Home > SAVAGES (Depraved Sinners, #3)(7)

SAVAGES (Depraved Sinners, #3)(7)
Author: Sheridan Anne

The night in the old industrial area, I came close to this same shit with Draven Miller, but I knew that the boys were close by. Even back then, I knew they wouldn’t allow him to hurt me, but Ariana has no one. No white knight to swoop in and save her. Hell, we’ve both been lucky that the bastards upstairs haven’t already tried this shit on us.

Ariana turns her face toward me, meeting my haunted, broken stare as Phillip forces himself between her thighs. He spits on her, spreading his saliva between her legs so he can pretend that she truly wants it. His stare remains locked on her pussy and dread fills me as he takes hold of his dick and presses down over her.

Ariana’s face breaks as he forces himself through her entrance, taking from her what wasn’t his to take. He fucks her hard, no regard for her body in the slightest as he grows sweaty and fills the basement with loud grunts, but I keep my gaze locked on hers.

Silent messages pass between us, and though we can’t stand one another, she knows that no matter what, in these dirty cells, we are one. I have her back, and though I threatened to leave her ass here, after this, I won’t have the stomach to leave her behind, even after the hell she’s rained down on me.

The abuse goes on and on and with his violent, hard thrusts, I don’t doubt that she’s in a world of pain. Shame crosses her features, and after a long moment, she turns her head in the opposite direction to endure the rest of the abuse in private.

Not wanting to make this any harder on her, I give her the privacy she needs and close my eyes as the tears continue to stream down my face.



Two hours pass before Phillip pulls himself off Ariana’s broken and bleeding body, his limp dick hanging between his legs. He takes his time getting dressed as I struggle to swallow past the massive lump in my throat, but fuck, what I feel isn’t even remotely important right now.

After turning her face toward her cell wall, that’s exactly where it stayed. She didn’t make a sound. Didn’t cry. Didn’t scream for him to get off her. Just endured her abuse in silence. Even now as he walks around her cell collecting his clothes, she just stares at the wall as though she fell into a trance to get through the trauma.

Phillip is drenched in sweat, and I don’t doubt that Ariana would kill for a shower. I can’t say that I have ever been in her position or know what it feels like to have your body violated in that way, but I’m more than familiar with being abused and tortured. While a hot shower won’t wash away the memories, pain, or scars, it goes a long way in helping to remind me that I’m still alive.

The woman that I’ve come to know over the past few months would have made a snide comment about not feeling his small dick inside her. She would have made sure that if she were going down, Phillip would go down with her, but Ariana’s silence speaks volumes. In the space of two hours, he’s broken her.

Phillip steps into her side and releases the buckle on the belt, freeing her hands. Then the moment she can, she scrambles across the dirty floor, curling into a ball as far away as her cell will allow, all while Phillip watches her with a cocky smirk across his stupid face.

Fuck, I want to kill him more than I want to kill Giovanni.

Where the fuck are the boys? He’s going to walk out of here as though he didn’t just violate her in the worst way. He’s going to get on with his life while leaving her in a constant state of panic, always fearing that he could return at any time. He’s going to get away with it.

Anger burns through me as a soft whimper escapes my lips, but the sound of his belt buckle clanging against the metal bars masks my slip up. Phillip threads it back through his belt loops and keeps his stare on Ariana, wanting to see just how badly he broke her. But when he realizes that she won’t be looking up anytime soon, he reaches for his suit jacket and pulls it on.

With his shoes fastened and his shirt tucked back in, it looks as though he’s about to take his stupid, fucked-up pride and leave us in peace. Instead, he steps back into Ariana's cell and grips her arm.

She squeals as Phillip yanks her to her feet and my body flinches, ready to throw down if that’s what I have to do, but any attempt would be wasted as long as I’m locked in this cell. He begins dragging her toward the door and her fighting spirit returns. “LET GO OF ME,” she screams, his intentions crystal clear. “NO. NO. LET ME GO.”

Her nails dig into his skin, and he pulls back, blowing out a pained breath through his clenched jaw. “BITCH,” he roars, backhanding her across the face, the momentum sending her crumbling back to the ground. “You’re a fool if you thought I would pay for just one night. You are mine now, Ariana. You will suck my dick every morning and I will fuck your ass every night. Now get the fuck up.”

She stares up at him in horror as panic soars through me. “I’ve been waiting a long time for you, Ariana,” he warns when she doesn’t make a move to get up. “I’m going to make you regret the day you decided to be a little cock tease. From now on, you answer to me, and I swear to God, if you ever attempt to get away from me, I will destroy you. NOW MOVE.”

Ariana swallows hard, and having no choice with absolutely no way out, she shakily gets to her feet. Leaving her pants and torn underwear behind, Phillip grabs her by the back of her neck and pushes her through the cell door.

He leads her toward the stairs, and as she spares one last pleading look toward me, he drags her up them one by one, letting her know the vile things he plans on doing to her.






Four fucking days.

They’re not coming.

My gaze drops to Felicity and it’s clear how this is going to go. They abandoned her. They thought she was dead, and they left her to rot here as their father’s personal heir maker, and that’s exactly what’s going to happen to me, besides the baby thing. After the shit I’ve been through, statistically falling pregnant would be some kind of cosmic joke.

I was an idiot to remove that tracking device in my arm, but to be fair, Roman and Levi were trying to torture me … well, there was really no trying about it. They did it and they sure as hell succeeded. If they were graded, they would’ve received top marks for every aspect. Creepy comments. Tick. Sharp knives. Tick. Letting me think that I might just survive only to pull the rug out from under me. Tick, tick, fucking tick. What can I say? Those boys excel at everything they do, and torture is one of their many talents.

All I know is, the second I get out of this mess and call out the boys for not saving me sooner, I’ll be inserting that little tracking device right back into my arm. Fuck, I’ll do the procedure myself if I have to. I’ll even shove another one of those contraceptive rods back in as well. After all, now isn’t exactly a great time to have a baby around. Hell, I had one in my arms for all of thirty seconds before I lost him. Not to mention, Dill and Doe didn’t even have names until last week. What kind of shitty parenting is that?

The thought of Dill and Doe has my chest restricting. The last I saw of Dill he was fearlessly protecting me against Giovanni in the woods outside the mansion. That wolf deserves a medal … or at least the biggest steak I can find. Assuming he’s okay, of course. That bullet tore out of that gun and Dill’s devastating howl tore through the forest and broke me. I’ve never heard anything like it, but I have to believe that he is okay. I don’t know where I’d be if Dill didn’t make it.

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