Home > Along the Rio Grande (Love on the Santa Fe #1)(41)

Along the Rio Grande (Love on the Santa Fe #1)(41)
Author: Tracie Peterson

“I know you didn’t. I just know what others might think.”

He chuckled. “I didn’t think you cared what other people thought.”

“I don’t. Not really. I mean, goodness, I live at a hotel practically by myself.” She shook her head. “The trip sounds lovely. So I’d just stay at the hotel and read while you worked—is that it?”

He felt relieved that she wasn’t angry. “You could do whatever you liked during the day. I’ll have to be there a couple of days. I just thought you might enjoy getting away. We can ride the train there and back. There won’t be a charge for that. I’d even pay for your room at the hotel, but that really does sound inappropriate.”

This time she was the one to laugh. “Oh, listen to us.”

“We can explore Albuquerque in the evening hours and enjoy some time away. Doesn’t it sound good?”

“It does,” she said with a wistful expression. “I don’t know who will manage the hotel.”

“Your uncle is coming the Friday before. I’m sure he’ll put the fear of God back into your father and get him working again. Besides, just tell them you’re going to be away. Don’t let them keep you from enjoying your life.”


Susanna knew her feelings for Owen were growing each day, and she wasn’t sure what to do about it. He hadn’t spoken of being in love, just that he cared. Did that caring extend to something more permanent than mere friendship? Did she want it to? Owen was a good friend, and she enjoyed their time together. Could she fall in love with him?

This is silly. I barely know him, and yet here I sit, thinking about spending the rest of my life with him. What kind of fool am I?

Marriage was far too important a thing to decide after just a few months of friendship. Mother would say it was highly irresponsible even to allow such thoughts, and Susanna would have to agree. She would have to guard her heart.

But it wasn’t the action of someone guarding their heart to agree to go to Albuquerque unchaperoned—not that she really needed a chaperone as a widowed woman. Still, she didn’t want to ruin her reputation, but the idea of going away with Owen appealed to her in a way she couldn’t dismiss. She couldn’t ignore the way she thought about him most of the time, nor the way his appearance always seemed to quicken her heartbeat. It was much too late to guard her heart.

By the time they made it back to the hotel, Gary was there, and Owen took the opportunity to have a few minutes with him alone. Susanna busied herself in the kitchen. LeRoy and Owen had promised her some new cabinets, but so far there had been no time, and she was keeping her pans and canned food items in wooden crates. She wondered when the men might actually get around to remaking the place, since they worked full-time, and LeRoy had a family who needed him as well.

“I’m heading home now,” Owen said, returning with Gary. The two had taken a walk at one point, and Susanna wondered what they’d discussed. “LeRoy wanted you to know that we’ll be here on Saturday afternoon to work on the kitchen. Neither of us have to work overtime, so we’ll come and install the cabinets.”

“You’ve already made the cabinets?”

“Yup. We both worked a little after work each night. That’s where I’m heading now, actually. We don’t want you to have to wait long.”

She shook her head in wonder. “You two are much too kind, but I don’t want to cause problems for LeRoy with his family.”

“The boys want to help and will probably come on Saturday. They love to help their dad.”

“That would be fine. Lia can come too, if she wants. I don’t mind if they’re all here, although this room isn’t big enough. The boys have a way of filling a room.”

“That’s for sure.”

“Maybe Lia and I should go to her house and leave you all here to work.” She laughed.

“That might be a good idea. Maybe you and Lia could fix a big supper feast. Wouldn’t that be grand?” He headed for the door. “I’ll mention it to her. For now, I’ll say good night.”

“Good night, Owen.”

Susanna watched him leave, then turned to find Gary staring at her. He frowned and shook his head.

“What’s wrong with you?” she asked. “I’ve hardly seen you, and you look at me with such disgust.”

“I don’t like you getting all mushy over Owen.”

“What’s wrong with getting all mushy over Owen?” she asked.

Gary plopped down on the sofa and shook his head while Susanna went to the door and closed it for privacy from their hotel guests. There was a bell on the front counter that they could ring if they needed help.

“You don’t even know him,” Gary protested.

“No, not well,” Susanna admitted. “That’s why I like seeing him. I’m getting to know him.”

“He probably just wants to spend time with you because he knows about your money.”

“What do you know about my money?”

Gary shrugged. “I overheard Uncle Harrison say you’re a wealthy woman.”

“And you told Father. So that’s how he knew.”

“I didn’t mean to cause trouble for you, I just didn’t want him nagging me to give him my money. I figured it wasn’t that big of a deal.”

“Oh, you figured that, did you.” She stood at the end of the couch and put her hands on her hips. “And do you see now just how much of an ordeal it has turned into? I purposefully didn’t say anything to anyone because I didn’t want my money being the focus of anyone’s relationship with me. But for your information, I told Owen myself that I had money.”

“Then of course he’s gonna want to marry you.” Gary shook his head. “That was stupid.”

Susanna squared her shoulders. “My money and my relationships are my business. Stay out of it, Gary. All of it.”

“So you are in love with him.”

“I didn’t say that. But even if I was, it would still be none of your business. Honestly, I don’t know what’s gotten into you. You never used to act like this. Why don’t you tell me what’s really upsetting you lately? You haven’t been at all happy the last two days.”

“I don’t have to tell you anything.” His tone was bitter.

Susanna softened her voice. “No, of course you don’t have to. I just thought you might feel better if you did.”

“We had to move to the middle of nowhere, and I have to work a dirty job, and there’s nowhere to go for fun except a few pool halls and cardrooms. What’s to tell that you don’t already know? I hate it here. I can’t even try to go to college.”

“Do you want to go to college, Gary?”

He got up and started to pace. “It doesn’t matter what I want. Everyone has made that abundantly clear. I don’t even get to pick the department I work in.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Is that why you’re considering going off with your boomer friends?”

Gary stopped. “Did Owen tell you that?”

“He didn’t have to. I heard you talking to Herc about it.”

Gary turned around and crossed his arms. “I don’t know. The guys want me to go with them. They’re gonna leave next month. They’re tired of being here and tell me there’s a lot more going on in some of the other towns. Albuquerque, for example, and it’s not that far away.”

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