Home > You Never Knew Me (The Never Series Book 1)(8)

You Never Knew Me (The Never Series Book 1)(8)
Author: B C Morgan


The next class on the agenda is English and nothing can ruin this one for me. No matter how many dirty looks I get from Harrison or Britney, it’s like water off a duck's back. Instead of having to follow the curriculum like the others, I get to sit a couple more assessment exams and Mr. Dott has already hinted that I won’t be back to see him when the start of next week comes around.

I refrain from saying, well I knew that anyway, I don’t like people to know about the way my brain works. I made the mistake of telling a girl once before and it blew up in my face. Apparently it made me a cheater, that I didn’t even have to understand the theory behind it as long as I remembered what I had read how could I fail?

She was wrong. I make sure I understand the theory and if I don’t, then I will keep studying and practicing until I do. I don’t rely on my eidetic memory, it’s nothing more than having a rubber in your pencil case. Another tool to help you to grow and progress, just because you can erase all your work doesn’t mean you will, it’s no different from that.

I have IT next, and seeing as I’ve already finished the tests, Mr. Dott is happy to allow me to leave early so I can get to the right building. I have no one to escort me this time, so I’m glad he’s giving me ample time to find my way there. I’m looking for a two-level building that houses the IT department and classes for woodwork, welding, electronics, motor mechanics—but only the basics—and even a photography class with its own dark room.

I don't even look back as I leave the main mansion and manage to make my way down to the IT building. After the gravestone was put on my door this morning, I really should be more aware of my surroundings.

A hand grasps my wrist in a vice like hold as I'm pulled backwards and thrown into a wall. My breath whooshes out of me and my head pounds from the impact. I can’t think as I’m jerked back again, my head moves so quick that I’m certain I’ve got whiplash. A foot goes into my back and my arm is released causing me to fall to the ground. I’m just trying to remember how to breathe as a knee is pushed into the small of my back and my attacker’s mouth comes close to my ear. His breath washes over my skin, making me shudder.

“Harrison wants you gone, and unlike him, I have no issue with striking a girl.”

I roll over with a groan, and I’m met with the deadest eyes I have ever seen and I’m terrified, his face is cruel and all angles. A pale scar goes down from the corner of his right eye, to the turn of his mouth. He has brown hair, but it’s got to be at least a one on the clippers setting and he’s about five-eleven in height. I don’t recall seeing him around before, but I am definitely hoping I never lay eyes on him again.

He sneers at me before walking off, and I only have five minutes to pick myself up off the floor before anyone can stumble upon me. Harrison did my door—I already knew that—but to send that guy after me. No, he’s gone too far. I don’t know why he hates me so much but I’m not going to just run away, he has no idea who he’s messing with. I may only be Henleigh but my brother taught me how to be brave when my brain screamed at me to shake with fear. There’s nothing that guy can throw my way that I haven’t seen before. Devon had an evil streak two miles wide, he never used it on me but I did see it aimed at others from time to time, so I’ve seen more than my fair share. At least I hope he doesn’t have anything new to show me. Terrified.com.



Mr. Connors is the only one in the IT room but it won’t stay like this for long. His eyes are widening in horror as he takes me in, before leading me into his office and closing the door.

“Miss. Monterey, I presume, what on Earth happened to you?” His eyes widen in shock and he looks genuinely concerned.

“I fell,” I reply and we both know I’m lying but teachers have never cared before, so why will he be any different.

“That is a load of bollocks, I know I shouldn’t swear around you kids but look at you. Now I want you to tell me who did this right this minute.”

“Would you believe that the ground and a wall tag teamed me and this was the result?”

He gives me a look that is screaming zero tolerance, clearly, I need to tell him something.

“I won’t lie to you sir, but I don’t know who did it. I’ve never seen him before. A few people seem to have developed an issue with me and this is only my third day.” I sound as confused as I feel about how quickly this has all started up. “Don’t get me wrong this is the handy work of one individual, but do you really think me telling you anything would honestly work in my favour?” I sound sarcastic right now, but I don’t seem to have much control over my sense at the moment.

I can see his jaw clenching and hear his teeth grind together, before he shakes his head.

“You don’t need the other students seeing you like this, get your laptop out and I will give you the tasks for today’s lesson. I'll come back and administer first aid once I’ve got the rest of my students set up. Just, stay in here,” he says as he passes me a sheet of paper and then walks back into the classroom.

IT doesn’t come easily to me, and I think that’s why I love it so much. It isn’t a piece of cake, and I love a challenge; I’ve always said I thrive under pressure.

Today I have to design and write code for a game, not what I would have picked but at least I can avoid the other students and just lose myself in the work.

Mr. Connors soon comes back in and swabs at my face with a wipe that stings like a mother fudger. Seriously, what is the point in that? Luckily, it doesn’t take long for him to fix my face up and clean the palms of my hands. He tells me I have to see the nurse before I get my lunch. Then he goes back to the classroom and I lose myself in data and code until he comes back to check on me. Mr. Connors comes back in to check on me halfway in and gives me some pointers so I can improve my code and make it a working model. And by the time the class ends I think I may be close to a working prototype. Mr. Connors even gives me a book out of his own collection to help me further. I think he’s in the running to become my favourite.

“I was concerned about leaving you to walk alone, but one of your fellow students was asking after you. I still don’t know who did this, but if you vouch for Miss Carmichael, I will feel a lot better leaving you in her hands.”

I have no idea who he means, but a quick peek through the little window on the door reveals Ivy and I assuage his fears and leave his office to join with her.

Her eyes narrow the minute she takes me in, and I’m suddenly hit with the urgency to look in the mirror and find out what everyone else is seeing. She grabs my arm and drags me out behind her, and it isn’t long before we’re standing in the girls’ bathroom and I’m finally looking at my reflection.

My bottom lip is busted, and I have gashes across my left cheek, my tights are a ragged mess, and I’ve got a lovely egg-shaped bump on my forehead. All in all, I’ve definitely looked better.

Ivy takes me to the nurse who fixes up my knees and gives me some paracetamol to help with the headache that’s refusing to quit, and we go for some lunch. Everyone wants to know what happened, but I’ve had enough of today. I really appreciate Noah’s silence, and I’m glad he claimed the seat beside me so Elijah has to stop trying to hug me. Touchy feely muppet.

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