Home > Getting Gold (The Draak Legacy Book 2)(2)

Getting Gold (The Draak Legacy Book 2)(2)
Author: Xavier Neal


Coming to an abrupt stop beside them, I lower my jaw to say something sexy and clever yet am shockingly speechless.




This is a first.




And so is that.


Gold never gets involved in matters of the dick. It’s not his nature. Or at least it wasn’t his way before last night. Even then, he didn’t exactly speak up. He huffed and puffed until I fucked off elsewhere.


He was probably just hungry.


He’s always hungry.


We’re always hungry.


And looking at the surprisingly tall, light-honey brown-skinned Sleeper female – or human as they prefer to be called – seems to be making us hungrier in a new, never felt before fashion.






Not like that.




What did I just say?








I said no.




Didn’t you take a vow of silence or some shit? Why’d you fucking break it?




Yeah, no. No, thank you. Not today. Not ever. Not even if she were made entirely of jicama, which you know I can’t in good conscience ever resist. I have no fucking interest in –




His growls of unhappiness rattle my chest inevitably collecting the attention of the wavy, short-haired warrior. Her dark brown gaze narrows at the same time she bites, “You his fucking partner in crime?!”


“I’m…,” I struggle to make my brain and vocal cords connect while simultaneously battling Gold for the right words, “I’m his mate.”




“Your mate.”




“No.” My head quickly shakes during the continued mental skirmish. “I didn’t fucking mean that.”




Shut it!


“I meant-”


Finishing the sentence becomes increasingly improbable after seeing her stamp down on his dick again prior to taking another stab at his throat. “Stay down!”


For Dragons Sake, why is watching her be violent so fucking sexy?




Oh, you’re gonna have to knock that shit right the fuck off.


Groans from the injured elf echo around the empty store yet don’t prevent her from investigating, “What the hell did you mean?”


The M word is almost propelled by Gold once more prompting me to practically yell, “I’m on your fucking side!”


“Prove it,” she immediately demands. “Call the fucking cops.”


I can’t.


I don’t trust them.


Not with this.


Not with a company as powerful as Magitek.


And I need answers I know I’ll never get if I turn him over.


Cops in this realm are typically more of a hinderance than help.


Desperation to please her – a foreign feeling I don’t approve of – aggressively clashes into instinct, which is demanding that I kill him if I can’t question him, leaving me to scramble up a half-thought-out suggestion I hope she takes. “You call the cops.”


Her pierced right eyebrow quirks up in question.


The elf prepares to reach for the handle, and I instantly pin the arm against the ground, breaking the bone with a simple twist of the heel. He shrieks in agony at the new pain while I state calmly to the female, “You call them, that way you know they’re actually being called, and you don’t have to second guess me.”


There’s hesitation to cave.


To trust me.


I don’t know why it hurts so fucking much but it undeniably does.




Fuckin’ D. Stop saying that!


“I swear I’m not here to hurt you.”




Thank fuck, you’re not in control of this conversation. Shit would be so much worse than it already fucking is.


She releases a deep sigh and shoves the cleaning tool my direction. “I have other shit I can defend myself with.” The glare I’m tossed twitches my slacks-covered cock. “I’d think twice about fucking me.”


I’ve already thought about that at least six times.


Who the fuck could blame me?


How I can think about anything other than holding her wrists down in one hand above her lithe frame and making that messy bob of hers even messier from the way I’m fucking her is beyond me.


For Dragons Sake, they should be pinning a medal of honor to my chest right now for the amount of willpower I’m demonstrating.






Even he can only focus on one thing.


Rather than spout a single thought I’ve had, I take the offered object, snap it in half over my knee, and extend the bristle end back towards the untrusting female.


The corner of her lip curls upwards as it’s shifted into her grip, and I damn near choke to death on the groan that I’m trying to swallow.


She sneers at the sound during her steps backwards, leaving me to poorly play off the coughing noises as something unrelated to her sexiness.


This proves it.


The Great Ones really do hate me.


I’ve always had my suspicions but making me look like a total idiot in front of the most attractive creature I’ve ever laid eyes on simply solidifies it.


Once the female’s body reaches the edge of the nearby checkout counter, she picks up her work phone starting an interrogation clock I’m not at all thrilled to be fucking racing.


I swiftly adjust my stance so that the elf’s other arm meets the same fate as the first. He howls from the new pain prompting me to smirk in pride for some unknown reason.












Fuck me, can’t you go back to just rarely speaking?


“Tell me if test subject K2347 is still alive.”


His shoulders continue to thrash in a desperate attempt to lift himself out of my grasp.


An overdramatic sigh slips free prior to me plopping my ass down on his chest, crushing the bones underneath it. Placing the sharp piece of wood against the side of his neck, I repeat my command, “Tell me if test subject K2347 is still alive.”

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