Home > The Most Eligible Bride inLondon(55)

The Most Eligible Bride inLondon(55)
Author: Ella Quinn

Somewhere she could be alone with him. After her discussion with Merton this morning and the decision she had come to, it was time she made Fotherby understand that she had made her choice. He was the only gentleman she wished to wed. One way or another, they would find a way to deal with the consequences. For a scant second Henrietta wondered if he had decided on her as well, but he had never given her reason to believe he had not. She took a breath. “It is a little warm. The woods look refreshing.”

“We’ll see if your supposition is correct.” He grinned as he held out his arm, and she tucked her hand in the crook.

The path to the wood was fairly short and they reached it within a few minutes. It was like stepping into another world. Not only was it cooler, but small spring flowers dotted the ground, and the songbirds were a little louder. She could still see the pond on the right.

“Look over there.” Fotherby pointed to the right. “The deer.”

There was a stag and a hind with a rounded belly. They stood quietly and watched the animals graze before ambling on.

The sound of ducks made Henrietta glance toward the pond. “It is so peaceful here.”

“It is.” He laughed lightly. “Even though it is not quiet, with the birds singing and the ducks flapping around and quacking. It’s like a place out of time.”

Henrietta knew what he meant. “I almost expect to see woodland fairies or pixies hidden among the flowers.”

“I hope you don’t see them. Neither of the beings is particularly helpful.”

“You have a point.” They absolutely did not need any more trouble than they already had.

She glanced up at him as he looked down at her. Before she had always been fascinated by his eyes, but now she noticed how well shaped his lips were. His bottom lip was slightly larger than his top lip, but not so much that he appeared as if he was pouting. What she really wanted to know was how his lips would feel on her lips. If only she could bring herself to stand on tiptoe and press her mouth to his. But even she was not that bold. There were some things she must leave to him. She felt herself move closer to him, and his arm went around her waist. Then his head bent, and his lips touched hers as if they were a feather brushing gently.

Henrietta placed her hand on his jacket and slid them over his shoulders and around his neck. Fotherby pulled her closer, tilted his head, and deepened the kiss. Frissons of pleasure speared through her body, and she pressed closer, flattening her breasts against his hard chest. His tongue gently probed the seam of her lips, and she opened to him. She had heard about this form of kissing, but it never occurred to her she could actually like it. Yet with him she did.

He stroked and caressed her with one hand while the other held her tightly to him. Each stroke, each caress built the fire inside her higher. An ache formed between her legs. If only he would touch her there. As if he knew what she needed, his leg pressed her thighs apart and moved against the place that ached. His hand covered her breast, and even through her stays she could feel his heat. The tension between her legs increased, and she rubbed against him, needing to somehow relieve the ache that only grew stronger and more insistent. Then her body quaked and quivered and shattered. This was what she’d been told was so intense it could not truly be described. This was what occurred between a man and a woman who were in love. But that could not be. She was certain it was supposed to happen when they were joined. She hadn’t noticed his hand on her bottom, holding her until it moved in a light caress. She felt stirrings of passion again, but he moved his hand to her waist before she begged him for more of what he had done. Yet there was a hollow space that had not been filled.

“Henrietta.” His breath was soft and warm against her ear. “I love you.” He feathered kisses along her jaw. “I have from almost the second I saw you. When I discovered who you were, I tried to step back, but I couldn’t. I wanted you so much.”

Fotherby’s words sank deep into her heart. Tears pricked her eyes. She was filled with so much joy it almost paralyzed her. She forced herself to lean back and gaze into his eyes. “I love you too.” She lowered her eyes, then lifted them to his once more. “When I found out who you were I still wanted to meet you. I should not have, but I did. I even attempted to form an interest in other gentlemen, but there was nothing there, and I could not do it. It was not until then that I knew I loved you.”

“We will work out our problems. I won’t allow you to be estranged from your family. I couldn’t be that selfish.”

“Well.” Henrietta cupped his cheek. “We have one, possibly two of my family on my side.”

His eyes widened in surprise. “Your grandmother, and who is the other person?”

“Merton. He told me his main concern was my sister, but he would not stand in our way. It might be because he knows what it is like to want to marry against a woman’s guardian’s wishes.”

“Worthington didn’t want him to marry your sister?”

“No.” She shook her head. “I did not know about that until recently.”

Nate drew Henrietta close to him again. “I hope someday Merton and I can be friends once more. But right now I have three questions to ask you.” Regretfully, he loosened his hold on her. “I made free with your name without your permission. May I call you Henrietta, and will you call me Nate?”

Her brilliant green eyes looked as if they were swimming in water, but she was smiling, so it couldn’t be bad. “Yes and yes.”

He dropped to one knee and took her hands. “Will you do me the honor of being my wife and helpmate, the mother of my children, and my love for the rest of our lives?”

Tears trembled on the rim of her eyes and tumbled over. “I will, gladly.”

Nate rose to his feet, took out his handkerchief, and dabbed the tears from her cheeks. “Who do I ask for permission to marry you?”

The tears stopped, and a calculating look entered her eyes. “That is a bit harder. The understanding Merton has with my father is that my father will go along with his decision.” She tapped one finger against Nate’s chest. “In our case, I believe we must get my grandmother involved to speak to my parents.”

“My mother and I are dining with her this evening. I will speak with her then.”

“I am dining with her as well.” Although Henrietta was looking at him, he knew she wasn’t seeing him; then her eyes refocused. “I should not be surprised. I think she has been promoting a match between us. Although”—her finger started tapping against him again—“she might have a good idea as to how we go about gaining permission to wed.”

Knowing what he did of the formidable older lady, he had no doubt. “Shall we allow ourselves to be guided by her?”

“I think we must. She was the one who made it possible for my mother and father to marry.”

“In that case she must know what she is doing.” At least, Nate hoped she did. “Once we do have permission, how soon do you wish to wait before we wed?”

Henrietta slowly shook her head. “Not long at all. Before the Season begins.”

He took her in his arms again, then heard a baby cry. “We should be going.”

“If we must.” She shook out her rumpled skirts. “Shall we tell everyone and swear them to secrecy?”

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