Home > Rescuing Maria(Guardian Hostage Rescue Specialists #6)(24)

Rescuing Maria(Guardian Hostage Rescue Specialists #6)(24)
Author: Ellie Masters

I’m sharing way more than I should.

“Last night, I went to sleep the CEO of the Belvedere. Today, I woke up, living a nightmare.”

“Mitzy tells me never to assume, but do you understand what we’re asking of you?”

“You want me to spy on my family.”

“We need you to get our operative close to them. You don’t need to spy, or lie, or anything else.”

“You want me to pretend to be engaged to a man I barely know.”

“Hmm …” Forest leans back. He steeples his fingers and rests his chin on the tops of his fingers. “Maybe one little lie.”

“I won’t pretend to understand who you people are, but I want Sybil back, safe and sound. You make that happen, and I’ll do whatever you need.”

“You don’t yet know what that will cost you.” Forest slants his head, giving me a way out.

“Does it matter? My perfect life is in shambles, and there’s no way I can return to the Belvedere knowing what I know.”

“We need to get you back, and soon, but I have a story to tell you first.” Forest props his elbows on the armrests of his chair, then tips his head back to stare at the ceiling. “It’s my hope, and I think I’ve judged you right, but I hope you might be willing to work with us.”

There goes the Earth again, shifting beneath my feet.

Liam lifts out of his seat. He takes the tumbler out of my hand.

“You’re going to need another drink for this part.” His smile is warm. His voice rock steady. His presence lends me strength. Yet, he remains a mystery. Most importantly, he’s not happy getting stuck with me.

I glance around the room, stating the obvious. “You do realize one word from me to my uncle about any of tonight’s events is enough to destroy your organization?”

“We’re aware.” Forest’s glacial gaze thaws. “But I believe we can trust you.”

“How can you be sure?”

“Because you cared enough about your friend to risk your life and your safety to find her. You tracked four elite operatives into and through a crowd because all you could think about was saving your friend. You didn’t worry about your safety, and that says a great deal about your character.”

“I’ll do anything to find Sybil.”

“Here, I poured you a double shot.” Liam returns with the tumbler.

Our fingers brush against each other as he hands me the whiskey. Like before, warmth rushes up my arm. Instead of returning to the couch, he hitches a hip on the back of my chair. Oddly, I feel less alone.

“Are you sure about this?” Skye reaches for her brother but stops short. Her hand hovers over his, but he pulls away. His hands fall into his lap as she sighs and leans back.

“You disagree?” Forest glances at his sister.

“No.” Skye takes in a deep breath and slowly blows it out. “This needs to end.”

“What needs to end?” I look between them, confused and nervous again.

I’m terrified of what he’s going to tell me.

The foundations of my world are in constant upheaval, delivering one shock after the next and making me question everything.

What’s true? What’s false?

Who do I trust? Who’s lying to me?

It’s dangerous jumping in too quickly with people I don’t know, but I sense a gravity to this situation. This is important. Whatever this is.

I have a feeling my entire world is going to change.

Again …

Forest stares down at his hands. Clasped tightly in his lap, the knuckles turn white as he shakes.

While my insides churn, he sits in complete silence, barely moving except for the slow rise and fall of his chest. The rest of the room does the same, as if everyone waits for him to begin.

I’m right there with them, but my attention bounces around the room, taking in the reactions of the others.

Skye looks on with love shrouded by some great pain. Mitzy’s look is one of compassion. Sam and CJ are more stoic in their responses. They sit absolutely still, barely moving, focused completely on the man who created this amazing organization.

I can’t see Liam. He sits behind me. But I feel him. I feel every pull of his breath. Every measured exhale. His body radiates heat, which my body absorbs. Like the others, he’s incredibly still.

With one hand on my stomach, which does nothing to stop the sinking sensation that’s going on in there, I watch Forest too.

His deep rumbly voice begins with a clearing of his throat, boulders grinding together, then turns into words carrying an incredible burden.

“There was once a time when Skye and I had other names. She was Elsbeth and I was her Bean. We’ve shed those names, but they’re still very much a part of who we are today.”


That’s the name Skye used not too long ago.

“Our story is not a good one. There’s nothing light or fun in our past. It’s deeply tragic and horrifically painful.” Forest looks up and stares at me. His glacial gaze shimmers, almost as if there are tears. “I want to tell you about a man named John Snowden.”









Liam places a hand on my shoulder and gives a tiny squeeze.

“Skye doesn’t want me to tell this story, but in order for you to make an informed decision, you need to know everything.” Forest gives an agonizingly slow blink. His white hair makes his complexion look pale, sickly almost.

“It all began when I was a boy. I lost my family and entered foster care. The first night, I was brutally raped by my foster father. Skye held me while I bled. She held me every night thereafter.”

My hand flies to my mouth. The images those few sentences convey are horrifying.

This man is massive, stronger than strong, taller than tall, broader than broad, and fiercer than any warrior I’ve ever imagined. I can’t imagine him ever being small, but I feel his pain. I see the scared little boy inside.

Forest weaves together a story too horrific to be real, but I sense no lies. Through the abuse both he and Skye endured year after year, my heart breaks for them.

And just when I don’t think things can get worse, Forest tells me about John Snowden.

“He intended to make Skye his personal sex slave and wanted me to fight in the pens.”

“Fight?” I want to say something here like you mean boxing or cage fighting? But I know to hold my tongue. Whatever horrific thing I imagine in my head, what he says next will be far worse than I can imagine.

“But Skye saved me. She saved us.” Forest glances at Skye and a serene smile comes over his face. He reaches out a hand, holding it palm up between them. “She still does.”

Skye tentatively leans forward and places her hand in his. Forest flinches, but then breathes out a shaky breath.

“This is huge for me.” He stares at their hands.

I feel like I should ask What’s huge? But the look on Forest’s face says the answers to my questions are forthcoming.

“For years after the abuse, I couldn’t touch Skye, or stand to have her touch me, without triggering a crippling PTSD episode. The things they made me do to her … to us …” He shakes his head and closes his eyes again.

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