Home > The Inn on Mirror Lake (Highland Falls #4)(4)

The Inn on Mirror Lake (Highland Falls #4)(4)
Author: Debbie Mason

“Elliana, what is going on?” Her mother’s annoyed voice interrupted Ellie’s thoughts about Nate and his reaction.

She turned. Her parents and Bri and Richard were standing on the path by the steps, glancing from her to Nate. They looked like lawyers in their expensive dark suits. Her father and Bri greeted her with wan smiles and finger-waves while her mother and Richard wore the same tight-lipped expression. Her mother’s gaze narrowed on Agnes. They’d had a strained relationship for as long as Ellie could remember.

Forcing a smile and a cheery note to her voice, Ellie said, “Nothing’s wrong.” At Miranda’s furrowed brow, Ellie realized that wasn’t the correct response to her mother’s question. It was also a lie. This whole thing was a lie, and Ellie didn’t like to lie almost as much as she didn’t like conflict. And conflict was the name of the game when dealing with her mother.

Obviously lying was too because she needed to come up with an excuse as to why Joe was MIA. “I was just asking Nate when he thought he’d be finished with Joe. Nate is Grandpa’s…physiotherapist. They’re working on the cabins as part of his therapy. But don’t worry; they shouldn’t be much longer.”

Wow. She was getting really good at lying with a straight face. She was also pretty impressed with how quickly she’d come up with their cover, especially since she was still dazed by Nate’s kiss and confused by his reaction. At least her legs were no longer weak. The best part was that she’d given Nate an out if he wanted it. He didn’t have to say he was her boyfriend. She’d figure out an excuse for the kiss her family had witnessed. Or maybe she wouldn’t. Maybe she’d let them draw their own conclusions. The rebel in her approved of that idea.

Her family glanced at Nate, who moved to Ellie’s side, slinging an arm around her shoulders. “Don’t make promises you might not be able to keep, babe. You know what Joe’s like when he gets a hammer in his hand.”

Okay, so they were obviously continuing the charade.

Nate smiled at her family, although it wasn’t so much a smile as a baring of teeth.

Ellie wondered what Agnes had told him about her parents, specifically her mother. Nate loved her grandmother as much as she loved him. So Ellie couldn’t see him being happy to learn how her mother treated Agnes.

Ellie introduced her family to Nate. Her father and her sister offered him polite smiles while her mother and Richard offered curt nods.

“Hey there, folks. Sorry to delay your meeting but I’ll do my best to get Joe back before you leave,” Nate told her family.

“Do you usually drink and smoke when working with a client?” Richard asked with a pointed look at the beer bottle and cigar in Nate’s hand.

Nate laughed. It wasn’t an amused laugh. “Joe’s more like family than a client. Ellie asked me to help out with his therapy, and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make my girl happy.” His dark eyes narrowed at Richard. “Nothing.”

This wasn’t going to end well. “And you know how much I appreciate everything you’ve done for Grandpa, honey.” She patted his chest and smiled up at him, widening her eyes in hopes of conveying an I’ve got this message. Which he ignored because he was still staring down Richard.

“You’re welcome to join us, man. You look like you could use a workout. Hang on to these for me, babe.” Nate handed her the beer bottle and cigar and then took off his leather jacket, revealing a black T-shirt that highlighted his gorgeous inked arms and amazing bod. He was built like the Rock. Without thinking, she took a swig of beer. It was warm.

Ellie glanced at her grandmother, who was grinning from ear to ear. Ellie wouldn’t get any help from her. She was enjoying this way too much.

“Why don’t you guys go ahead in? I’ll be right with you.” Her father and Richard seemed happy to leave, but her mother and sister stood there slack jawed, staring at Nate.

“Brianna,” Richard snapped, grabbing her sister’s arm.

Bri winced as her husband’s fingers closed around her bicep. Ellie stiffened. She opened her mouth to say something but heard her sister’s thoughts as clearly as if they were her own. Please don’t, Ellie. Please don’t say anything. Beside Ellie, Nate went to move, his expression hard. She placed a hand on his arm to keep him in place.

As though oblivious to the tension or the reason for it, her mother tapped her watch. “I expect my father to be here by three, Mr. Black. Elliana.” She nodded at the door and then joined the rest of the family inside, obviously expecting Ellie to follow.

“What the hell?” Nate stared at the closed door with his hands fisted on his narrow hips. Then his gaze swung to her.

“I’ve tried to talk to her, Nate. She denies anything’s wrong. To hear her, you’d think Richard was a saint.” And that Ellie was overreacting.

His expression softened. “I’m not blaming you. Your sister obviously didn’t want you to interfere. I just don’t get why your parents didn’t step in, especially your father.”

“Miranda only sees what she wants to. And as brilliant as Bryan is, my son is clueless to what’s going on around him. He also doesn’t have the spine to stand up to his wife.” Looking at the inn, her grandmother nodded. “But from what I’ve just seen, with not only your sister but you, Ellie, it’s long past time for me to share a few truths with my son.”

Ellie’s heart raced, terrified at the secret her grandmother was about to share with her father. It would tear her family apart. She couldn’t let her do it.

“Granny, I don’t think this is the time. I know you’re just trying to help me and Bri, but it won’t. It’ll make things worse. Maybe you should go with Nate.” Ellie wasn’t just trying to protect her mother and her sister; she was trying to protect her grandmother too.

“You don’t need to worry about me, Ellie. Your mother’s threats no longer scare me. It’s not like she can stop me from seeing you and your sister and brother. You’re all old enough to make up your own minds. But it’s about time your father stood up for his daughters. I expect better from my son, and I plan to tell him so.”

Her panic that Agnes was going to expose her mother’s secret subsided. Maybe she’d been wrong, and her grandmother didn’t even know what it was. Or maybe, like Ellie, she knew how disastrous the fallout would be should her father and sister find out.

“If you ladies need me, you’ve got my number.” Nate tossed his leather jacket onto his Harley and headed for the dock.

Ellie was about to tell him she actually didn’t have his number when her phone pinged. She took it out of her pocket and glanced at the screen. He’d sent a thumbs-up emoji. She didn’t know what she’d expected but obviously something more if the twinge of disappointment in her chest was anything to go by.

Get a grip, she told herself. She was letting the feelings she’d experienced when he kissed her mess with her head. Nate obviously didn’t have the same problem. Then again, he’d spent most of his law enforcement career working undercover, which meant he knew how to act. Good thing one of them did.

“The canoes are in the shed, Nate. If you’d like, I can give you a brief tutorial on the J-stroke. It makes it easier to paddle solo.”

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