Home > He Said Together (The Lost Corisis #3)(20)

He Said Together (The Lost Corisis #3)(20)
Author: Ruth Cardello

“Not everyone would brag about being an escort,” I joked. No one laughed—not him, not the men around him. Tough crowd.

He removed his mirrored sunglasses. “Your relationship to Mr. Corisi is slowly becoming known. There’s no going back to the life you had before.”

“Excuse me?” If he was trying to sell getting on the plane behind him, he was failing miserably. Was he referring to dancing? I’d already left that behind. If anyone thought they could keep me from Jade they had some serious rethinking to do.

“You’ve been protected since we heard of your existence. To some degree there will always be someone watching your back. They’re trained to take a bullet for you if necessary. Try to appreciate them.” He replaced his glasses. “Follow me, Mr. Ragsdale.”

I did only because refusing to wouldn’t have gotten me the answers I needed. “Is the redhead escorting me too?” I had more questions for her.

The man stopped, turned on his heel, and in a low, deadly voice, said, “That redhead is my wife and the only one she escorts who lives is me.”

I held my breath. I would bet my life this guy had taken the lives of others. He had that vibe.

Then he smiled. “See, I can joke too. Come on, that was funny, the only thing that would have made it better is if you’d pissed yourself.”

I shook my head. “You’re fucking with me?”

“A little,” he said with a chuckle. “Alethea is my wife, but I don’t have to go to battle for her, she’s a one-woman battalion on her own.” He nodded toward the plane. “You’re about to enter a very different world than you’re used to, but you’re not alone. We’re all hoping this works out.”

“How long have you worked for my brother?”

“Decades. He took a chance on me when no one else would. I owe him more than I could ever repay. Technically I’m the head of his security team, but he’s made sure that I’m also financially set on my own. If you’re ever interested in owning a secret bunker, I’m your man.”

“Why would I need a bunker?”

“You wouldn’t ask that if you saw the ones I design.”

Since we were talking frankly, I decided to be upfront with him. “Adjust the focus of your lens back to include reality. I’ll be happy to see a regular paycheck coming in again—and that will go toward rent, a car, and school. If I do really well, I might splurge for some healthcare coverage.”

Marc didn’t say anything for a moment. I could feel him reassessing me. “You really do want nothing from Dominic.”

“Oh, I want something.” His eyebrows shot up. I continued, “He needs to look me in the eye and assure me that he’ll be kind to my mother and sister. They’re the only reason I want to meet him.”

Marc nodded without saying more and led me onto a plane so large that I felt ridiculous in it. The inside was insanely spacious and ultra-modern. It screamed of self-indulgence and a lack of concern for the environment. “So, what, he’s flying me and an entire football team to see him?” I referenced different sitting areas, some with standard seating, some with couches. There was even a conference table.

“Don’t tease Dominic about his plane. It’s a sensitive subject.”

I shook my head as I looked around at it. “So, I’m not the only one who thinks it’s gaudy and a monumental waste of money?”

Marc shrugged. “He realizes that, but it also has sentimental value to him. It is being meticulously maintained instead of being swapped out for a newer model.”

“Sentimental value?”

“This is the plane he used to kidnap the woman who is now his wife. They were dating and she was going to leave him, so he flew her off to his private island. Twenty-plus years later they’re still together, so who am I to judge?”

“You’re joking, right?” He wasn’t. “I read that wasn’t true.”

“You still believe what the media tells you? How about the Easter bunny? Is he real to you?”

I chose a seat beside a window. Dominic kidnapped people? If that wasn’t a red flag, I didn’t know what was. “Are you trying to get me to not trust Dominic? If so, relax, I already don’t.”

Marc frowned. “If that’s what you think, I’m doing this wrong.”

I buckled myself in as if everything was completely normal. A woman came by to ask if I’d like a drink. I declined.

Dominic Corisi wasn’t someone people said no to. I’d said no to him from the get-go and was all that stood between him and whatever he planned for my family. What would a man like him do with an obstacle? I decided to pass on ingesting anything until I knew.

The plane’s engine started, and we taxied down a runway. Marc took a seat across from me and belted himself in. “This will be a short flight. We’re heading to Martha’s Vineyard. A little over two hours.”

I let out a breath and sat back. “The location doesn’t matter.”

“Hey, you should cut Dominic some slack. He’s trying.”

That brought steel to my eyes. “I’m here. If he wants more than that, he’ll have to prove he deserves it.”

Marc slapped his hands on his knees. “You’re enough like him that this will either go really well or you’re going to kill each other.”

I could have said it would never come to that, but I chose honesty instead. “Either outcome is fine with me as long as my family is safe . . .”

Marc pocketed his glasses and wiped a hand across his face. “That’s something Dominic would say.” He cleared his throat. “Except, he already considers you family, so he’d be including you in that last part.”

I stared him down. “Right now, he’s nothing to me. All I’ve ever had was my mother and sister.” And now Jade, but I wasn’t bringing her into the equation. “That’s all I need.”

Marc sighed. “I hope this trip changes your mind.”

I didn’t tell him I doubted it would. We’d both said about all there was to say. I leaned back and closed my eyes. By now Jade would have woken and found the note I left for her.






I woke to my alarm and the realization that Kal was gone. He’d said he intended to reach out to his brother that morning. I’d offered to call in to work, but there’d been no way to know if he’d receive an answer from the number he’d been given.

There was a chance, of course, that Kal had simply gotten up early and gone for a run, but I knew that wasn’t the case. The scientist in me marveled at how certain I was of his absence prior to confirming it. I felt that he was gone—it was as simple and as powerful as that.

When I rolled onto my side there was a crunch of paper. I felt around my pillow until I found a handwritten note. I’ll be back as soon as I can. Thank you for understanding that I have to do this. – Kal

As emotions welled up inside me, I called Nikki and merged Sasha in. “He left,” I said with a thick voice.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Sasha said instantly.

“For good?” Nikki asked.

“I hope not,” I said then stopped myself from going down that dark rabbit hole. “No. He’ll be back. He has a few things he needs to do first.”

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