Home > Rescuing Maria(Guardian Hostage Rescue Specialists #6)(88)

Rescuing Maria(Guardian Hostage Rescue Specialists #6)(88)
Author: Ellie Masters

“Is it time for S’mores? I was promised S’mores.”

“Later, but the band is here.” Liam points to the top of the cliff where the gondola begins its slow descent. “Ever hung out at a bonfire on the beach with rock legends?”

“No.” I spin around until I face him. Lifting up on tiptoe, I gently press my lips to his.

Liam’s grip around my waist tightens and a low groan spills into the night. S’mores, bonfires, and rock legends are pretty damn impressive, but they pale in comparison to the man I love.

“Forever and always.”

I lean against Liam, snuggling into the warmth of the man with whom I can’t wait to share tomorrow and all the days that follow.

“Forever and always,” Liam repeats our phrase, turning it into a promise.

It’s a promise that leads to a beginning, and I can’t wait to begin our new life … together.

Forever and always.












One Year Ago



“Bravo One to Overlord. In position.” The radio squawks in my ear.

I crouch behind thick vegetation on the outskirts of the bustling port in Cancun. Intel says one of the hundreds of shipping containers out there contains a dozen girls, young women, who are bound for Colombia and a fate worse than death.

Bravo Team’s job is to locate that container and rescue those girls. We’re in position and merely hold for Mitzy’s technical team to locate the container holding the girls.

They’ll do that using Smaug, a large drone loaded with specialized tech, like heat sensors. It makes another pass overhead, scanning for the girls.

“Copy that.” CJ answers from Command and Control. “Overwatch in position. Scanning.”

“Good copy.” I glance back at my team.

Decked out in the best gear on the planet, we’re a formidable force. Bravo Two, my best buddy, Booker, squats behind me, while Rafe and Hayes reference a schematic of the shipyard. Once we get confirmation of which cargo container holds the girls, they’ll determine our path through the maze of containers. Alec and Zeb hold the rear.

“Overlord to Bravo One, target identified.” CJ rattles off grid coordinates that Rafe and Hayes copy down.

“Good copy.” I turn around. “Bravo Three, we set?”

“Affirmative.” Rafe gives me a thumbs up.

“Status of patrols?” My comment is for Overlord.

Cancun’s port is busy, but they shut down at night, unlike many other ports around the globe. In those places, massive flood lights push back the darkness, turning night into day. Here in Cancun, there are shadows upon shadows in the pervasive darkness.

Dressed in our black tactical gear and equipped with night-vision goggles, that darkness means nothing to us.

“None in your vicinity.” CJ reports back what I already know, confirming our approach is clear.

During recon, we discovered security at the port is minimal. It’s a joke, to be honest. They focus only on the entrances and exits. We arrived from the water, infiltrating the port after securing our black RIBs to pylons under the docks. We brought three six-man RIBs, splitting our team into pairs, as they will be our transport out.

“It’s quiet.” Booker taps me on the shoulder.

“You got a concern?” I rely on my team and always listen to what they have to say.

“Feels off, that’s all.”


“Dunno. Like I said, it’s quiet.” Booker doesn’t explain more than that.

I get his concern. The shipyard should buzz with activity. Tomorrow, they will load all these containers onto a ship and begin their journey to Colombia.

“I need more than that.”

Scanning what I see of the shipyard, there are no guards milling about, no dockworkers making last-minute adjustments to the containers, and there’s nothing but the wind blowing in my ear.

“That’s all I got.” Booker glances around.

“It’s not enough to call the op.”

If we call it, they will load those girls on the cargo container ship.

We have another window to attempt recovery, but sea operations are far more complex than dealing with this on the ground.

“Status?” CJ’s voice crackles through the comms.

I glance at Rafe who gives me the thumbs up.

“We’ve got a route. Sending now.” I report back, and as I do, Rafe uploads the path we’ll take to the designated container.

“Copy that.” There’s a slight pause, then the radio squawks again. “Received.”

“Bravo Two says it’s too quiet. Any concerns on your end?” Even though Booker can’t vocalize what he feels, I respect his instincts. Lord knows they’ve saved our asses before.

“Not from our end.” CJ replies. “We’ll do another sweep to be sure.”

“Good copy.” Hopefully, that will satisfy Booker.

We wait in silence while Smaug makes another sweep of the docks.

“Bravo One, all’s quiet on our end. Your call.”

Booker shrugs.

“We’re going in.” I glance at Rafe. He gives me a thumbs up and packs up his gear.

I give the signal to move out.

Falling into line, we move as we train; silent and deadly.

All of us are former US Navy SEALs, recruited out of the military by the organization that is Guardian HRS. Besides being a SEAL, I operated as a Delta team operative. I did a lot of hostage rescue in Delta.

This feels like old times.

Rafe guides us through the maze. Lifting my fist in the air, I call a halt. The shipping container is right in front of us. We pause, taking in how it sits a little apart from the other containers.

All around us, containers stack three to five high, but not this one. It’s odd, but I can understand. Inside that container, precious cargo waits for delivery. The men in charge will do whatever they can to ensure those women reach their destination alive.

“Bravo One to Overlord, we’re in position.”

“Copy that.” CJ doesn’t waste breath on unnecessary chatter. “Confirmed ten inside.”



Two less than expected.

Behind me, Hayes pulls out his bolt cutters. Alec and Zeb climb the nearest container. They’ll provide cover if things come down to that.

“The op is yours.” CJ tells me all subsequent mission commands are mine to make. Smaug will support only.

With a signal to Booker, Rafe, and Hayes, I give the command to move out.

We move as one, four highly trained operatives used to working together. Once we reach the door of the container, Bravo Two and I turn toward defense. Meanwhile Bravo Three gets the bolt cutters ready,

I scan the area, see nothing, then turn to watch Rafe place the bolt cutters on the lock. That’s when I see the wire.

“Freeze!” I shout, but it’s too late.

Rafe cuts the lock.

I shoulder him out of the way and shove him behind me.

A bright, fiery flash sears my retinas. Flames engulf me. Intense heat burns through me as my entire world goes dark.

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