines up with hers. Adrenaline spirals through my blood, making my heart beat wildly, pumping with excitement. Her eyes widen as they take me in, her chest bouncing with her heavy breaths.

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