Home > Getting Gold (The Draak Legacy Book 2)(29)

Getting Gold (The Draak Legacy Book 2)(29)
Author: Xavier Neal

Admitting that my last encounter was the night before we met was done for me by my baby brother.


I think he was punishing me, but I can’t remember for what.


Pretty sure I was kinder to him when he met his Fated Mate.






Most likely not.


I’m a bit of a dragonhole, but a funny one.


Happy and thankful for the fact the last male was so long ago, I stand, plant a soft kiss on her glossed lips, and coo, “I told you you were a good Fated Mate.”


She releases a small snicker and pushes me away. “Go change.”


Enroute to the closet space near the large floor to ceiling window, I inquire, “Where should we go to dinner to celebrate tonight? Sushi? That steakhouse you like to pretend you don’t want to eat at whenever we’re shopping anywhere near it?”


“Oooo,” Ana hisses in an attention-grabbing way. “Can we celebrate tomorrow night instead?”


My stride ceases two steps away from the area housing my change of wardrobe, and my frame pivots to face her. “Why?”


“Tonight’s the opening night of the annual Dreki County Fair and Carnival. It’s tradition for all of us to go as a family. It has been since we were kids. We didn’t get large, extravagant vacations. We got a trip to the fair and carnival, since kids get in for free and the rides cost nothing. When Dad was alive, he would buy us all cotton candy, but after he died, Mom could barely afford the time off just to take us, so we learned to either save our pennies or get creative about staying fed during the fun.”


I do my best to smile at the sweet part of the story versus scowl at the sadness it’s filled with.


“Despite the fact we’re adults now, we still all get together to ride rides and play games. They typically pay for my food, though. I damn sure don’t have that kind of cash just lying around.”


“I’ll pay for your food tonight.”


Her face scrunches in confusion.


“You said it’s tradition for family to go.”




“Well, now I’m part of the family.”


She pulls her lips to one side to prevent herself from arguing.


Okay, so the shit isn’t official yet. We aren’t bonded, but it’s coming. I know it is. Gold and I can literally feel it every time she falls asleep in our arms. I won’t push it; however, I won’t let her deny that it’s going to happen either.


“Sounds like fun.” I back up towards the closet to resume changing. “We used to have annual lake camping trips growing up. Dad would lead the charge on hunting Ynnekrettel. Sometimes it would take all day to find one, but it was always worth it. We would watch him take it down, hangout nearby just in case there were a herd of them, and then he’d cook it over an open fire of his flames.” Toeing off my shoes is followed by a goofy grin. “There used to be nothing cooler than watching the big d, lie on his back in dragon form, and roast one on a log between his teeth. We used to take turns making it spin while Mom fussed over making sure there were enough potatoes or turnips to go with it.” Fondness for the family I miss continues to linger in my gaze. “I miss doin’ shit like that.”


“What’s Ynnekrettel?”


“They’re a lot like cows but a lot bigger.” Stripping my pants begins. “And neon pink. And moo acid. Plus, they have two yudders instead of one. Oh! And it’s the males who have the yalves.”


“Lucky yitches.”


Chuckling at her comment occurs before slipping out of my boxer briefs.


“We should bring that family trip back,” Ana sweetly proclaims at the same time she leans against the edge of the table. “Family traditions are so fucking important. Especially ones like that. They provide opportunities to share stories or moments of guidance that may not be easy to present in day-to-day life. Many cultures have ‘coming of age’ events that signify the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Perhaps this was your family’s version of that.”


“Maybe.” I slide on a pair of clean underwear and sigh, “Sadly, hunting Ynnekrettel is illegal now, so we can’t do the trip exactly like we used to.”


“We can make a few modifications. I think our kids would love it.”


Hearing her make the declaration we’ll be having them stirs both my cock and Gold awake.




I kind of have a meeting to get to.




Fucking her for the first time on my favorite office rug is not nearly as romantic as you’re thinking.




Soon…For Dragons Sake, I hope soon.


“Roughin’ it for a few days is good for the soul,” she insists on a small smirk. “Maybe we take our nieces and nephews too. Shifter nieces and nephews. Like Minnie.”


“Is she going to be there tonight?”


Ana slowly nods and folds her arms firmly across her chest. “She would love to see you again. She talks about you all the time.”


“I’m very loveable.”


“Did you say punchable?” my Fated Mate teases while I tug on new pants. “I heard punchable.”


“Why do I get the feeling you don’t want me to come?”


“It’s not that I don’t want you to come…”


“Not the vibe you’re kicking out, Tiny Toes.”


She winces at the announcement.




“It’s just that you like barely survived meeting one of my fucking brothers. Meeting all six may actually fucking kill you, and I’m just not ready for that funeral. I don’t even have an appropriate dress that I could consider wearing.”


Her concern, presented in a playful way, warms me along with Gold.




Me too.


“You have nothing to worry about, Tiny Toes. I’m a big dragon-”


“Yeah, you are,” she childishly winks.


“I can handle myself.”


“He says while he still has all his fingers…”


Ditching the button up shirt, I slightly shift topics, “I’ve got a personal meeting right after work, so are we riding together once I’m finished, or do you need to be there earlier?”


“We can ride together…” Her unsteady nerves have her reaching for the M&M’s off the table. “It’ll probably be better if we show up like a united front.”

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