Home > Her Broken Pieces (Fallen Kingdom #2)(50)

Her Broken Pieces (Fallen Kingdom #2)(50)
Author: Rachel Leigh

Dad walks behind me to set the hot dogs down beside the fruit bowl. He leans close and whispers in my ear, “It’s just a few hours. We can get through this if we stick together.”

I laugh, knowing that we will get through it because we have every year since I joined this family. “It’s all about teamwork,” I tell him.

I’m wiping down an empty picnic table when I catch Cal out of the corner of my eye. He’s playing catch with Benji, Mark’s new girlfriend’s son. I smile at the sight. It won’t be long, and he’ll be playing catch with our little guy.

He glances in my direction, catching my stare. His back straightens, and he winks, right before the ball smacks him in the stomach. Cal curls over, exaggerating, while Benji laughs hysterically. “Did you see that, Mark. I hit that guy with the ball.”

Mark looks over his shoulder at Benji, who now has the ball back. “Aww, I missed it, bud. Why don’t ya do it again so I can see?”

I swat Mark with the rag in my hand. “Be nice.”

“Hey, I’m here. He’s here. No one’s killed anyone yet. I think it’s a good start.”

Dropping the rag on the counter, I place a hand on my growing bump. “Please just try.”

Mark throws his hands out. “This is me trying.”

“Okay. Please try harder. You’ve both made some mistakes. Some much bigger than others. I’ve forgiven you for a lot of shit, now please just forgive him.”

“Forgive him for almost getting us both killed through his game of manipulation? Or forgive him for luring you into his darkness and putting a ring on your finger while knocking you up, so you’re stuck forever?”

“I’m not stuck, Mark. I’ve loved Cal since I was a little girl, and if you can’t see that, then you can turn your head and pretend we don’t exist, for all care.”

Maybe it’s my hormones, or maybe it’s because I’m being rational for once. My parents and Cal have made amends, and they’ve agreed to welcome him into the family with loving arms. In fact, he and my dad are talking right now.

Shit. They’re talking. I toss the rag at Mark and hurry over to them, hoping I’m not too late before one of them puts a foot in their mouth and a brawl begins at our annual family picnic.

I step beside Cal, listening in on the conversation.

“Stocks are predicted to skyrocket within the next couple months. Now’s a good time to hit the ground running.”

I breathe a sigh of relief. Just a boring conversation about stocks.

“Hey, hun,” Dad says, poking a finger at my arm. “I see you managed to escape your crazed mom.”

I look over and see her piling plates, napkins, and cutlery in Mark’s arms. He glances in my direction and scowls. “Yeah. I think she’s got help for the time being.”

“Listen, you two,” Dad begins while my pulse quickens. Here we go. “We’re really happy for you guys. Cal, I know we got off to a rocky start, but I can see the way you look at my little girl. I trust that she’s in good hands.”

My heart doubles in size. “Thanks, Dad. I am in good hands. Cal’s the love of my life.”

Dad extends a hand to Cal. “Welcome to the family, Callum.”

I look up at Cal, who is just standing there, staring at my dad’s hand like it’s contaminated. I give him a nudge, and he snaps out of his slumber, then finally shakes my dad's hand. “Thank you, sir.”

“Well, I better go check in with the old ball and chain. I’ll hear about it later if I don’t.”

Cal and I both laugh as my dad walks away. Once we’re alone, I turn to face him and take both of his hands in mine. “You okay?”

He stares past me as if he’s deep in thought, then finally says, “He welcomed me into your family.”

I squeeze his hands and give him a reassuring look. “This is your family now, Cal.”

“Ironic, isn’t it? Thirteen years ago, we were preparing to get adopted into this family together, and now we’re both part of it.”

“It’s not ironic.” I kiss his lips. “It’s fate.”

We’re interrupted when Mark joins our side. I take a step back, still holding Cal’s hands. Mark needs to see that this is real. That I am marrying Cal and spending the rest of my life with him. Even if I have to shove our relationship down his throat, he will see that I choose Cal. Today, tomorrow, and forever.

Mark rubs his hands together, glancing back and forth from me to Cal. “All right. I’m not good with this shit, so here goes.” He inhales deeply. “Bella, I know we haven’t always been close, but you're my sister, and I love you. Cal, I know we have a rocky past and we both did some stupid shit, but I love my sister. Therefore, I’m willing to let bygones be bygones, if you’re cool with that.”

Well, damn. I didn’t think he had it in him. I know Mark loves me and the reason he’s been so cold toward Cal is because he wants to protect me. It’s his own fucked-up way of being a good brother.

I look at Cal, who seems hesitant. But I’m hopeful he’ll swallow his pride and put the past where it belongs.

When he drops my hand and offers it to Mark, I let out, yet another, sigh of relief. “Works for me.”

Mark shakes his hand, then resumes helping Mom and Nina, his girlfriend, with the canopy.

It’s a step in the right direction and I’m so grateful that Mark came over here. I know it wasn’t easy for either of them.

“I’m proud of you,” I tell Cal. He brushes it off like it’s no big deal, but it is a big deal to me. Cal and Mark are actually a lot alike. Stubborn as hell, protective, and terrible baseball catchers.

“Anything for you, babe,” he finally says, laying one on my lips. His hands cup my belly, fingers grazing gently, when I suddenly feel the baby kick. His eyes widen and he looks at me. “Tell me that wasn’t just your breakfast from this morning.”

I laugh. “That wasn’t my breakfast. That was our baby boy. He must know Daddy is touching his mommy.”

“Well,” Cal nuzzles up to me, “he better get used to it because I plan on touching Mommy a lot.”

I look down at my stomach. “You hear that, Jaxon Peter Blake, Daddy’s making promises he better keep.” I look back up at Cal. “Because I can’t get enough of you, Mr. Blake.”

His lips press to my forehead, holding their place. “Good. Because you’ve got me for the rest of your life, soon-to-be Mrs. Blake.”









“Holy shit. I didn’t think it was possible to be this nervous.” I’m talking to myself, adjusting my bow tie in the mirror of my bedroom. When you plan a wedding, you learn a lot about yourself. Like how many friends you don’t have. Bella wanted to have a huge bridal party. Unfortunately, I’m a lone wolf, so I couldn’t match her six bridesmaids. We settled on a maid of honor—she chose Cherry—and a best man—mine being Mark.

Mark and I aren’t exactly friends, but when you lack relationships with other humans, it’s damn near impossible to find someone to stand next to you on your big day. Doesn’t matter anyways. I don’t need anyone but Bella. It’s been proven to me time and time again that friendships aren’t all they're cracked out to be. Everyone I’ve encountered in life has betrayed me in one way or another—all except Bella. And Peter, but he’s not with us any longer.

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