Home > The Lady Tempts an Heir(24)

The Lady Tempts an Heir(24)
Author: Harper St. George

   She kept walking but went still in every other way. It was enough to let him know that he had hit upon a sore spot.

   “Helena?” He stopped and faced her.

   “Oh, nothing I cannot handle.” She looked at everything but him, bringing a lily to her nose to smell.

   “What is it?”

   She shook her head and gently took another lily in hand, its soft white petals resting over her fingers. “Nothing.”

   He sighed in exasperation. “Helena, we cannot begin a charade without being honest with each other.”

   “Who says I’m not being honest?” Twin lines appeared between her brows as she frowned at him.

   “My grandfather was a coal miner, and so was his father. God knows how much further back they go. I am well aware that a man like Lord Farthington would not choose a man like me as his son-in-law if he could help it, so tell me if he has said anything.”

   Her frown only deepened. “I thought your grandfather was the one who began Crenshaw Iron?”

   “He did. He grew up in the coal mines of Pennsylvania but ran away to New York City at the age of fourteen.”

   The gaslight caught the blue of her eyes again, making them shimmer like sapphires. “And then what happened?” she asked, leaning closer to him in genuine curiosity.

   He took in a shallow breath at the heady intoxication of having her interest solely on him. “He bought a small boat—some say he stole it, but that point has been disputed. Then he began ferrying businessmen across the river and into the city. He did that for a few years and found a regular customer, Werner. Mr. Werner took a liking to him and brought him on as a jack-of-all-trades. He’d drive his carriage, carry messages, anything that needed doing. After a while, my grandfather ran the enterprise that imported coal into the city. He was given a stake in the company and soon was involved in all the coal being distributed in New York. When Mr. Werner died, he inherited a large sum, enough to open up the ironworks. I suppose you can imagine the rest.”

   “It’s fascinating how one man can change the fortunes of generations to come in one lifetime.”

   “You sound as if you approve of him?”

   “I don’t know him, but I admire his ambition.”

   “How very American-sounding of you.”

   She smiled. “Ambition isn’t only American.”

   “I suppose not, but I thought you English didn’t like it. That you thought a man should accept his ration in life and dare not ask for more.” Why did he persist in this baiting of her? He couldn’t seem to stop himself.

   “My lot, you mean?” she asked, referencing his statement from earlier.

   He should feel repentant about that, but riling her was too addictive. “Come on, Helena, you can’t think I’m completely off the mark here. You all but admitted your father doesn’t like me.”

   “Yes, fine, I admit that you would not be his first choice. I suppose it’s no secret.”

   “Did you tell him that I was interested in courting you?”

   She shook her head. “Not yet.”

   “Perhaps we’ve been hasty, Helena. I don’t want to make things more difficult for you. If your father feels that way, then this plan may not work for you at all. I don’t want to give him even more reason to not support your endeavor.”

   Her eyes went wide in shock. “No!” Then more calmly, she rested her gloved hand on his arm. “No, I don’t believe he’ll react badly. You would be my second husband.” The way her voice caressed the word had a prickling sensation starting at the base of his spine. “I married into a titled family the first time. I can hold my own counsel for my second. He understands the need for a suitable financier for the charity. He is a practical man, after all. He might not have chosen you, but he wouldn’t put a stop to our marriage. Besides, I would not mind inciting his irritation, at any rate. Far too many people give him exactly what he wants.”

   “Then he could be persuaded to accept our courtship.” He didn’t know why, but this relieved him. Yes, it would make things difficult if he had to call this plan off and think of something else, but that’s not why his knees felt weak. The truth was that he wanted to play this game with her. He resisted the urge to examine that too closely, not at all certain he’d like what he discovered.

   “Yes, I believe so, and I admit to some delight in thwarting his wishes for Sir Stratton. He’s Mama’s plan to be precise, but she never does anything without Papa’s approval.”

   “Good. Then we should begin.”

   “Haven’t we already?”

   “It sounds as if we’re about to have visitors.” A group of both men and women could be heard laughing and talking as they made their way toward the entrance of the conservatory. “We should appear as if we’re in the midst of a flirtation.”

   “You’ve smiled more in the last several minutes than you have in the entire time I’ve known you. I believe we’re well on our way.”

   She was right. Life for him had become one long series of tasks to complete as he managed both his family and Crenshaw Iron. He enjoyed the thrill of it and the satisfaction he got from the work. However, being with her tonight felt good in a different way. The pleasure of her company was for him alone. Turning toward her fully, he put a hand on the window at her back. He stepped forward until her skirts brushed the front of his trousers. Sucking in a deep breath, he almost felt dizzy with her scent. The prickling at the base of his spine had been joined by a familiar and pleasant heaviness farther down as blood filled his cock. His hand found her cheek before he knew what he was doing. Her lips parted in surprise, but he didn’t think she found the stroke unpleasant. She tilted slightly into his touch. Leaning closer, he lowered his voice even more. “I want to be clear that we do not have to do anything with which you aren’t comfortable. It’s not necessary to kiss, but we do need it to appear that we have.”

   “To make it seem as if you want me beyond reason.” She quoted his earlier comment.

   “Yes.” The word came out as a breath.

   The tip of her tongue came out to touch her lip, leaving a moist trail that shimmered in the light. He wanted to kiss it, to taste her.

   “How will you ever convince them of that?” she whispered.

   He couldn’t tell if she was being serious or not. Didn’t she know how attractive she was? “You have to be kidding. You’re the most desirable woman I’ve—”

   She rose up on her toes, closing the distance between them so that her soft mouth pressed against his. He nearly gasped at the sudden craving that jolted through him. It was fierce and so immediate that he had to force a gentleness he didn’t feel as he kissed her back. Jesus, she tasted like champagne and berries. She was so soft and pliant that he imagined how it would feel to sink into her heat, to hold her still against him as he—

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