Home > Ferrara(2)

Author: T.L. Swan


We pull up at a checkpoint and a man comes to the window, he dips his head and opens the oversized metal gates.

As we drive through, I look back out the rear window at the gates slowly sliding closed behind us and the guards all standing around.

Fuck, I thought our house had hard-core security, but this place is next-level. The car pulls into a circular driveway area, another group of men stand around.

What are they all doing? Do they work here, or is some kind of meeting going on? Maybe this is a group interview thing?

“Just act natural,” my mother whispers.


The door opens and a man steps back and nods. “Angelina, lovely to see you.”

“Thank you, Mario.” My mother smiles softly as she climbs out of the car.

His eyes find mine.

“Giuliano, it’s a privilege to meet you, sir.” He dips his head.

I frown, how does he know my name?


“This is a great day.” He smiles to my mother and holds his hand toward the front door. “This way.”

We walk up the huge sandstone steps and my mother knocks on the door, I glance back to see everyone standing around watching us.

What are they all doing?

This is fucking weird.

The door opens in a rush. Large brown eyes meet mine and not the friendly kind.

I instantly feel uneasy.

“Enrico,” my mother says softly.

“Hello,” he says coldly as his eyes stay fixed on me.

How rude.

Who the fuck does this guy think he is?

“This is my son, Giuliano. Giuliano, this is Enrico Ferrara.”

He glares at me and then puts his hand out. “Hello.”

I reluctantly shake it. He’s tall with dark hair, olive skin and brown eyes. He has this aura around him of power.

Animosity swims between us like a tangible force.

I get the feeling he doesn’t like me and that suits me fine, because I already know that the feeling is mutual.

Rich, spoilt prick.

Like fuck I’m ever working for him.

“Please, come in.” He turns and walks up the hallway and I give a subtle shake of my head to my mother, she hits my leg.

“Giulio, please,” she whispers. “You promised.”

I may be a lot of things, but a good actor isn’t one of them. My father always said that my honesty was my greatest strength and yet, my greatest weakness.

We walk out into the kitchen area, and I lock eyes with a girl. She’s around my age and has long dark hair and porcelain skin, with the most unusual eyes I’ve ever seen.

We stare at each other and my heart somersaults in my chest.

Who is she?

“This is Olivia.” He points to a hot blond woman. “And this is Francesca, my sister.”


My eyes flick to him, his sister…fuck it.

They all continue to talk, but Francesca and I just stare at each other as the air swirls, the physical attraction between us is palpable.

I feel hot and flustered, excited, very unlike me.

An awkward silence falls over the room.

“Francesca, why don’t you show Giuliano around the property?” Enrico asks her.

She gives me a shy smile and I feel it all the way to my toes. “Okay.” She gestures to the door and I follow her. We go out onto a large patio area and down some steps, then we walk out across the lawn toward the lake.

She stays silent and seems nervous, while I can’t take my eyes off her.

Seriously, she’s the hottest girl I’ve ever seen in my life. She makes me feel nervous and I’m never fucking nervous.

“Hello,” I force myself to say.


I try to hide my delighted smile and fail miserably. “And to think I didn’t want to come today.”

Her brow furrows. “Why do you say that?”

“Well.” Before I can stop myself, I whisper, “If I didn’t come, I wouldn’t have got to meet you and…. You’re just so—” I shrug as words fail me, “—beautiful.”

Her eyes widen as we walk down to the water’s edge, we look out over the lake. “It’s beautiful here.” I say.

She smiles, “It is.” She points to a house we can see in the distance, “I’m going to live in that pink house one day.” She announces proudly. “It’s my favorite house in Lake Como.”

I smile as I look at the house across the lake. “It's gorgeous.”

Like you.

We walk around the side of the house.

“Do you have a boyfriend?”

She gives a nervous shake of her head.

“Enrico is your brother?”


How have I never seen her before? “Do you live here?” I ask.

“No, I live in Milan.”

We walk up the back staircase and arrive into a grand hallway. I look up and down. “How many bedrooms are there?”


“Where’s the bathroom?”

A frown crosses her face, why did I ask that?

Where’s the bathroom, is that the best you can do…seriously?

Fuck, ace it up.

“It’s in here.” We walk in and I look around, it’s super modern and all white. A large stone bath is in the center of the room. Being alone with her in a small, confined space changes the mood between us and something comes over me as I instinctively close the door and step toward her.

“What are you doing?” She frowns.

I have no idea, but I can’t fucking stop myself. The pull to her is next-level, like nothing I’ve ever felt before.

“I want you to kiss me.”

Her eyes search mine. “I’ve never kissed anyone.”

Fuck yeah…she’s untouched.

I lose control of my head and cup her face in my hand. “I’m a good teacher.” Before she can reply I kiss her softly. My lips brush against hers and she doesn’t seem to mind, I kiss her again.

She’s soft and sweet and….


Every hair on my body stands to attention.


She smiles softly against me and parts her lips ever so slightly.

“That’s it,” I whisper. I trail my fingertips down her arms and feel the scatter of goose bumps on her skin. I take her hands, and she closes her fingers around mine.

She likes it.

We kiss again and again. “Open your lips,” I whisper.

She does as she’s told, and my tongue gently swipes against hers. “Oh,” she murmurs as if surprised.

I smile against her. “You’re a very good kisser, Francesca.” I hold my forearm out. “Look, goose bumps to match yours.”

She bites her bottom lip to stifle her smile. “Do you always kiss strangers in bathrooms?”

“No.” I lean forward and kiss her again. “You’re the first.” I snake my arms around her, and we move closer together.

The blood is rushing around my body at high speed and pooling right between my legs. Her eyes widen when she feels it.

Shit, she’s not this kind of girl.

What am I doing?

“I’m sorry,” I apologize as I take a step back from her. “I don’t know what’s come over me. I can’t help myself, you’re just so beautiful.”

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