Home > The Rocker (Love is Blind, #4)(20)

The Rocker (Love is Blind, #4)(20)
Author: Harlow Layne

I could feel all their eyes turned to me.

Kenton slid in beside me and tugged me to his side. “Pen, do you know what type of rooms we’re getting?”

I grinned and pushed myself away. “I do, but I’m not going to tell you. You’ll just have to wait and see.”

Cross moved in front of me and got down on his knees. “At least give me an idea how many girls I should bring back to my room.”

“Oh, my God, I want no part in your orgy. I don’t remember looking at the bathtubs, but just to be safe, why don’t you only bring back one girl.” I paused, wondering if I should say what I was going to say next, but decided I would. It was my job to look out for them. “Don’t have any girls spend the night. I know how that sounds, but you don’t want them to feel special and get attached unless you’re feeling the same.”

“Oh,” Cross jumped up and backed up until he fell back onto the couch directly across from me. “Trust me; I’m not looking for anything long-term. That screams disaster from a mile away.” He took in a shuddering breath. “What if I need help kicking a girl out? Can I come to you to get them ushered away safely?”

“Don’t be a fool,” Walker growled out. “Pen isn’t here to get you laid or to help you kick girls out of your bed. If you’re going to stick your dick into anyone, you should have the balls to tell them to leave.”

My thoughts exactly, but I wasn’t going to express that with Walker in the room. I was even more annoyed with his happy mood. Did he enjoy knowing I saw him with those other girls, and it bothered me? If that was the case, then he could go fuck himself. I wasn’t going to be helping any of them get their dicks wet.

“Ah, really? What if she’s a stage five clinger?”

Setting down my Kindle, I blew out an irritated breath through my nose. “If you’re so worried about it, then you need to do better at picking women. But if you need help, I’ll kick their ass to the curb. It will be a one-time thing, and then there will be no more girls for any of you.”

Let’s see how they liked that prospect.

“If you need help, come get me. I’ll happily end whoever’s night of fun,” Greer joined in.

“Well, thanks for that, mate,” Cross said in a horrible Australian accent.

“Just don’t be stupid. I know you’re all young and like having fun, but make sure you’re wrapping it up. You don’t want to end your career because you got a disease from some groupie.” I hated what I was about to say, but it needed to be said. “I’ll stop by the pharmacy and make sure your rooms are stocked with condoms. When you run out, let me know, and I’ll get you more. Deal?”

“Deal,” Kenton, Cross said in unison. It didn’t go unnoticed that Walker didn’t agree, but the guys didn’t seem to care. They were too busy dreaming up fantasy girls to fuck that night and the nights to come.









After giving myself an orgasm with the showerhead in my hotel bathroom that was nowhere near as fulfilling as the ones Walker gave, I landed on the bed and snuggled into the thick down comforter, and promptly fell asleep with Walker taking up every square inch of the space in my head.

I dreamt of him, and they were good dreams too. Dreams of him using his hands and tongue on me to bring me to release. Not of him having sex with every girl he came into contact with, which would have helped me get over him that much faster.

My phone rang, waking me up. For a second, I didn’t remember where I was. I’d been in Spain only days ago, then on the bus, and now the hotel. I patted around on the bed for my phone, and when I finally found it underneath my pillow, I checked the time to see it was three in the morning, and Walker was calling me. If he was calling to get some girl out of his room, I was going to strangle him to death.

“What is it, Walker?” It came out harsher than intended, but I wasn’t happy about being woken up in the middle of the night on one of our few nights in a hotel.

“Shit,” he croaked out, sounding dreadful. “I’m…” he coughed and then spoke again, his voice cracking. “I’m sorry for waking you up, Pen, but I feel awful. I can’t get room service on the phone, and I can’t figure out how to make a cup of hot water with this damn coffee pot. Can you come to my room?”

My heart softened at hearing him speak and sounding so pitiful. “What are your symptoms? Surely there’s an all-night place where I can pick you up something?”

“I don’t need any medicine,” he sniffed. “A hot cup of tea or lemon water is all I need.”

I wasn’t so sure about that, but I remembered overhearing him talking to Cross earlier in the day, and he mentioned rarely taking any medications.

“I’ll come see if I can figure it out.” Maybe all he really needed was a hot cup of tea, but from the cracking in his voice and the way he sounded stuffed up, I wouldn’t bet on it.

“Thanks, Pen. That would be great. I’ll leave the door cracked, so you can get in. I need to lie down.”

Before I could tell him it wasn’t a good idea to leave his door open, Walker hung up.

Hopping out of bed, I threw on a pair of sweatpants, a tank top, and a hoodie before I was out the door and on my way down the hall to Walker’s room. There were a few noises coming from Cross and Kenton’s rooms that I tried my best to ignore. What they did was their own business as long as there weren’t any girls causing problems afterward.

I knocked on Walker’s door before I stepped inside. I didn’t think he had anyone in his room, but if he did, I hoped they were dressed.

“Come in,” he croaked out.

“You really shouldn’t leave your door open, nor should you tell anyone to just come into your room. You know that, right?” I said as I rounded the corner to where his bed sat.

Walker let out a tired breath. He had dark circles under his eyes, and he was a sickly shade of white instead of his usual olive skin tone. He looked as bad as he sounded on the phone.

Without thought, I moved across the room and sat beside him on the bed. The second my hand touched his forehead, he let out a soft sigh. Walker was burning up.

“I don’t think a cup of tea is going to fix you. You’re sick. Really sick. You need to take something to bring the fever down. I can run to the pharmacy and get you some NyQuil. It will help you sleep too.”

He shook his head as he pulled the covers up under his chill. “I don’t want to take all that shit. It’s not good for you.”

“What’s not good for you is having a high fever. You have to at least take something to bring it down. It’s why you have the chills.”

He looked up at me with sad eyes. “Can I just start with the tea and see how it goes?”

“Fine,” I gave in, hoping that once he drank his tea Walker would realize how it wasn’t the cure for what ailed him.

I went over to the other side of the room and stared down at the coffee pot. For a moment, I was too tired to figure out how to even turn it on. I swore hotels liked to make these things impossible to use in order for you to call room service or use the coffee shop they had in the lobby.

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