Home > A Springtime Affair(39)

A Springtime Affair(39)
Author: Katie Fforde

Not only was there coffee, but there were gluten-, dairy-, sugar- and taste-free biscuits on offer. Helena was suspicious. Surely all this wasn’t because Cressida had liked the show? Although she knew she would like it – high-end, expensive and impeccable quality, it was perfect for Cressida’s aesthetic taste.

‘Well, this is very nice,’ she said, hearing her mother’s voice in hers.

Cressida gave a self-conscious little cough. ‘You’ve probably guessed, Helena, that I haven’t just asked you here to congratulate you on your show – which was fantastic.’


‘I’m a bit worried about Gilly.’

Guilt came over Helena like a fog. She had been so immersed in her work that she hadn’t been paying any real attention to her mother, beyond accepting meals and biscuits. ‘Why?’

Cressida pursed her lips and searched for words – unlike her, who usually knew exactly what she wanted to say and said it. ‘I don’t know if you’re aware, but Gilly’s been romantically involved with Leo.’

Helena nodded. She did know this – or rather – she had known it, but now she thought it was over.

‘I think Gilly senses you’re not entirely happy about it which is probably why she hasn’t confided in you.’ Cressida managed to imply that Gilly had confided in her, which Helena very much doubted.

‘Go on,’ said Helena, trying to appear dispassionate.

‘The thing is, I know it’s difficult when it’s your mother, but this could be her last chance of happiness. Leo is really lovely and has an amazing house. She’s not getting any younger and having seen that having a new life with a gorgeous man is possible, you mustn’t snatch the dream away from her.’

‘I would never do that.’ At least this was something that Helena could say with total sincerity.

‘Please tell her she has your blessing! She’s been behaving strangely lately. You’ve been so busy you may not have noticed.’

Guilt swamped her again. ‘I have been working all hours getting ready for this show.’

‘I know! And please don’t think I’m judging you, but we’re family and if you can’t look out for your mum then I will. And I have!’

‘I’m very grateful,’ muttered Helena, feeling anything but gratitude.

‘And I don’t know if you know this, but she said something about going gliding.’


‘I know!’ said Cressida. ‘I was horrified too. Imagine Gilly doing anything like that! Even hearing her talking about it was worrying. To be honest, she’d be better off with a man to take care of her.’

Helena may have wanted to keep things between her and Cressida civilised but she could not swallow this. ‘That’s not very feminist of you! Besides, she’s looked after herself perfectly well up to now.’

‘You have to remember’, said Cressida, as if confiding a great secret, ‘that women’s bodies change. Hormones kick in and we can go crazy.’

Cressida said this in a way that made Helena absolutely confident that this would never happen to her sister-in-law. The way Cressida had said ‘crazy’ indicated a lack of control that was physiologically impossible for her. Her hormones were far too well disciplined.

Remembering she had a favour to ask meant Helena bit back any protest.

‘I’ll go and see her, but, Cressida, although I am so grateful you’ve been looking out for Mum for me, I do have another favour to ask you. It’s a bit of a funny one.’


To give herself confidence Helena imagined her sister-in-law doing a Tough Mudder – something that physically she’d be more than capable of, but would she be able to get covered in sludge to prove her fitness? Possibly not.

Helena cleared her throat. ‘This is a really odd request. You know I sold absolutely everything I had in the show yesterday?’

‘I didn’t know but that’s really good, isn’t it?’

‘Well, yes, but I’ve got another show coming up really soon and absolutely nothing to put in it. Mum suggested she gives me back all the blankets and throws and things I’ve ever given her, just so I’ve got something to display. I was wondering if you’d give me back the ones I’ve given you, too? I can put “sold” stickers on them if you’re really fond of them, but otherwise I’ll replace them when I can.’

A strange look tweaked at Cressida’s features, an expression strangely like embarrassment, which was not an emotion that often touched her life. ‘I’m afraid I had a big Marie Kondo session, Helena, and I found they didn’t spark joy. They went to the charity shop.’

Helena caught her breath. ‘Was this recently? Is there any chance I could buy them back?’

Cressida shook her head. ‘It was when Marie’s book first came out, so no.’

Somehow Helena got herself to the door and out of it, muttering conventional thanks as she went. But inside she felt kicked in the stomach. And when she’d stopped feeling quite so offended she felt angry about the waste. From now on she resolved to only give Cressida and Martin boxes of chocolates (Milk Tray for preference) as presents. Nothing she’d put any effort into.

She’d calmed down a bit by the time she’d got to Fairacres and was determined to find out what was going on with her mother. She was still feeling terribly guilty for ignoring her – or at least only eating her food but not actually paying attention. Was Gilly really in love with Leo? And what was all this about going gliding? Her mother would never do that! But first and foremost, she had to tell her mother about Cressida’s despicable action.


Gilly heard Helena come in through the back door and came downstairs, a bundle of dirty linen in her arms. ‘Hi, darling, how are you? You did so brilliantly yesterday! I was so impressed!’

They went into the kitchen, and Gilly put on the kettle for coffee.

‘So what are you grumpy about?’ asked Gilly when Helena had pulled out a chair and sat down.


Gilly felt slightly anxious. She hated it when her daughter was at odds with her daughter-in-law. She was also a bit worried about what Cressida might have said to Helena about Leo. ‘What?’

‘She Marie Kondoed all the woven things I’ve given her over the years! They didn’t “spark joy”.’

‘Oh, Helly! Don’t say she “regifted” them?’

This made Helena smile. ‘I know how much you hate that expression but what she did was worse!’

‘Is that even possible?’

‘Yes! She gave them all to charity and she did it ages ago so I can’t even buy them back. Don’t you think that’s rude?’

‘It is really horrible to have a present you’ve thought about, and in your case made, but I suppose if they didn’t fit in with her décor …’

‘I knew you’d stick up for her! And to be honest, if I didn’t need them I probably wouldn’t be so upset.’

‘Well, you’ve given me loads of lovely things over the years and I’ve still got them all, and most of them have escaped the moths. Although one or two blankets are …’ She paused, choosing her words. ‘Early work.’

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