Home > Getting Gold (The Draak Legacy Book 2)(46)

Getting Gold (The Draak Legacy Book 2)(46)
Author: Xavier Neal


Her snark receives a stare of disapproval from P yet internal chuckles from us.


“You would prefer for me to stay inside away from the direct line of fire – and distract others away from asking questions regarding where my Fated Mate and pretty pink ex flew the coop to – rather than join them in an ass-kicking adventure.”


P folds his arms firmly across his chest. “Not prefer, Ana. You are not permitted to join them in handling a wolf pack.”


His mistake.


You can’t control a creature like Ana.


It’s what I love and hate most about my Fated Mate.


She twitches him a narrowed stare yet doesn’t agree to his terms.


“Say it,” P demands like the commander she claims him to be. When he’s met by refusal, he grunts, “Say it or don’t fucking go.”


A wave of resentment rolls over her with such force Gold and I both can’t help but lightly nuzzle her side. She leans slightly against us at the same time she bites, “I will not fight a pack of wolves.”


My big brother nods in approval prior to redirecting his attention to me and our cousin. “This is a rescue mission. Bringing Krystie home is the main objective. Any Magitek shit you find or leads you may cross, leave it. Get on that yacht, get her off that yacht, come home in one fucking piece. Z and I will not be burning a single dragon body to ash tonight.”


“You probably wouldn’t actually find out ‘til morning,” Ana needlessly points out.


His eyes widen in outrage while his face reddens in anger.


Tiny Toes…


He started it!


“Everything will be fine, P,” Karry announces and makes her way our direction. “Calm down.” Her hand delivers a small pat to his back as she passes by. “Have some faith in your family.” She shoots me a warm stare. “I sure the fuck do.”


My head tips in gratitude her direction.


Our time together in the sheets may have ended, but that doesn’t necessarily mean our friendship has to. Perhaps, I’ll master the art of not wanting to vomit every time she’s within range. This fake date bullshit will be a good test of those skills.


To my surprise, P backs down, nods his head, and steps away to allow us room to take flight.


While Karry could fly – contrary to what some Sleepers think, flamingos really can do that – dragons fly faster and undetected, which is why having her ride Ozsean is a better idea.


She damn sure isn’t allowed to ride me.


I honestly don’t know who would raise more hell, Gold or Ana.


“Thank fuck, I’m not afraid of heights, right?” my Fated Mate teases as she prepares to climb on my back. “So, can I side pony this shit or do my legs have to be in pigtails?”




Excuse you, Gold, I prefer unconventional. Better marketing, something you can appreciate A.D.


Very much so.


“Like you’re riding a horse,” Karry informs at the same time she hoists herself onto Ozsean. “And you’re going to want to hold on tight. Free falling from those heights isn’t exactly fun.”


“I’m more worried about flashing twat to everyone in first class,” Ana announces before mounting me on my neck.


They won’t be able to see us. While, yes, we do soar above the clouds, we have our transparency shimmers turned on. Practically makes us, and whoever is attached, invisible to onlookers.


That’s pretty fucking handy.


I wanna add “and handy while fucking” but it seems like a bad idea.


Once both females are settled comfortably, we launch into the crisp night air. Gliding side by side with one of my favorite cousins – periodically nudging him back into a higher position or giving him a boost of wind for more speed – brings back memories from childhood. I share them with Ana – not only to help distract her from the bursts of fear I can feel she’s having but to give her more insight to the life I’ve led and the family that’s now her family. With O and I close in age – only two days apart – we naturally spent more time hanging out. Getting into trouble together. And by into trouble, I, of course, mean the sexual kind.


We absolutely share a mantra of “if it fits, consents, and brings merriment” we’re game.


Well, shared.


I’m a one creature being now.


And so fucking happy about it.


Our descent gets a little rockier than anticipated due to a shift in the wind. Ana clutches on tighter forcing me to adjust my movements to compensate for the additional resistance she’s adding.


When we finally land in the empty area close enough to the yacht entrance, the ground underneath both O and I slightly concaves prompting Ana to inquire, “Is this why so many parking lots have fucking potholes?”


Transitioning into my Awaker form is followed by releasing a small chuckle. “Depends on who you ask.”


Once Karry’s feet are steady on the asphalt, O launches into the air, glides towards the nearby water, and dives in. She presents me with an exasperated expression afterward. “That was the worst ride of my entire fucking life.” Her hands rush to yank down her dress. “And that includes the one time in college when I let a drunk chimera take me home.”


“Water dragons are shit flyers.” I innocently shrug and adjust the sleeves of my blue blazer. “I warned you.”


“Fuck, I might just take a cab home,” she grumbles while battling her fiery hair.


All of a sudden, Ana reaches over and collectively scoops all of Karry’s locks to one side of her face. Afterward, she pulls a small bottle from her purse, sprays the edges, gently smooths them back down, and uses a bit more of the liquid to liven up the fallen volume. It only takes a couple minutes, yet my ex looks like she’s been at the salon for hours all over again.


Karry flashes her a small smile. “Thanks.”


“It’s my job.” The words are presented in a teasing fashion. “Remember?”


Hungry grumbles linger in my throat pushing me to lean over to kiss my other half when fingers that make me nauseous swiftly intervene. “None of that.”


Grunting in objection is instant.


“We’re too close to the party, A.D.” Her expression becomes scolding. “And we both know the paparazzi isn’t opposed to getting shots in parking lots when they haven’t been invited in.”


“Fucking vultures,” Ana quietly grouses.


“Some of them actually are,” Karry offhandedly informs before redirecting her stare to me. “It’s bad enough you’re gonna have to keep that hand in your pocket all night,” she motions to my left one, “to hide your bonding band. Let’s not add more obstacles to the situation – like explaining why I let my cousin who is new to the biz make out with my boyfriend right before the party.”

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