Home > Stefan (Growl and Prowl #2)(11)

Stefan (Growl and Prowl #2)(11)
Author: Eve Langlais

“Or me,” Dominick added.

“They’re not out to get us.” Raymond’s two cents.

“You need to stop being so paranoid,” Mom said. “They just want to meet us.”

“Or get us in one spot to take us out,” Stefan couldn’t help but mutter.

“Does this look like the kind of neighborhood people get killed in?” Mom swept a hand at the perfect lawns, the curtained windows, the smiling people all headed for the park.

There was a spot in the driveway of the house they were visiting. Mom parked in it, but for a second, no one moved.

“There are a lot more people than expected,” Mom remarked in a low mutter.

“It’s not too late to leave,” Stefan suggested.

“He might have a point.” Dominick took his side.

“Do you think they’d be inviting kids to a take-down? I’ve seen a few baby carriers. Meaning babies. Do you really think they’d do anything to put them in danger?” Anika asked.

It occurred to Stefan that some people had no regard for life. He’d read about the deaths in the news, if they reported them. Society had gotten desensitized about violence as the media frothed over politics instead.

But his sister had a point as well. The way people were flowing up the sidewalk, heading for the path leading into a park. They had smiles and strollers. Not guns and threats.

“If you’re wrong about this, I will haunt your ass,” Stefan muttered, getting out of the emasculator. He instantly went tense. Something in the air tickled at him, raised the hairs on his neck—his hackles.

“Maybe we should send Anika and Mom home,” he said in an aside to his brother Dominick, who’d emerged behind him. He remained too aware and none too keen on all the stares being tossed their way.

Anika snorted. “Stop being so dramatic. They’re not going to murder us on the sidewalk.”

Logically he knew that, and yet his gut clenched. It wanted to drop into flight mode. Danger. Danger all around.

Mom put a hand on him and whispered, “It’s okay. You can walk away if needed.”

How dare she show him compassion?

He shrugged her off. “I can do this. I’m fine.”

“You better be, pussy,” Dominick drawled.

“Fuck you,” Stefan muttered.

“Boys, behave,” Mom admonished. “And get moving. Your sister is already going inside.”

“What?” A glance showed Maeve disappearing into the house. “Ray, with me.” With quick strides, he and Raymond headed up the path, while Dominick stayed with Mom and his woman.

At the door, they were halted by a massive dude in a T-shirt that showed a scene from a Monty Python movie with the black knight. The dude at least had good taste.

Dude also had an incredible scowl. “I don’t know you.”

Stefan glared right back. “Doesn’t matter if you do or not since we were invited.”

To his surprise, the big dude broke into a smile. “Judging by the smell, you must be those pussy cats I’ve been hearing about. Do any of you play hockey?”

The question took him by surprise, but Dominick, who’d arrived with the ladies, latched onto it. “I used to play on the base. But it’s been a few years since I strapped on skates.”

“Defense or offense?”


“Really?” Dude’s face lit up. “We just lost ours. Job out west.” With that icebreaker, Dominick, Anika, and the dude, whose name was Percy, began to chat.

Mom put her hand on his arm. “They seem like a friendly bunch.”

They did. But Stefan wasn’t fooled by their outward appearance. He prickled all over. “Keep your guard up.”

They stepped into a middleclass home with a wide entrance that led up some stairs and had a classic layout. Living room one side, dining room on the other and large kitchen with family room at the back.

They milled around in the front hall until a rangy fellow with a clean-shaven jaw and dark hair appeared. “If it isn’t the Hubbard clan. You must be the matriarch, Nanette Hubbard. I just met your daughter. Gwayne Pendraggun.” He held out a massive hand.

Mom had her hand engulfed by Gwayne’s. “So you’re the alpha I’ve heard about. These are my sons Stefan and Raymond.”

The alpha’s gaze tracked over them, quickly assessing, never losing that smile. “You seem to be missing a few of your clan.”

“Dominick is chatting about hockey with some guy called Percy,” Stefan supplied.

“That still leaves several unaccounted for.” The man spoke softly, still with a smile, but they all heard the thread of steel.

“The two youngest are at home being babysat by my daughter, Pamela. Jessie is out of town, and Daeve is wherever the military deployed him,” Mom answered politely, but the question made Stefan seethe. Who the fuck was this guy to even ask?

“I see. Next time bring all the children currently in residence. We are a family-oriented pack, as you can see.”

Shy Raymond was the one to blurt out, “Are you all wolves?”

Gwayne’s brows rose. “That was to the point.”

“But cuts through the bullshit. Are you, or aren’t you?” Stefan drawled.

The cool gaze rested briefly on him. “You are here for my pack to meet and to aid in our upcoming decision about what to do about your presence in our territory.”

“How about you go do your thing, and we do ours?”

“That isn’t how this works. And you know that, which is why you’re here.”

“I thought we were here to feed your ego.” Stefan couldn’t help himself.

Mom hissed. “Don’t be rude.”

Gwayne lifted a hand. “Let him speak. I’d rather hear it now and deal with it.”

The guy wanted to hear it? Stefan had no problem unloading. “I don’t see why we have to kiss his ass for the right to stay here. We’ve been living just fine for the past twenty-some years. Now, all of a sudden, he tells us we gotta bow and scrape because he says so?”

The other man arched a brow. “With that kind of attitude, it will be hard to convince my pack you’re not a threat.”

“How is our little family a threat?”

It wasn’t Gwayne who answered, but Nimway as she made a sudden appearance. “It’s not you but the people digging into your family that are the issue.”






Nimway meant to stay away from Stefan. Their one meeting had left her annoyed. Heated. Pacing.

What an unlikeable man. At least on the surface. She’d caught glimpses at their last meeting of another person underneath, someone seeking answers, who’d struggled alone trying to come to grips with the fact he wasn’t like everyone else.

A man who’d asked for help—and been refused by her.

And I stand by that choice. She couldn’t teach him. As a matter of fact, she should stay far away to avoid the odd allure Stefan had about him. She couldn’t pinpoint what made him so irresistible.

The red hair? Definitely sexy.

The beard? She wanted to stroke it.

That body… Well, she could have some fun with that firm bod of his.

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