Home > You Never Knew Me (The Never Series Book 1)(24)

You Never Knew Me (The Never Series Book 1)(24)
Author: B C Morgan

Forever your pipsqueak




I close my journal and put it in my bag, I’m never leaving it in here. I need to hurry up and get ready for Amias, come on Henleigh pull your head out of your arse.

Apparently, he’s taking me on a ‘friends only’ date, not sure how that works out but that’s what he said. Bella picked out a pair of thick burgundy tights, with a knee length black jumper dress and a pair of wedge ankle boots. I feel overdressed but I’ve got to admit it works well together and my gold lidded eyes and pale pink lips compliment it just right.

Why do I feel nervous? It’s only Amias. Or maybe it’s because in a week’s time everyone will be back, and I have no idea where that and will leave us. I’m trying to focus more on what I’ll be doing when we get out for the summer. But how can I get out of here Without having to return to my parents’ house?

Oh what a complicated web I weave, if only it could be a tad more straightforward than it is right now.

There’s a knock at my door and a sudden rise of giddiness is overtaking me. My heart is pounding, my cheeks feel hot and I swear my hands are clammy all of a sudden.

I open the door and stare straight into his eyes, he’s back to being unreadable, but I swear his eyes haven’t been as hard and dark recently.

“Are you ready?” he asks, as he holds out his arm and I hook mine through it.

“Lead the way, I’m all yours,” I say, and then instantly regret it, I can’t be saying shit like that.

“Stop panicking I’m not reading anything into your comment, today is all about having fun and for that to begin we need to get out of this prison they call a school.” He’s smirking and his eyes are sparkling with excitement. It’s rubbing off on me, and I’m excited without even knowing why.

I ask him how we’re supposed to do that, but he quickly leads me down to the shed and helps me climb up. I go down the ladder and wait for him to join me.

Then he’s on his phone and it isn’t long before we’re standing on a road close enough to the school that a taxi will actually collect us and we’re off. I have no idea where he is taking me, but I won’t lie and say I’m not excited, this is thrilling. Putting my trust in someone completely without having to worry about anything, forget thrilling, it’s freeing.

I stare out of the window until we pull up close to the beach, if he’s taking me there he’s insane, it’s winter!

“Don’t worry, I’ve got something well suited for this weather planned for us,” he says wrapping his arm around my shoulder and guiding me towards an outdoor ice rink.

This is incredible, he rents us some skates and it isn’t long before I’m on the rink and skating round like a whirlwind. I know I shouldn’t have left him, but the excitement has taken over. I do a couple of fancy twists and turns before heading back to find him.

It wasn’t really that difficult seeing as he’s standing in the same spot I left him, I better see what’s going on, this is supposed to be fun for the both of us.

“What’s up?” I ask as come to a stop mere inches in front of him.

He strokes his hand against my cheek, this guy is always finding a reason to touch me.

“I’m not great on the ice, I thought I’d be alright, but I fell over seconds after you zoomed off. It’s okay, skate around and I’ll wait for you.” He looks so sorry for himself and I’m struggling not to laugh.

“Don’t be crazy, what kind of non-date, date involves me having fun without you. Nope, not happening,” I say stubbornly as I put my hands on my hips for a moment.

I take his hands in mine and start skating backwards, he looks terrified and I’m laughing so hard. I know I shouldn’t, but I’ve never seen him look like this.

“It’s not that funny,” he grits out and I get a hold of myself before closing the distance.

“It’s okay, I won’t let you fall. But if I can’t prevent it for whatever reason, then I’ll be right here to help you back up. Come on gorgeous, I’ve got you,” I say it with my own smirk and a cheeky wink, and his eyes light up instantly.

“If that’s my nickname from you then I am all for it,” he says with a smirk and it takes me a second to realise what I said.

I know my cheeks are going bright red but at least he’s not skating or stumbling away, and we spend the next half an hour going around together. It’s fun, we have a few falls but it’s clear he’s had as much fun as me, especially when we enter a cafe and get a luxury hot chocolate. It’s fully loaded with squirty cream, mini marshmallows, chocolate shavings and a flake. It’s delicious.

“Thanks for today, I’ve really enjoyed it,” I say, feeling relaxed and comfortable in my own skin.

“I thought while everyone is off having fun with their families, we should get some fun too. Besides, it's impossible to get you to myself when everyone is around.”

He has a mock pout on his face, but I don’t think he’s joking around.

“Aww poor baby, if you want to spend some time with me you only have to say.” The words fall free without much thought and he’s got this intense look on his face.

“What if I didn’t want this to stop when school starts back up, what then?” he asks and I wish he hadn’t, as I don’t have an answer for him yet.

“I’m not asking you to be mine, not now at least. But why do we have to stop? It’s been fun,” he says it easily but it’s impossible to miss the feeling behind the sentiment.

“I don’t want it to stop, but it won’t stay fun and easy if someone gets hurt. I’m sorry Amias, I don’t know what to do.” My heart feels heavy as I say this and it may not have been what he wanted to hear, but at least it was honest.

The atmosphere isn’t the same after that and we soon return to the school.






Christmas Day is a surreal time at school, it seems that other than Roxie, I’m the only one who doesn’t care about not spending it with my family. What does that say about me? Maybe if my mother hadn’t hurt me so badly and my dad hadn’t sided with her, maybe then I would have been more willing to go home.

There’s a tree set up in the big hall where we had our movie night, and the projector has been set up again to show Christmas movies after dinner. They're even showing Die Hard, and I am all over that one. The girls and I are sitting on pillows and rugs on the floor eating muffins and wondering what else they’ll show today.

“Do you think we’ll still hang out when school starts back up?” asks Bella, twirling her hair around her finger, she does it anytime she gets nervous.

“Of course we will. Just because the other guys are coming back, it doesn’t mean I’ll forget about you all. That would be pretty lousy of me,” I say, and I’m rewarded with a watery smile.

“You better not bitch, otherwise I’ll be stuck with these three. Don’t get me wrong I love these girls, but Bella is smitten with a guy she won’t talk to. Leah is only interested in playing the bass and Mikaela always has her nose in a book. I need someone like me, and you fit perfectly,” says Roxie with her usual mix of half grin half smirk on her face.

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