Home > Rescuing Maria(Guardian Hostage Rescue Specialists #6)(17)

Rescuing Maria(Guardian Hostage Rescue Specialists #6)(17)
Author: Ellie Masters

“Not in this life nor the next. Unlike you, I don’t kidnap strangers and hold them hostage.”

“You weren’t kidnapped.”

“Wanna tell that to the cops and see what they think?” She sniffs at me.

“You pulled a gun on me. Wanna tell that to the cops?” I can’t help but get in a dig. “I’ve got you on aggravated assault. Maybe attempted murder.”

“You’re an asshole.” She looks away, dismissing me.

“And you’re a—”

“Liam.” CJ cuts me off. “Cut her free.”

I cut the ties. Maria glares while rubbing her wrists.

“Thank you.” She spits out the words.

“You’re welcome.” I return her thank you with a snarl.

CJ shakes his head as he strolls over to grab a folding chair for himself. He snaps it open in front of Maria and takes a seat.

I get to stand.

“If the two of you are done, it’s time for a conversation.” CJ rolls up his sleeves.

I know what he means by conversation.

CJ’s going to interrogate Maria.

I’m not sure how I feel about that.

“Maria Rossi.” CJ glances at his cuticles, speaking as if reciting her dossier by memory. “Only daughter of Milo Rossi. Sole niece of his younger brother who took over after your father’s death. Marco Rossi is involved in the vilest industry on the planet. You’re the sole heir to the Rossi empire. Somewhere inside your head is the knowledge to bring the whole organization crashing down.”

“That’s not true.” Maria’s voice trembles. “I know nothing about any of that.”

“You’re going to tell us what we need to know.” CJ leans forward and lowers his voice, turning ominous and deadly.









I’m a knee-knocking, leg-bouncing, nervous wreck. My stomach’s got that queasy, shaky, unsettled feeling that makes my whole body tremble.

We’re not going to mention Hollywood. He looms with bridled ferocity and restrained lethality simmering in his gaze.

The three rescued women are gone, ushered away the moment we arrived. I can only hope they receive a much warmer welcome than the one I currently enjoy.

Instead of letting the men begin their interrogation, I fire the first shot. “Where’s Sybil Niles?”

“We ask the questions.” Hollywood has the menacing thing down to a tee.

“That’s not how this is going to work.” Spine straight, shoulders back, chin lifted, lips steady and firm, and eyes on the target, I breathe while projecting strength I don’t feel.

Strength is necessary. I need to tip the balance of power between myself and these men before I’m completely overwhelmed.

“And how is this going to work?” The man sitting across from me arches a brow.

“What’s your name?” I’ll pepper them with questions, learning as much about them as I can.


“Well, CJ …” I draw out his name. “We both have questions. You answer mine and I might answer yours.”

“You see this as a negotiation?” CJ’s smooth Texan drawl sends shivers down my spine.

Liam moves around to stand behind me, which puts him out of my line of sight. No more stargazing at his lethal beauty.

He places his hands on my shoulders, making me jump. Instead of holding me down, his fingers dig in, massaging my neck.

The way CJ looks at me makes me squirm. He lets the silence stretch while Liam’s fingers work magic, releasing the tension in my neck.

“Rather than a negotiation, let’s consider this a simple conversation.” CJ exchanges a look with Liam.


“I want to talk about what happened.” CJ leans back.

“Which part?” My eyes close as Liam’s fingers attack the tight knots in my shoulders.

“Let’s start with how you knew to follow us.” Liam’s got great control of his voice. Before, it was authoritative and commanding. Now, it’s got a slow-rolling, sultry vibe to it. Deep, resonating, and sexy as fuck.

“You mean through that freaky flash mob?” I twist to look at Liam.

“Yes.” There’s that smirk again. How is it possible that a simple smirk makes Liam look even more handsome?

“I watched the whole thing.” If he can do deep and resonating, I can do flippant and snarky.

“Maybe we should back up a bit.” CJ settles back, looking far more comfortable than I feel. “If you knew about the women being held, why didn’t you call the cops?”

“I don’t trust the cops. Not now.”

“What changed?” CJ cocks his head, interested and confused.



“How do I explain?”

“Usually, people start at the beginning and continue on through to the end.” Liam’s touch grounds me. The massage soothes me.

“The beginning? There is no beginning.”

“There’s always something.” Liam’s fingers stop the massage. His hands rest on my shoulders. It’s a gentle touch, but if I try to get out of this chair, he’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.

I know nothing about these people, except they saved three women. For that reason alone, I feel I can trust them.

“Fine. My entire life is a lie.”

“Go on.” CJ relaxes. Leans back.

My body mimics his, relaxing and leaning back against the uncomfortable wooden back of my chair.

“Everything I thought was true is so incredibly twisted and wrong.”

“The women?” CJ cups his chin. “You didn’t know about the women?”

“Hell, no.”

What do you do when the people you love and trust aren’t who they seem? When you’ve been so damn blind that you didn’t see what’s happening all around you?

After a long stretch of silence, CJ continues his questioning. “How did you know your friend was being held in that room?”

I clear my throat, needing more time to collect my thoughts.

“Are you the cops? Is that how you rescued those women? Or FBI?”

“We’re not.” CJ leans back, settling in.


“Vigilantes? Mercenaries?”

“No and no.” Liam’s husky laughter is like sin rolled in chocolate. He puts more vigor into the unsolicited shoulder rub. Tiny jolts of electricity shoot down my spine.

“Then what are you?” I direct my question back to CJ.

“We’re the men who do whatever it takes to rescue you.” CJ’s voice rings with truth. Something about this whole operation just makes me believe what he says.

“But you kidnapped me. That makes you the bad guys.”

“The world is not so black and white, Miss Rossi.” CJ turns over his hand to examine his cuticles. It’s a measured move, something designed to off-balance me.

Liam moves from my shoulders to my neck. Those thumbs of his find every tiny knot and forces them to give in.

CJ clears his throat. “Miss Rossi, I asked if the men following you were your security detail and you said …”

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