Home > Sinner's Game (Saints and Sinners #4)(7)

Sinner's Game (Saints and Sinners #4)(7)
Author: J. Kenner

“Stop thinking like that,” Ellie says.

“Fine. Fine. But it’s a moot point because Ronan is firmly in the friend zone, and there’s no one else on the horizon, and I am not looking,” I add, pointing my finger at her to make sure we’re one hundred percent clear. “I have a booth at the Expo, and getting ready for that has my full focus.”

“Hell, yeah, it does. I know how huge that is.”

She’s right. The Expo can open doors to clients and funders, and these days I alternate between completely nervous and totally psyched. It’s coming up fast, and everything has to be perfect.

“Which is why,” Ellie begins as she pushes back from the table, “I’ll put a pin in the matchmaking until after the Expo.”

“That is not what I meant.”

She winks, then tosses a twenty on the table. “Wait for me here or come with?” Her new property manager—who also works with my landlord—is one block over, off the main shopping street.

“I’m going to finish my wine and check my messages, then we’ll meet you there. You’re still coming with us to the beach, right? You have to. We’ve barely had the chance to catch up and you’re leaving again in, what? Tomorrow?”

“Driving to LA tonight for a late-night show,” she says, “then flying to New York at the crack of dawn. But it’s only a few nights. Still, it’ll be nice to be in Manhattan again.”

“And for a TV interview. It’s ultra-cool. And I didn’t know about the LA one. That’s amazing.”

“They squeezed me in as an afterthought because someone had to cancel. Honestly, I don't know if any of anybody even wants me to talk about the book or if they’ll just focus the camera at Devlin and sigh.”

“Well, he’s pretty damn pretty,” I say, which is the understatement of all eternity. “But seriously, you are not an afterthought. And of course they want you both. The reporter and her subject—and now they’re married. It’s a great story from all sides.”

“The journalist in me has to agree.”

“Who would have guessed one little writing assignment would lead to a book and the love of your life?” I wonder if anything in my work life will ever lead to romance, but I doubt it. My work making purses and totes is a long way from Ellie’s as a reporter. Especially since her research uncovered all manner of intriguing secrets.

Honestly, I’m not sure I’m wired to survive the kind of drama that Ellie and Devlin went through to get where they are now. But the truth is, I’ve never seen her happier, and I can’t help but be a little jealous.

Ellie rises, then slings her purse over her shoulder. “Meet me at the management office, and I’ll walk with you as far as the foundation,” she says, referring to the Devlin Saint Foundation created by her husband and located a few blocks away on the beach side of the Coast Highway.

“Sounds good. See you in a bit.”

As she heads out, I pull out my phone, then speed dial Cara, an old friend in Los Angeles who I recently hired as a virtual assistant. She answers on the first ring. “Hey, just going through the replies you sent to all my messages.”

“All good,” I say. “But I realized that we don’t have the banner for the Expo yet. Can you check on it?”

“Already done,” she tells me. “Tracking app says it’s arriving at your place tomorrow.”

“You’re the best. Any calls?” The moment the words leave my mouth, I cringe. Because what I really want to know is if Ronan called. But only to confirm he’s coming by to fix the drippy sink. Not because the talk with Ellie put him at the forefront of my mind.

“I haven’t checked yet. I can call in and do that right now if you want to hold.”

“No, that’s okay. I’ll either call in myself or listen when I get home.” I decided early on to have a landline and an answering machine for the business. “Anyone who really needs me has my cell,” I add, even as I silently assure myself that Ronan would have texted or called my mobile phone if he had to cancel. That he hasn’t is a good sign, and I’m just being paranoid thinking that he’d blow me off by leaving a message at my work number.

Business handled, I finish my wine, leave an extra ten for a tip, then stand up. I feel weirdly powerful. Like I’ve finally got a grasp on the world.

Not my love life, maybe, but so what? I’ve got a career that’s not only taking off but that I’m managing like a boss, friends I adore, and a dog who forgives all my quirks and oddities.

Why complicate all that goodness with a guy?



Chapter Four



I’m about half a block away from the restaurant when I realize I’ve got a crumpled-up napkin in my hand. I start to shove it into my purse, then see a trash can straight ahead. I hurry there, Jake padding beside me, and give it a toss. The wind catches it, and it falls onto the ground. I sigh, then start to turn around. Before I manage that though, I hear a deep voice. “Sorry, ma’am. I’m going to have to arrest you for littering.”

I continue my turn, irritation flashing for a split second. By the time I’m facing him, though, I know exactly who’s spoken. “Gee, officer, maybe we could work something out? Brownies for life? Cupcakes with thick chocolate frosting? Blueberry muffins?”

I swear he starts to drool. I know all of Detective Lamar Gage’s favorites, after all.

“Well, it goes against my sworn oath as a detective, but yeah, I’ll let you off for a basket of blueberry muffins,” he says as he pulls me into a bear hug.

He’s tall, but so am I, and I rest my chin on his shoulder as I breathe deep, smelling his cologne, then push away, giving him a light smack on his broad chest. “You jerk. I thought you were out of town. You could have had lunch with us. You just missed Ellie.”

Ellie and Lamar went to the Irvine Police Academy together and immediately bonded. She jokes that it’s because she was the only woman and he was the only Black recruit, but I know it was because their personalities mesh so well. Both are smart and dedicated and completely loyal. She dragged Lamar into our friend circle, and we became a trifecta, with Lamar and me growing even closer when Ellie moved to New York to go to journalism school.

“I was in LA this morning interviewing a witness,” he says, “but it took no time at all. The guy knows nothing. So now I’m back. Sorry I missed lunch.” He glances down at Jake. “Heading to the B.E.A.C.H.?”

Jake’s ears perk up, and I roll my eyes. “Don’t bother spelling. He understands it all. Yeah, but I have to hit Pacific Property first to grab Ellie. Walk with me? Then you can go with us to the B-place later?”

“Wish I could, but I’ll walk with you for a bit.”

“Heading back to the station?”

“No. I’m off for the day. But I’ve got a late lunch date that may turn into post lunch fun, if you know what I mean.”

As we walk, I give him a sidelong glance. “I know exactly what that means. And who’s getting lucky?”

He chuckles. “Potentially getting lucky. And other than me? It’s Darrell.”

“Darrell? Someone new? Is it serious?” I hope it is. He’s been mourning his former girlfriend for a while, and while I totally get it, I’m sad for my friend and want him happy again.

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