Home > Queen (Fae Games #3)(70)

Queen (Fae Games #3)(70)
Author: Karen Lynch

“People soon began to worry because the strength of Unseelie depends on the strength of its leader. Onagh was strong, but he and Asherah were unable to provide a successor, which made our future uncertain. Fear spread, and there were calls for other high-born royals to challenge for the throne. There were some who were only too willing to wear the crown, but those challenges would have fractured Unseelie. We could not allow that to happen.”

“So Onagh abdicated to you?” I asked.

He nodded solemnly. “I ascended to the throne, and Onagh and his family went to live with our parents in one of the royal retreats. They prefer life away from court and have been happy there to this day.

“I vowed I would not make the same mistake my brother had. Though I loved another, I took the female my mother had chosen for Onagh, as my consort. Maurelle and I worked hard for years to bring back stability to Unseelie. Here at court, there were still rumblings from those who had wanted to challenge for the throne. It was not until Aedhna blessed us with a strong, healthy son that the people’s faith in their monarchy was fully restored.”

King Oseron stood. “Come with me.”

I followed him out to the balcony where he looked out at the valley for a long moment before he said, “It is beautiful, is it not?”

“Yes. It still takes my breath every time I see it.”

He turned to give me a warm smile that reached his eyes. “I love Unseelie almost as much as I love my children, and I would do anything in my power to protect them both. From Vaerik’s accounts of you, you would do no less for your family.”

“Yes.” I straightened my shoulders and tried to prepare myself for what was to come. He was going to order me to stay away from Lukas. Or maybe he planned to send me away to some distant town like he had with Dariyah.

He took one of my hands in his. “You have so many qualities I admire, Jesse, not the least of which are your courage and fortitude. I doubt there are many who could handle all you have been through with the same poise. I can see why my son loves you, and I can see that you love him.”

My chest squeezed painfully, and I whispered, “Yes.”

“As a father, I want more than anything for my children to be happy. As the king, I must also do what is best for Unseelie.” His eyes grew sad. “I have seen firsthand what happens when someone of weaker blood is chosen as consort. The future of Unseelie depends on a powerful line of succession. Vaerik’s magic is strong, but you are not Fae-born. There are those who will never accept you as consort and might challenge Vaerik because of it. If that does not happen, there is the high risk of you bearing weak heirs as Onagh and Asherah did.”

The pain in my chest spread through me and formed a hard, cold lump in my stomach. I had no argument to make because he was right. I could not change the circumstances of my birth, and I’d experienced enough disdain and condescension to know he spoke the truth about some people not accepting me. They were nice enough to me now that I was with Lukas, but what would they be like when I officially became his mate and the future consort?

“What are you going to do?” My voice nearly broke on the last word, but I held the emotion in.

“Nothing,” he answered softly. “Vaerik loves you, and he will choose you as his mate. I cannot prevent that any more than my mother could stop Onagh from choosing Asherah.”

“I don’t understand. Why did you come to see me if not to break us up?”

King Oseron looked at the valley and back to me. I saw the answer in his eyes before he said the words. “The only person who can stop Vaerik from making a choice that could destroy his future is you. I came here to tell you about Onagh in the hope that history will not repeat itself.”

I leaned against the rail, feeling as weak as the day Lukas had exposed me to iron. However, this time the chain was around my neck and pressing against my chest. The king wasn’t going to force me away from Lukas. He was asking me to walk away from the man I loved.

I felt a light squeeze on my hand, reminding me the king still held it. I looked up into his troubled eyes.

“You deserve to be happy after all you have endured, and I wish there was another way. The last thing I want is to hurt Vaerik or you.”

He released my hand and walked away. When the door closed, I sank to the floor, wrapped my arms around my knees, and let the tears come. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t give up Lukas and watch him take someone else as his mate.

When Aedhna’s arms encircled me, I curled against her like a little girl. She stroked my hair and hummed a soft melody as I cried until I had no tears left.

“I can take the pain away,” she offered gently.

My throat was so raw it hurt to speak. “Can you make it so Lukas and I can stay together?”

She shook her head. “That is a decision you and he must make.”

“But the king said there’s no other choice.”

“Oseron made sacrifices for his people, and his fear of unrest drives him to expect the same from his son. He forgets there is more to being a ruler than the ability to produce strong progeny. Onagh did not have the right strength to lead, but Oseron did. Vaerik possesses it, too.”

Hope kindled in my chest, and I lifted my head to look at her. “Does that mean no one would challenge him for the throne if I was his consort?”

She wiped away the wetness on my cheeks. “It means he could rise to the challenge as you rose to the one I gave you. You did not believe you were up to the tasks, yet here we are on the eve of the final one.”

My stomach fluttered with a mix of excitement and fear. “It’s tomorrow?”

“Yes.” She stood. “Come. I must prepare you.”

I followed her inside where she gave me instructions as she had the first two times. Then she removed all evidence of my emotional meltdown and left a second before the door opened and Lukas came in.

“All ready for tomorrow?” I asked, surprised by how composed I sounded when I was anything but.

“Yes.” He came over to join me on the couch. “I’m sorry I’ve left you on your own the last few days. I won’t see much of you while Seelie is here.”

I moved over to snuggle against his side. “I understand. Hopefully, soon you won’t need to have any more of these meetings with Seelie.”

“I hope so, too.” He wrapped an arm around me. “How do you feel about a change of scenery after Seelie leaves? I have a private retreat in the Daerig Mountains where we could get away from all of this for a week.”

“That sounds amazing.” The thought of going away with him made me instantly feel lighter.

Lukas leaned in to press a light kiss to my mouth. “I’ll tell Faolin to prepare for a trip in three days.”

I smiled at him and rested my head in the crook of his shoulder. Aedhna had given me a sliver of hope about my future with him, and time away from court was exactly what I needed to figure things out. I understood the king’s concerns, but I wasn’t giving up my prince. Not without a fight.


* * *

I hurried along the tunnel that wound in a wide circle down into the rock beneath the temple. It led to a room where portals were created by people coming to the island, and I hoped there were no visitors until I got out of the tunnel. There wasn’t room here for someone to pass without bumping into me.

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